Jun Zilin sighs and shakes her head. She also reproaches herself.

When it is speculated that the case is related to the mysterious person, she should not let little lady Ji go back.

There's no need to explain the ferocity of mysterious people. It's their purpose to kill them completely. It's impossible to keep water alive.

Originally, little Ji should not have been included in their killing list. Maybe she sent out something unusual after she went back?

At this point, Jun Zilin drank a cup of tea and walked around the house.

lifted her eyes as like as two peas of the yamen, and found that it looked exactly like the memory of her new arrival.

It hasn't changed at all.

At the beginning, I was in a state of confusion, but now, although the tip of the iceberg has been uncovered, it is still hidden in the bones.

"Wang Ye, if they are really mysterious people, why do they want to kill old lady Ji and little lady Ji?"

Jun Zilin looks at Zhou Jin thoughtfully, but she can't understand it.

At this time, the man who stayed in the Yamen arched his hand and said, "excuse me, my Lord and princess. There is a sentence under me. I don't know if I should say it properly?"

"As soon as possible."

"Well, Ji Zhenjin, the couple of that little woman, was doing business with Zhang's eldest son before. That's Zhang Jia, who died four in a row a few days ago. These cases are all done by the princess. "


Listen to give up the next person's return, Jun Zi Lin raised eyebrows, but it is a gloomy smile, murmured, "sure enough, the candle has something to do with the mysterious person."

Although he was involved in business, he was still in the dark.

It turns out that there is such a connection.

"In this way, is the real gold dead?" Zhou Jin asked.

Although he is not good at investigating cases, he is afraid that Zhang Zhenjin is not far away from death.

But when Zhou Jin saw the princess looking back at her, her smile was cunning and charming, which attracted people's heart. "Lord, what are the two different explanations for Zhang Zhenjin's death and immortality?"


Zhou Jin was a little dizzy by her words.

He only indulged in the beautiful eyes of Aifei, her small and ruddy mouth, and the charming little appearance on her face.

"All back!"

Zhou Jin stood up and coughed softly. To the Yamen servants around, he ordered with a cold face.

All of a sudden, they couldn't figure it out. How could they just tell the truth of the case and let them back down. Didn't their presence help the case?

Forget it, you'd better step back. The appearance of King Jin is also frightening.

Immediately all the tolerance all back down, blink of an eye, no one in the room.

Jun Zilin saw that everyone was gone. She was inexplicable and curious. She asked Zhou Jin, "is there something they can't hear that they want to tell me?"

Dazzle the Princess: "the main thing is to let the flame of love come out."


Jun Zi Lin carefully looks at Zhou Jin, and immediately cries out, no, this man is not in heat, right?!

Without waiting for her to refuse, Zhou Jin grabbed her waist and bent down to kiss her.

"Hello, Zhou Jin! It depends on the occasion Well Jun Zi Lin wants enough, how can this man break out anytime and anywhere? What on earth did he see? Did he tempt him? This is too strange!

Here, unlike in the carriage, Zhou Jin put Aifei directly on her body, let her legs around her waist, and then began to kiss her.

As a matter of fact, Zhou Jin didn't think there was anything good about it.

But since he came to Yaxian County, he was excited about his concubine twice. Since they are all his own women, why don't they kiss each other when they have a chance.

And it's not interesting at all, but once you kiss it, you can't stop sinking.

The little woman in her arms is as sweet as honey. She wants to lick it. After eating it, she can't help but want to continue to eat it. It's not enough to go on forever.

Once in a while, hearing the sound of Princess Ai's whispering, Zhou Jin felt that her blood was boiling, so she wanted to eat her more. Yes, eat her down, become a part of herself, and never separate.

This one pass close, let Jun Zi Lin suffocate quickly.

When Zhou Jin kisses her, she feels beautiful. However, once the man tried his best to kiss his relatives, the kiss full of domineering and predatory meaning would cause a sense of fear. Sometimes Jun Zilin was willing to be reduced to his kiss, controlled by him and played with by him. But it's no fun to take her breath and let her lose the instinct to live.

Finally, when she almost fainted, Zhou Jin finally let her go.

Jun Zilin was taken to wake up, in a semi coma state, almost died.

Wait slowly come over, she is pounding hard the man in front of, tears all flow down: "you this sex wolf! I almost died. Do you know that you are killing me so much that I can't breathe? Do you have any conscience? Do you want to kill people? "Who knows that her small fist is too light, just like Rao itching.

Zhou Jin didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, he felt very comfortable.

He was so happy to see her!

It can be seen that if she has been crying, her eyes are full of grievances, and Zhou Jin is very frightened. He wiped away her tears with his big palm and asked in a low voice, "are you really sad? It's a big deal. I won't be so cruel in the future, OK? "

Jun Zilin ignored him and cried all the time.

Luo Chou and others, who came back from the investigation, came in in a twinkling of an eye and saw the appearance of the prince and the princess. He retreated again, but he was waiting outside and listening. Once he heard that there was no sound inside, he wanted to come in and report the case first!

Finally, with Zhou Jin's assurance, junzilin stopped crying. Her voice was still choking. Meimou water was full of red blood because of crying: "after I say stop, you stop, you know? You swear Ancient people believed in the oath, and Jun Zilin asked for it.

"Love princess, this oath can't be made."

Zhou Jin sighed helplessly. Just as Jun Zilin expected, he really believed in the oath.

"Why, why can't you send it? Do you want to cheat me?" Jun Zilin looked at him bitterly and knew that he was joking.

As a result, Zhou Jin explained: "concubine, you should know why this oath can't be made. Do you still need me to say it? "

"You have to say it!"

"All right." Zhou Jin had to be honest and said, "in terms of kissing, I'll listen to you. If you say stop, stop. But where can we stop when we talk about things between husband and wife? Do you remember when we were in the chamber of secrets? "

Jun Zilin blushes. She can't remember.

When Zhou Jin saw her little daughter's mood, he lowered the volume a little more and came to her ear. His voice was low and confused. "Aifei, at that time, in the secret room, how many times did you ask me to stop, but if I stopped at that time, would you still be happy? After that, I didn't stop. Aren't you happier than when I stopped. Is that right? "

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