Zhuopu Ningmei looks inside the house, and a bubble rises in her heart. Although the princess is dressing up now, one day the forced search will spread and damage the reputation of the princess.

Besides, the Lord is near here. If you put these officers and soldiers in to search, you will not agree with him.

So, no matter what, these people can't step into this threshold. What's more, I just got some books from the Zeng mansion, and the princess is studying them in the house.

"You are going to search what kind of criminals you are going to commit, and tell them all!" Chase soul to take back eyes, looking at several people in front of.

Who knows that his appearance, in the eyes of these officers and soldiers, is the most guilty. Obviously, the wanted criminal must be in the room. Otherwise, why should this man look in the room!

"Come on, don't talk to him, coax people away, go in and search!"

At the same time, dozens of officers and soldiers rushed in.

These people don't know what to do!

The two palms made a sudden effort to chase their spirits, and immediately sent ten officers and soldiers out. Some of them directly rolled down the corridor, and some of them were shocked into the opposite room. In the blink of an eye, all the people in front of them screamed and left with a cruel word.

Looking at these people, I sighed. Who are these people? They are not right in name, and they can search the room casually. Who gave them so much power.

When things stopped, everyone ran away.

Chasing soul back to close the door, toward the house, "princess, people have been sent away."


Jun Zi Lin answered, but her eyes did not leave the books in front of her for a moment.

Originally, she was not supposed to be in charge of her own business. She didn't bother much. She just threw the book away and turned to Zhuo Po, "do you know what they are catching?"

Chasing soul shook his head, "these people, people are not people, officials are not officials, looking at the way is not right, come out to catch important criminals, there is no official arrest notice, subordinates look at them are not reliable."

Jun Zilin didn't say anything. She got up and walked towards the door. Suddenly, the magistrate of Diqiao burst in: "princess, something's wrong!"

"What's the matter?" Jun Zilin asked, worried that there was something wrong with Zeng Fu.

Qiaozhixian said hastily, "just now the people from the government came and said that they wanted to check the inn. The next official just came back. Unexpectedly, a large group of people from the government came and surrounded the inn directly. Madam, your identity... " Do you want to show it?

Later, he didn't dare to say anything, but he always felt that if the princess measured her identity, she would be very proud to attend the banquet of Zeng's house in the future.

But also free from the trouble of investigation!

Bridge file finish saying, Jun Zi Lin didn't reply, just take eyes looking at Chase soul.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into a sticky situation. The bridge stall didn't know what it was. He blinked his innocent eyes to see the princess and her bodyguard. He didn't guess what was going on.

"Princess, it's better to let the subordinates go down and meet them. If not, there will be a team of people. It's no big deal."

He said firmly that a team of people could cope with it. It was not difficult. He promised that he would not make trouble again.

"It's not good to make a big fuss. Forget it. Let's go." Jun Zi Lin sighed helplessly. She didn't expect that she would encounter this trouble again. She had to leave for a while, and then she changed her clothes and went to Zeng Fu to explore.

What's more, when there is a conflict here, it's not good for things to get out.

At the moment, Jun Zilin went back to the house to clean up, took all her things with her and made them into a small burden. She came to the door.

Qiao Zhixian glared at the door for half a day, and finally woke up. Pointing to zhuipeng, he was surprised and asked, "is it you, it's you..."

"Lord bridge, you'd better leave with us. Otherwise, if we do a careful investigation, I'm afraid you will also be affected by us. Hurry up and leave. " Chase soul don't give him the chance to say more, coldly charged a, turned to go inside the house, ready for the next thing.

"Oh, I'll go!"

Bridge file did not think much, hastened to return to the rest of the house to pack things.

When he packed up his things, his sticky head suddenly woke up: No, what am I doing? I'm the magistrate of Ya county. The people I follow are his royal highness and Princess of Jin. Who dares to do anything to me?

As soon as he threw away his burden and straightened his sleeves, he walked out with a straight face.

He's not going. He's going to stay.

Qiaodang is going to persuade zhuipeu to stay. We are not guilty. Why should we run. By the way, let's brag!

Unfortunately, as soon as he opened the door, the corridor at the door was blocked by officers and soldiers!

This time, the two men who had been shouting in front of the door were twice as serious as those who had been chasing in front of the door!Jun Zilin in the door, after hearing the voice outside, her delicate little face was gloomy for a moment.

She was not angry that she was called "important criminal" by others. What she cared about was that master Zeng's house had just been stolen by someone who wanted to steal it. In the twinkling of an eye, master Zeng could mobilize local officers and soldiers to catch "important criminal" without notice to the imperial court.

It turns out that this "important crime" is the crime given by Zeng family, not the court.

What a great power the Zeng family has!

When she came here, Jun Zilin still had some doubts. Maybe the "master Zeng" mentioned in the account book of Mr. Zhang was not the "master Zeng" of Chengzheng city. She even ordered her bodyguards to check other masters with Zeng's surname at the same time.

But now it seems that this Zeng family is not simple!

While thinking about it, the officers and soldiers outside have hit the door three times, and each time it makes a loud noise, knocking the door into the distance. If it had not been for the spirit chasing behind the door, the door would have been smashed.

"Do you want to open the door?"

Chase soul to turn head to see the princess walked to come over, immediately light voice ask a way.

He can resist for a while. But it's a great sin to let those bitches outside desecrate the face of the princess.

Jun Zi Lin Ning eyebrows to see, pursed tight lips, look very unhappy.

Zhuipu knew that she might be thinking about something else, but it was obvious that things could not be good at the moment. According to the princess's temperament, she would find out everything from beginning to end.

"We'll leave first and then come back."

Finally, Jun Zilin threw down a sentence, turned and walked towards the window, carrying a burden in her hand.

I'll follow you as soon as I see you.

He waved his hand and was about to move the big wardrobe next to him. First he blocked the door temporarily, and then he took the princess away.

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