"My subordinates don't know what Wang Ye has done, but when they leave, they mention Washington." Yan Qinglian was in a hurry, with an angry look on his face. She would not dare to ask where the LORD went. I hope the princess is satisfied with her answer.

To Washington again?

Jun Zilin pick eyebrows, this time twice, can't find anything, Zhou Jin is also very patient, really think from Washington can dig out the treasure?

Well, he's so stubborn.

Shaking his head, Jun Zilin has a headache about shooting grass.

Now let her go to where to find the Viper shoot grass, but Lin Haojun's life, see can't hang.

It's really tricky.

"I'll see him." Jun Zilin sighs and leaves Yan Qing in the room to go to the next room.

When she arrived, Lin Haojun just opened his eyes.

The child is quite weak now.

Jun Zilin came forward, sat down beside the couch, held his warm little hand, and said softly, "how do you feel?"

These days, the child lost a lot of weight. When he was just hugged, he was as light as a bone.

The decline of the Lin family still had an impact on the child.

"It's the best feeling to be with your mother." Lin Haojun grinned.

Jun Zi Lin is frowning, he just called her "Niang Niang"? Why don't you call me Niang?

Seeing her displeasure, Lin Haojun squeezed her hand and said dryly, "jun'er has no mother in his life. Now he is satisfied to see her alive. As for after death, I don't want to call you Niang any more, so people outside will not think that Niang Niang's first child died early... "

"Nonsense. With me, there's nothing that can't be cured. " Jun Zi Lin spat way, in the heart slightly sour.

"The medicine this time is different from last time." Lin Haojun didn't answer her, but said, "I can eat it, and when I just took the medicine, it was really comfortable. It felt like the poison had been untied. But now I know the lady did her best. Just don't waste medicinal materials for me any more. I've been very satisfied for so many years. It's good to live and call "mother" for me. It's already very good... "

"Oh, boy, I think too much."

Jun Zilin chuckles and feels sour. Facing the child's pure eyes, she found that she did not dare to look at him.

She leaned over and picked up Lin Haojun's thin body, put it into her arms, surrounded him a little bit, and let him nestle up to him. She said, "these days, you don't have a good meal. We'll eat together, OK?"

The man in his arms was silent for a long time, and finally answered, "OK."

Let Yanqing to order soft and warm food, Jun Zilin put Lin Haojun on the couch, raised chopsticks, personally fed her.

But shaking her head, Lin junniang said, "can't you eat the dumpling?"

"Do you like dumplings? What kind of stuffing is delicious? " Jun Zilin smiles and asks him in a soft voice.

But Lin Haojun looked down and said, "jun'er doesn't like it. It's just that when we get together, we eat dumplings. Now it's Junzi's day to have a reunion with Junzi. "

This child, said Jun Zilin's heart sour.

After throwing down the chopsticks, she held him in her arms again, stroked his back, and said helplessly, "children's family, how many good days to live in the future, what reunion is not, the future is reunion. Now I tell you clearly, you won't die, you won't die! "

"Juner knows." Lin Haojun nodded, but the sadness in his tone remained unchanged.

Maybe he felt that the woman holding him had done everything he could. But his body is getting worse day by day.

Maybe it's time.

Even so, junzilin still let people bring dumplings to eat.

At this time, Zhou Jin came in from the outside, and then he saw her accompanying Lin Haojun, making him laugh and waiting for him to eat dumplings.

After a look, Zhou Jin retreated and turned back to the house.

And not long after, Jun Zilin came out of Lin Haojun's room, and just now jun'er said that she was full.

Jun Zi Lin didn't think much. Seeing that he quietly closed his eyes to sleep, she left.

Who knows, just enter the door to see Zhou Jin is sitting in the chair, drinking tea.

Although he is dignified, but now he is still hiding the color of fatigue, "is there a harvest?" Jun Zi Lin comes forward to ask a way, in the heart but some happy color.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she said, "I just came back from Juner, and it's a coincidence that you came back."

"Juner?" Zhou Jin felt strange and said, "Lin Haojun?"

"Well." Jun Zilin answered.

Zhou Jin didn't say anything, but said, "I just came back, and when I saw you there, I came back."


Jun Zilin after listening to, slightly thinking, in the heart of a strange surge. Does Lin Haojun see the king of Jin in his room, so he excuses that he is full and goes to bed quickly. Is this meant to push yourself to leave?The child is so sensible that it hurts.

Jun Zilin sighed and asked people to draw water. Then she wiped Zhou Jin with wet water.

The king of Jin tilted in his chair and let his concubine serve him.

Jun Zilin felt his dusty hair and said, "you'd better take a bath. It's not clean."

"No, I'm still very busy. I can't wash it for a while and a half." Zhou Jin said with his eyes closed. As a result, there was a gurgling sound in his stomach.

Knowing that he was hungry, Jun Zilin ordered a meal, and the couple ate together.

During the meal, Zhou Jin took today's harvest and said slowly, "Zeng Kaicheng doesn't have to go to Washington anymore, because everything in Washington has been taken away by the king. How many are there, princess

"Silver?" Jun Zilin immediately grabbed the chopsticks and stared at her husband in front of her She asked brightly.


Jun Zi Lin see Zhou Jin than a gesture, see he let himself guess, she can't help asking, "is it 80 million liang?"

In this world, the exploitation of marble is extremely difficult, and the sale price is also very high.

Ordinary people can't afford marble.

And the Zeng family has been working on marble deposits for many years. If less than one million taels of silver is deposited, Jun Zilin will feel that something is wrong, or Zhou Jin will never find the root.

As a result, Zhou Jin still shook her head. This time, she no longer guessed. She only said, "it's not 80 million, it's 8 million taels of silver!"

"How did you find it in Washington? Why did master Zeng put his money in Washington? "

In fact, this is his intelligence!

Hearing the question of Aifei, Zhou Jin's dark eyes were shining.

He glanced at her and said, "it's safer to put it in someone else's house than in your own house. What's more, it's the most reassuring thing that only one person knows about it? "

This kind of fact is very clever. Even if the government finds out one day, it will not find any flaw.

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