Yan Qing knew that he would agree!

Turning around, she was already smiling, and immediately asked Constable Ding to explain the whole story of the case.

"So you don't even know?" Constable Ding's eyes are full, and he is deceived!

Yan Qingshan smiles, slaps her face and waves her hand: "it's nothing. I know something, and I don't know something. I don't want you to add it!"

On the ship of thieves, Constable Ding can only obey fate.

So he told Yan Qing all the things that needed to be added.

After a long time, Yan Qing stood up from her chair, rubbed her hands and was eager to try: "it seems that there is only one key left now, that is, to find out the doubts all over her. As long as the man is conquered, the case will be much clearer. "

"Easy to say!" Constable Ding shook his head in a very different way. "This young master Zeng is very cold, and he looks like he's from two different worlds. This person is not easy to contact. The most difficult thing to test is that he doesn't lift it! "

After the last two words, Constable Ding blushed.

It seems a little bit of that to say this in front of a woman!

"It's good to try not to lift it!" Yan Qing a face of relaxed color, Chong Ding Constable than a hand try: "look at me!"

She turned and walked towards the Yamen. The fiery appearance worried Constable Ding. I wonder if Yan Qing is a relative of Mr. Zheng, or something else? It's not like a case handler, but more like a naughty girl. Can she do it? That's it?

Constable Ding waited in the hall for a while. Unexpectedly, Yan Qing didn't come out.

Did she stay in the inner yamen?

Curious, Constable Ding followed neiya. From a distance, he saw a small wooden house open with a table in it. However, the girl he thought was a mess was drawing on rice paper with a pen.

When he came closer, Constable Ding did not open his face and turned his mouth to the back of his head.

- Yan Qing's words, I can't read them. They hurt my eyes.

After a meeting, Yan Qing finished painting, put pen and paper, she leaned on her chin, at the table, then studied the rice paper in front of her.

Constable Ding didn't know what she was doing. He turned his head to look at the thick handwriting on the rice paper, accompanied by the crooked characters below.

After a few glances, Constable Ding saw that this was near Zeng Kaicheng's mansion, all the terrain and the marks.

"What do you want to do?" Constable Ding looks at Yanqing in front of her strangely. She asks the Yamen who got the terrain of Zeng Kaicheng's mansion? What does she want to do around the house?

"What else can I do? I've done it."

Yan Qing didn't lift her head, but she was rude.

Constable Ding's face turned blue after hearing this. Is that what the woman said! She's still a woman!

However, Constable Ding saw that Yan Qing collected the paper on the table, threw it aside, and then stood up and swaggered out. At this time, I noticed her walking posture. The man who learned from her was very careless. It was very ugly.

"Where to?" Constable Ding ran after him and asked, not because he wanted to ask, but because this Constable Yanqing came from a big place and was taken care of by the princess. He can't do without taking care of him.


For some reason, Constable Ding's legs softened when he heard these words. He is almost a little unsure now. Is Yan Qing really a woman? How can he see that she doesn't look anywhere?

A woman, unexpectedly ran to brothel, also don't know shame!

When Yanqing goes out, Constable Ding thinks that she may not know where the brothel in Chengzheng city is.

Chengzheng city is a small place, not as elegant as Lingzhou city. The brothel here is just a name. In fact, it is called jiaozi, which is not as elegant and emotional as the real brothel.

If Yan Qing goes to the brothel, it's still good.

But the cellar and other places are really not clean places for girls. Not even men should go in.

Constable Ding catches up, but Yanqing has no one.

This crazy girl, I don't know where she has gone. Can she really know where the cellar is!

In desperation, Constable Ding had to find all the cellars in Chengzheng city.

In the inn, Jun Zilin just opened the window and let Xiao Diao fly in. When I look downstairs, I happen to see Constable Ding passing by in the street. It seems that I'm in a hurry.

Jun Zilin ignored, put the small carving in, then pushed a plate of meat in front of it, let it eat enough.

These days when I came to Chengzheng City, the small carving grew into a big one.

I don't know if it's about eating meat every day or what, but this bird is actually big!

Jun Zilin came forward and held the bird in her arms.

Who knows, Xiaodiao quit. It's a big deal to delay his meal!

Turning back, it screamed at its owner!This voice is a little big, frighten Jun Zi Lin.

Her hand also followed to loosen, and the small carving is leisurely, go back to eat again.

Jun Zi Lin frowned and had no choice but to hold it, but her mouth was full of complaints: "you stinky bird, you only know how to eat! Eat you to death! What did you call so loud just now? Did you think I would snatch food from you? I tell you, I still have the rest of your food. You dare to be impatient with me, and I won't give you meat next time! "

It's a pity that Xiaodiao doesn't care at all.

Jun Zilin makes an effort to grab its plate of meat. As a result, Xiao Diao turns around and screams a few times with a warning.

What a stinking bird!

To this Jun Zi Lin simply walked away, let this stinky bird eat clean!

Tease bird to relax to come back, Jun Zi Lin continues to study herb.

On the couch in the inner room, Lin Haojun was very thin and still in a coma.

Qingxin and Lin Haojun come back, but they are guarding him outside.

Before Zhou Jin once frowned, Jun Zilin knew that he did not like the bed to be occupied again. This man looks very tall. In fact, his heart is smaller than a needle.

Jun Zilin thought, finally let green letter Lin Haojun moved to a house, before the bridge file in the room.

So you can get the bed out.

After the bed was vacated, the second came in again, saying that he had to change the sheets and so on. As a result, the bed was brand new again.

Jun Zilin shakes his head. Zhou Jin hates Lin Haojun. It seems that he can't change his life.

But Constable Ding, who passed the street in a hurry, searched all the other cellars and found the last cellar. He was just about to go in. Who knew that a bee waist beauty came out of it.

The beauty has honey colored skin, walking slowly, wearing a deep cyan tulle skirt, the looming plump and slim figure, which makes Constable Ding look straight!

This, this woman Why, when did you have this beautiful and crisp beauty in the cellar?

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