"Zeng xiurui's reaction to his father's death was too much." There was doubt in Zhou Jin's eyes. Although he was sad about the death of his close relatives, Zeng xiurui's grief was overdone, and he felt like a show.

Jun Zi Lin does not think, "I think he is not pretending, he is really in pain."

"Since Princess Ai said so, I can't doubt anything any more." Zhou Jin's tone is long. He throws out a sentence, and then he doesn't say much.

Seeing this, Jun Zilin sighed, walked slowly, accompanied her husband and explained patiently: "I think it's not unreasonable. The moment Zeng xiurui saw the corpse of master Zeng, no matter from his facial expression or his speech, there was no mistake. I mean, he behaves like a normal fatherless child. It is impossible for him to be so perfect unless he has rehearsed the present play countless times. Naturally, the only doubt is that he is too sad! Even out of shape! "

"So, it's still strange." Zhou Jin said with a smile.

Jun Zilin agreed, "maybe it's the death of master Zeng, which is beyond Zeng xiurui's expectation."

"You see, several guests who participated in the wedding banquet of Zeng's family were killed in the recent case of shooting dead people with arrows, but Zeng xiurui was not nervous at all, nor did he actively cooperate with the investigation. It shows that he is not afraid at all. Before, he even guessed the identity of you and me, and intended to attack me. It can be seen that Zeng xiurui did not know anything at all. "

The two men in front spoke as if there were no one else, while the young master Teng Yin in the back was struck by lightning, and his feet were a little disobedient.

His brain is not enough to use, a pair of eyes rushed around, but his heart is up to the abacus.

Who knows, he has not started this abacus, the two people in front suddenly do not go.

Teng Yin's heart a "clap Deng", can't help but stare round eyes. As a result, one of them suddenly turned back, a pair of keen eyes staring straight at him, his heart suddenly sank, only felt that the look in the other's eyes was cold, really terrible!

"Master Teng Yin, is there nothing you want to say to me?"

Hearing this, Teng Yin heard his heart beating sharply.

Then the other side looked at him with a strange look, but the words in his mouth almost made him vomit blood: "husband, you see, I gave him the combination of medicine and poison. Fortunately, he hasn't had an attack so far. It can be seen that my research may have been successful. Come on, let's go back to the inn! "

Teng Yin still closed his mouth and refused to say a word. Fortunately, the other party did not torture him, otherwise he would not be able to stand the torture.

When he arrived at the inn, he experienced something more painful than torture.

Jun Zilin is not in a hurry to get news from Teng Yin. Anyway, he is alive and has become his living experiment. Take it with her so she can use it. Sometimes it's easy to pass the experiment, but sometimes it's not.

When that is not certain, Teng Yin will ask what to recruit.

After going back, Jun Zilin pondered again, feeling not too good.

The king of Jin's body was so precious that even though the antidote he developed didn't attack Teng Yin, it didn't necessarily work on Zhou Jin.

Wan had a reaction. She didn't want to see the king suffer.

Teng Yinan was relieved, because the princess of Jin took a cup of blood from him and bandaged him. It looks very kind. Maybe my troubles will pass like this.

He was thinking like this, but who knows that the princess of Jin cut the wrist of the king of Jin and took a cup of blood. She divided the blood into two and sent the remaining half to her to drink.

Teng Yin: "yes Absolutely not.

The king of Jin is very poisonous. He still needs to detoxify himself. Now that he drinks his blood with poison, isn't he also infected with his poison? How can this be done?!

"Xiao Qi, let Mr. Teng drink without a drop left." Jun Zi Lin lightly orders a way, don't care about this matter at all.

"No! I can't drink the blood. The king of Jin is very poisonous. If I drink his blood, I will die too! " Teng Yin struggled angrily and roared in his mouth.

Small seven where can let him earn to take off, three or two under the person clamp firm solid solid, turn head to carry bowl, the blood of the king to him to pour down.

"No! Princess, don't you want to test the medicine with me? I can't test the medicine for you after drinking this poisonous blood! " Teng Yin yelled, but he couldn't stir up Xiao Qi, but he was not idle.

When he finished, he saw the princess frowning slightly, as if hesitating.

Just like this, Teng Yin's heart was full of hope. Seeing that Xiao Qi didn't start any more, Teng Yin was very happy and waited for the princess to nod her head. After all, she had some use value for her!

This idea just fell, I saw the princess raised her eyes, her keen eyes staring at him for a moment, her bright red lips gently opened, and her voice was very gentle: "Mr. Teng, if you are willing to tell me what you know, maybe you don't have to drink this poisonous blood."She made a deal to herself!

Rattan silver a Lin, tightly closed mouth, a word not hair.

"Before, you were a drug testing man, thanks a little. If you can say it all, I will spare you not to die, and even all your sins. " Jun Zilin said here, not far away to the king of Jin to send a glance, light cough a way, "I will plead with the king of Jin, in your sin, the big thing, the small thing. As you know, the emperor has handed over the case to the king of Jin for trial. "

Teng Yin doesn't know whether this case is the trial of King Jin.

But after a trip to Zeng's home, Teng Yin really understood the prestige of the king of Jin. He knew that the man behind him was the real king of Jin.

No matter whether this case is his chief judge or not, as long as he is king Jin, as long as he promised to spare himself, then he will be OK!

So now, you just need to make a promise to King Jin.

Teng Yin was relieved and thought about it. He looked at the king of Jin behind him and said in a strong tone: "it's not that the villain doesn't believe you, princess. But now that the king of Jin is here, he will swear that he will not pursue the villain's guilt any more, so that I can tell the truth about everything! "

Hearing this, the king of Jin even lifted his eyelids here.

This makes Teng Yinxin sink, and has a bad premonition.

He could only turn his head and look at the princess of Jin. Since the king of Jin did not care about himself, it was OK for the princess of Jin to convince the prince of Jin. As long as you don't cure your sins

"Little seven."

Teng Yin looked at Princess Jin cautiously and heard her name Xiao Qi.

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