Knowing that he was in the way, Qiao Dang gave a salute and quickly retreated to the door.

"How is he? Or can't it be saved? " Zhou Jin asked.

Zheng Puyi was beside him and sighed, "this child's life is really miserable. In fact, it's my fault."

"Second brother, is good or bad is his life, things have passed." Jun Zilin said that after covering Lin Haojun with a quilt, he immediately turned to the topic: "you have to catch Mr. Zhang. Now there is no evidence."

"I've talked to Qiao Zhixian about it, but it's hard for him to accept it for the time being." Zheng Puyi replied, pressing his eyebrows with his hand, and his voice was faint.

Zhou Jin hears speech, simply way, "this king writes a letter to go back, change a capable person to come to hold a post, bridge file is incompetent, also destroyed this side common people."

"The king of Jin must not." Zheng Pu quickly stopped him and explained, "it's a bit complicated to make trouble for those mysterious people now. How can we say that qiaodang is familiar with this place? If another magistrate comes here, it will take a long time to be familiar with the local customs and customs here, which is not good for dealing with the mysterious people. Besides, after this incident, those mysterious people must have left, but we have lost a lot. "

The bodyguard was killed by dozens of people. Although there were four or five people left, they were also injured.

Zhou Jin was silent.

He doesn't know much about this place. Let's listen to Zheng Puyi.

Several people walked out of the door, Zheng Puyi looked at his sister, "why did the mysterious man want to capture you alive?"

"I don't know." Jun Zilin is too busy to think about it. She is surprised to be mentioned here. Before in Yafu, those people didn't seem to be ready to kill her.

"It looks like you were captured alive to threaten the Lord." Zheng said again.

"Unless those people want to need me, Mr. Zhang is secretly transporting medicinal materials to mysterious people, and I saved Mr. Lin in Lingzhou. If only I were in Lingzhou now, maybe one of the doctors that Mrs. Lin has invited for so many years is sent by a mysterious person. " Jun Zi Lin pondered and said, "mysterious people need me."

"My sister means that the mysterious man sent someone to treat young master Lin, but it didn't succeed. Then you saved him, and the mystery came to you? "

Junzilin nodded and said to his elder brother, "this time Lin Haojun was put back from the mysterious man's hand. There was a kind of toxin on him, which was a little similar to the previous one. That's what I suspect. "

"Old lady Lin once said that the poison on the young master came from his mother's womb." Jun Zilin thought and said, "at that time, I checked the poison on Lin Haojun's body, but I found that although his mother had been infected with arsenic when she was pregnant with him, she died after giving birth to her son, but arsenic has evolved into a kind of complex poison on young master Lin, but it is not single."

At this point, Jun Zilin gently smile, eyes raised ironic color, "at that time I was really simple, believe the old lady's words, but now it seems that the new poison of young master Lin is the same as his previous poison. This shows that Lin Haojun was once regarded as the object of drug research by mysterious people without knowing it. Now that Mrs. Lin is dead, there's no way to know if it's her tacit consent. "

"It can be like this!" It's amazing that Zheng Pu's family members have been moved.

Zhou Jin, who didn't speak all the time, half eyed: "if you untie this poison, what will happen?"

"Maybe the mysterious man won't rob me again. Maybe he just came to ask me for a prescription. It's that simple." Jun Zilin answers him that the mysterious man is smart enough to poison Lin Haojun. He knows he can't sit by and watch him. They want to see if they can make antidotes!

"In this way, we can't even go to find the Viper shooting grass." Zhou Jin chuckles, but his eyes are determined.

Jun Zilin didn't refute him. The place where Viper shoots grass grows is too dangerous to lose people's lives. Instead, he gets the antidote herb.

Now she is just trying to prolong Lin Haojun's life, without the use of Agkistrodon halys.

A group of people go forward, bridge magistrate specially made good tea.

In front of the king of Jin, qiaodang dare not say that there is something wrong with the suspicion of Zhang's eldest son. He scolded the eldest son of Zhang, and finally promised to catch the big devil who killed his father and brother!

Zhou Jin didn't say anything. He just turned to look at his concubine. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him. If the concubine is here, he will be here.

"At least I've taken care of the mystery man. So as not to drag on longer and longer. " Jun Zi Lin light cough, put down the cup, light said, and looked at the elder brother.

Zheng Puyi's head is broken when he hears the mysterious man!

These people are just like mice. They can't catch anything, and they are very good at martial arts.

If it goes on like this, he has to live here.

"Starting from Mr. Zhang, it will be easy to catch a living." Jun Zi Lin's eyes don't flash cold light, the tone says solemnly.

Qiaodang said the business he was staring at under master Zhang."The mysterious man must have closed all those secret transactions, but there will be some traces left behind. The confidants around Mr. Zhang should be severely interrogated. " Junzilin looks at zhuipeu and signals him to follow him, so as not to let the Yamen do enough work and miss the clue.

Chasing soul is ordered to leave.

After drinking a cup of tea, Jun Zilin heard the voice of the Yamen servant come in, "it's like the voice of a young man in the room of the princess!"

"Oh? Is he awake

Jun Zilin was so happy that she got up and ran out.

The small carving in the yard flew down from the tree with a "woo". Because of the previous injury, one of its wings hurt a little. It didn't fly very fast. Before it reached the ground, it fell to the ground.

Jun Zilin looks at the injured bird. She is angry and funny. She hasn't had time to take care of it.

He came forward and held it in his arms. He patted the dust off his body. Jun Zilin shook her head. "I'll give you medicine later. How can I forget you? Let's go, our stupid bird carving!"

"Wow! Wow, wow! "

Xiaodiao seems to understand the derogatory meaning of his master, and immediately wants to stretch his wings to decide with his master.

Jun Zi Lin can no matter how it is, only tightly in the arms.

"What an ugly bird." Zhou Jin walked beside her in a cool tone, but it was not difficult to see that the prince was jealous.

"Wow, wow!"

It seems to feel the mood of King Jin. Xiaodiao's belligerent intention is very strong. He flapped his wings on the spot to fight with Zhou Jin.

Jun Zilin hugged it tightly and turned to look at the man beside him, "don't mess with it. It hurts. This man has a bad temper."

"Why didn't anyone let me Zhou Jin made a stingy reply.

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