Jun Zi Lin quickly got up, mouth urgent apology, one side to give him wipe.

"Don't be polite. Everyone has a problem. I'll go back and change." The owner of the robe turned back and looked at Jun Zilin. Wen Sheng said that he didn't mean to be angry.

The man has a good temper.

Jun Zilin thought. She looked up and saw that the man had a beautiful face and was smiling like the rosy clouds rising from the rising sun. At one glance, Jun Zilin was a little silly. How could she feel like seeing Zhou Jin for the first time? She was a little familiar. Although the people in front of her didn't look like Zhou Jin, they were also very beautiful!

Who is he.

"Sit down."

Zhou Jin called out, Jun Zilin sat back, "bang", almost fell his butt into four pieces!

She covered her buttocks and glared at the person beside her pillow. Looking back, the beautiful man had already left.

Did not look at the beautiful man, a cavity fire no place to vent, and see Zhou Jin is full of frost to see. Jun Zilin had to get angry with Mu Hanbo, "what are you talking about? What's a maid and her husband? You can find someone to see who has a maid and her husband?"

"If you're willing to set a precedent, don't you. It is also the blessing of the marquis. " Mu Hanbo is bored every day, looking for trouble to play. Seeing that Xiao lin'er is willing to pay attention to him, he immediately strikes back, as if he has found something new and interesting.

"You are getting worse and worse." Jun Zilin shakes her head. She doesn't care about Mu Hanbo. She is a normal person and doesn't fight with a fool.

"Isn't Xiao lin'er the man who likes bad mouth the most?" Mu Han Bo gave a bad smile. His eyes seemed to be with a hook. He looked at Jun Zilin with a soul.

I can't stand him!

Jun Zi Lin simply closed his mouth and drank porridge.

Fortunately, Zhou Jin was not jealous. Obviously, he also felt that what Mu Hanbo said was extremely unreliable.

After breakfast, Jun Zilin plans to go to Zeng's home to check some people who have contact with Su. But Zhou Jin said, "the medicine is in the house?"


Jun Zilin a little thought, remember, is durian herbal pills. She didn't take the medicine with her. However, it is clear that he has already given the medicine to Zhou Jian. How can he ask her?

"Get it upstairs." Zhou Jin gave a command, as if to a servant girl.

The sick man is the boss!

Jun Zi Lin sighed, and went upstairs to get the medicine.

"What medicine and who took it?" Marquis Mu asked immediately.

Zhou Jin looked back and suddenly raised a three-point smile at him. However, he suddenly hit Mu Hanbo on his hand. In a moment, marquis Mu hit him with a punch, snorted, hugged his stomach and bent down.

Satisfied to see his pain canthus teeth crack mouth, Zhou Jin this just Shi Shi ran up, hook the lips with a shallow smile, with a flying free and easy, go upstairs.

Jun Zilin took the medicine to hold, because of looking for a circle, did not see the medicine in the room, but Zhou Jin's blood attracted her attention.

Since yesterday, nearly six hours later, his blood has been divided into ten cups, each soaking in different solutions.

Jun Zilin one cup after another to see, compare the similarities and differences.

At this time, the door was pushed open. Jun Zilin heard the familiar footsteps. She said without looking back, "I didn't find the medicine just now. Do you remember wrong?"

The man behind didn't return to her at all. He just quietly put his arms around her waist, and then let her whole body cling to his broad chest, "Aifei." He gave her a warm call.


Jun Zilin closed her eyes and felt her husband's big palm caressing her hair and lips. Then she kneaded them gently.

She whispered and was forced to turn her head. Then she grabbed her red lips and said, "well Zhou Jin, it's still day. You... "

The most important thing is that the toxin on him is not clear, which will make each other very uncomfortable.

However, the next moment, instead of letting her go, Zhou Jin suddenly let her look directly at her and hold her tightly, "Aifei, do you like a man with a bad mouth?"


Jun Zilin wakes up from her love. She can't understand Zhou Jin's words. When she looks back, she knows that it's just Mu Hanbo's words. But Zhou Jin was not jealous at that time. Why did he come here now to find the back account.

"Oh, no, we have to investigate the case. No, eh!"

His body was suddenly thrown on the table, and then Zhou Jin was pressed down

Hot general desire, that moment would like to let this man will be filled.

But Zhou Jin didn't!

"Zhou Jin, you You, um Enter Go in

Jun Zi Lin wriggles waist branch, breathing out the breath is burning. Now I can't care if he is poisoned. Now she just wants him!

"Isn't Aifei a man with a bad mouth?" Zhou Jin was slow and didn't want to comfort the woman under him."Well, well?" Jun Zilin is in a daze, floating in the sea of love, unable to find herself.

"Is my king so bad?"

Zhou Jin asked her, but he kept on.

Jun Zi Lin light Yin, had to beg for mercy, "bad, necrotic. Husband, hurry up... "

"Bad is enough."

When Zhou Jin said that, it was like thunder and rain. When the rain came to the peak, everything stopped in an instant.

Jun Zilin only felt that she was very comfortable being served by her husband. If they were combined, it would be the most beautiful thing in the world. She was waiting. As a result, my husband stopped.

Everything stopped.

It's like a person in rhythmic and wonderful music, who was pressed the pause button, suddenly met the world silent!


Jun Zi Lin in front of chaos, followed by completely awake.

There is something else on her body. Now she finally knows what "desire dissatisfaction" is.

Zhou Jin left when he was finished. When he got angry, he would withdraw!

Turning her eyes and looking around, Jun Zilin finds that Zhou Jin is just like nothing. She uses a white silk cloth to wipe his sword, which he usually doesn't take with him and can't wipe once in 800 years.

Jun Zilin was so angry!

You say you're done with people like this? There is no such good thing in the world!

Clenching her fist tightly, Jun Zilin grinds her teeth and her eyes radiate fierce light. She doesn't believe it. What Zhou Jin can do, she can't!

She doesn't believe it. She's emotional. You can still play cool!

Tiger does not get angry, you think I am a sick cat!

At the next moment, Jun Zilin suddenly pounced on Zhou Jin -


Zhou Jin seems to say a word, unfortunately, "desire dissatisfaction" Jun Zilin how can hear. She came forward to tear Zhou Jin's robe like a leopard, and her mouth was not idle, except biting. One hand apart from pulling is to touch, pinch, rub, grasp.

She's going to use all her life skills.

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