"Who knows? I think he's playing in Chengzheng city. He's playing us like monkeys."

"Constable Ding, do you think so?"

When Constable Ding heard this, he frowned and said nothing. He was irritated by his subordinates. He scolded impatiently, "shut up! Anyway, King Jin is true! Have you heard of the nickname of this gentleman? "

Suddenly, none of the Yamen servants below said a word.

Who doesn't know the nickname of King Jin, "living hell"!

I hope that the living king of hell will lose his temper on the guards, not on them.

Maybe there will be a good play in the future, especially after the failure of the investigation of Jun bodyguard.

"Goo Goo Goo!"

Xiaodiao cries out for a while. Xiaoqi and Xiaoqi are staying in the teahouse not far away. They hear the voices in the bank from a distance. Xiaoqi smiles and says to Xiaodiao, "they don't know your master's skill, do they?"

"Goo." Xiaodiao absently drank water from his hard mouth.

Xiaoqi patted his head, and when he was drinking water, he pressed down hard, "Woo -"

Xiaodiao's whole head was pressed into the warm and cool tea water, and immediately got wet, and his cry turned into a scream. However, the next moment, Xiaodiao vibrated his powerful wings and flew up. He let out a loud "whoa whoa whoa" two times, and then he chased Xiaoqi.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiaoqi laughs. He sees Xiaodiao chasing him. As he runs, he "resists" Xiaodiao's attack. He holds his stomach and laughs. It's ridiculous to see Xiaodiao's head drenched.

"Whoa, whoa!"

Xiao Diao was so angry that he couldn't help but peck at Xiao Qi and beat him with his wings: I want you to tease me! I want you to tease me!!

In the bank, the owner of Xiaodiao is tasting a cup of Longjing tea.

Opposite sat Marquis mu, who was staring at her tightly with his eyes.

"Xiao lin'er, I've gone to two places. Do you have any information now?"

In any case, muhanbo thinks that today's little lin'er is a bit enigmatic.

To be vulgar is to be vulgar.

However, Mu Hanbo has known Jun Zilin for a long time, and the understanding is not so superficial: maybe Xiao lin'er has some difficulties, although he has not found any difficulties along the way.

"Little lin'er?" Muhambo asked in a long tone, in a deceptive tone.

Wai Ding felt that they could not bear to listen to the scene!

The Marquis, who admires the Marquis, is a big man, but now he talks to a thin little bodyguard in this kind of numb tone, which is really disgusting.

There was a moment of silence in the room. Jun Zilin's eyes moved slightly. Her sharp eyes were as dark as ink. She reached out and pinched her eyebrows, and breathed softly. It seemed that she was very bothered.

"What's the matter?" Mohanbo knows, she's going to start talking!

Jun Zilin raised her face again, and the pretty face had lost its expression. She looked out of the window, obviously looking at the sky.

Then she suddenly stood up and rushed out of the window. The man on the other side of the street called out, "go to the gate and guard it!"

Just these words, Xiaoqi and Xiaodiao disappear from the tea hut without even asking why.

Turn round, Jun Zi Lin sits down again, this just opens mouth to narrate a way, "dead person, may not be true rattan childe."

This sentence is no less than a thunder falling out of thin air.

When Constable Ding and others outside listened, they all pricked up their ears.

How can it be that it's not Mr. Teng? I have already examined the corpse? And even the people of Zeng Fu have recognized it. It must be Teng Gongzi. Why did the royal bodyguard suddenly say no. And the corpse was also examined by him. Now, it's just a slap in the face?!

Mu Hanbo looked at Xiao lin'er in front of him with a smile. He leaned back in his chair, showing a moderate expression. "So Xiao lin'er, you must want to talk about the reason, please talk about it!"

It's impossible not to be shocked.

But before Mu Hanbo contacted Jun Zilin, he knew that Xiao Lin must have found an important clue that he had not found. And her ability to say such a thing shows that it is not groundless.

"Teng Yin's name on the account book in the pawnshop is a proxy, and the handwriting on it is very scribbled." Jun Zilin said, "I've studied handwriting. Although we haven't seen the real handwriting of Teng Gongzi, the scribbled handwriting is not intentional. Every stroke and every painting is carefully written, but the handwriting is scribbled, which proves that the writer is not a person who often takes the pen."

"Who wrote that?" Mu Hanbo asked, "do you want to say that the death of Teng Gongzi has something to do with the writer, Xiao lin'er? No, you just said that the real rattan is not dead, so the person who killed the fake rattan is the one who scribbled Mohanbo asked.

Jun Zilin shook her head: "on the contrary, this scribbled person is the real dead.""Bodyguard, isn't that possible?" When Constable Ding heard this, he rushed in excitedly. Regardless of the presence of the Marquis, he said in a shocked voice, "what evidence do you have for saying that? What's more, why do you think the real rattan is not dead? "

He has to come in. If he doesn't come in again, the royal bodyguard will make a good case into a fairy tale. It will be a mess at that time!

Jun Zilin's tone is light. Not only that, but she doesn't see any waves in her face. Even if she is refuted, she is still calm and says: "there are many problems on the silver note that Mr. Zhang Teng left just now. First of all, the banknote was badly damaged, with many splashes on it. However, the date of the bank note was only issued within half a month. It must be brand-new, but after Teng, the silver note has changed in just half a month. "

"So what?" Mu Hanbo pondered and asked. Suddenly, he suddenly said, "that's what happened!"

Constable Ding saw that they were communicating with each other. He was a little reluctant to say, "what's the matter?"

"At Zeng's house before, we saw Teng's residence, but it was not stained." Jun Zilin took a look at Constable Ding and said quietly, "but this silver note is made by a slovenly and slovenly man. Isn't it self contradictory?"

"How do you know that the man with the money ticket is a slovenly one?" Constable Ding couldn't help interrupting her and asked.

Jun Zilin was not angry, but said, "if he is careful and clean, he won't make Zhang Xinxin's banknote look like that. Even if he does it on purpose, it's just a few more corners, and he will never make the banknote gray and dirty. It's because these dirty things are disgusting to people with this personality. " For this kind of personality, Jun Zilin has a deep sense of it. Isn't that kind of person.

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