This man's eyes, even in such stupidity, are extremely powerful.

Fortunately, he's a fool now.

Jun Zilin said softly in her heart. Then she stood up and gave the painting back to Zhang Ruiyuan.

After getting the painting, Zhang Ruiyuan seems to have got the treasure. He pulls it over and holds it tightly in his arms. His eyes with powerful cold blades stare at him, still as vicious as before.

This man is still so fast that people want to kill him.

Take back the line of sight, Jun Zi Lin saw an eye week Ember.

After the conversation, the couple left.

"When can you say, prince?" Ding Guogong followed around and kept asking Zhou Jin.

He that meaning, from is asking Jun Zi Lin through Zhou Jin.

Unfortunately, Jun Zilin didn't say anything. Zhou Jin only said auspicious words: "the son of good fortune, people have their own appearance, will be better."

On the way back, Zhou Jin chatted, "Aifei, in your opinion, can Zhang Ruiyuan really wake up?"

"It's no use waking up or not." Jun Zi Lin light said.

In the middle of the road, there was a man blocking the road in front of him. The bodyguard came to report that the man was from Zheng's house.

"Come back to Zheng's house with me?" The servants of Zheng's mansion come to report and ask the princess to go back. When Jun Zilin hears this, she turns to ask Zhou Jin what he means.


The couple turned their horses and went to Zheng's house.

Mrs. Zheng is in the inner house, while Mr. Zheng is entertaining friends in the outer house.

Zheng Shangshu didn't come back, so there were only mother and son at home.

Zheng Zhuojian, the eldest son of Zheng, saw that not only his younger sister but also the prince came home. Come forward and salute immediately. Caught by Zhou Jin, he said, "they're all from their own family. They don't dare to see others."

This time the king of Jin was very different from what she used to be. Zheng Zhuojian felt this change deeply. She suddenly relaxed and turned to look at her younger sister.

Jun Zilin gave him a mischievous smile and played a cute little sister.

Touching the eyes of the younger sister, Zheng Zhuojian understood that the younger sister and the prince must have had a deeper relationship during the time when they left the imperial capital. At least, the Lord has accepted them.

When the second child wrote to him, he also said that.

Men stay in the outer house and women enter the inner house.

Zhou Jin stayed outside, while Jun Zilin went to the inner house.

As soon as she entered the inner courtyard, she was told by mammy that the miss of the Wei family had come and brought her fiance.

"Zhang Ruixuan?" Jun Zilin asked.

Mammy nodded, although it did not mean anything, but the disdain between the eyebrows and eyes was very clear.

Jun Zi Lin see this slightly frown, anyway, maybe this chapter Ruixuan in Zheng family, may be slighted.

From the marriage of Wei Rongrong and Zhang Ruixuan, Zhang Ruixuan is not authentic.

We need to know that Wei Rongrong has not reached the hairpin yet, while Zhang Ruixuan is over 18 years old.

Wei Rongrong, a little girl, can't even be a daughter-in-law. We can only wait two years to eat, but Zhang Ruixuan has grown up.

Seeing this, Jun Zilin turns to call Xiao die to her and mumbles a few words to her.

"I will go now."

Butterfly should be, turned out of the house.

Mammy took Jun Zilin to the inner house, and from a distance she heard Wei Rongrong laughing happily.

This girl, always so heartless.

Things have come to this point, there is no way not to accept it. If you can only accept it, Jun Zilin thinks it's a good marriage.

Wei Rongrong this wench does not have any scheming, has been spoiled since childhood. No matter what happened to the Wei family, no one in the inner house would dare to annoy her. If Zhang Ruixuan and really become a good thing, that Zhang Ruixuan is not like a arrogant person, even if there are more favorite people in the future, he also dare not concubine it.

That's it.

Tidy up good mood, Jun Zi Lin re-enter, then see a touch of rose red figure, such as butterfly general fly over.

"Sister, you are here at last. Rongrong misses you so much!" Wei Rongrong embraces Jun Zilin and turns around happily.

Jun Zilin stroked her hair, a little distressed for the girl, "Rong Rong, it's a pity that my sister didn't bring you something delicious. But there's something my sister wants to tell you

"What?" Wei Rongrong widened his black eyes, like a black halo flashing inside, especially beautiful, like stars.

Before leaving the imperial capital, Jun Zilin was still in opposition. Now she decided to overturn her opinion again. "Rong Rong, I want to tell you that my sister supports you about your relationship with Zhang Gongzi."

"Wow, really?"

Wei Rongrong was overjoyed and threw Jun Zilin into her arms. She was so happy that she almost cried.

Mrs. Zheng Wei's eyes, but she shook her head and sighed heavily.

Then he found an excuse to let Wei Rongrong go out to get something. Wei left Jun Zilin and complained, "daughter, don't you know! Today, Zhang Ruixuan proposed to the Wei family to make an engagement first! After two years, Rong Rong and Ji will get married again! ""You know, Zhang Shizi's situation now. Ding Guogong is determined to abandon her son. His wife has been running for her son. At this juncture, Zhang Ruixuan wants to make an engagement with Rongrong. Isn't it just for his preparation to win the throne of son of the world? What does he regard Rongrong as? " Wei was full of displeasure and felt that he had suffered a great loss.

Jun Zilin thought so before, but now it's not.

She enlightened her mother and said softly, "Niang, you should think from Zhang Ruixuan's point of view. At the beginning, he and Rongrong, no matter who started first, need to know his contact with Rongrong, what kind of heart? Since he has always been such a heart, what's too much for him to make such a request now? "

What he said made Zheng Wei's family shocked.

The daughter said this to her heart.

Yes, Zhang Ruixuan and Rong Rong are good. What's the plan? Isn't the current requirement just in line with the original plan?

What do you have to complain about?

"Niang, you are like this now, and after that? Is there a long way to go after Rongrong? What's more, isn't Rongrong's mother more distressing? You should insist on persuading Rongrong's mother like your daughter. After all, we can't stop Rongrong's decision, can we? " Jun Zilin said gently.

Wei was full of complaints, but now, it seems to be a sunny day.

Yes, my daughter is right!

You have to be strong.

"After that --" even so, Wei was still afraid. She was worried that Rongrong would regret it. She was also worried that Zhang Ruixuan was a scum man.

For this "after", Jun Zilin is smiling, coldly way: "after the road is out. No matter how hard the road is, it is Rongrong's own choice. What else can we do? "

Now Wei understood a truth, when you can't change a thing, you can only accept it.

And now she finds out that she is not mature as her daughter.

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