"The thief who stole ouyangbing's objects is not the same as Muming, is he?"

After listening to what Wen Zao said, Jun Zilin turned to look at Zhou Jin.

"Go back to the house."

Zhou Jin's face was very secretive. After that, he left and went to the house wind.

Yan Qing and others were watching. When they saw the king of Jin and his wife coming back so peacefully, they felt comfortable. The prince and the princess don't quarrel any more. It's better for them.

Jin Jun stares at Zhou Lin to make it clear.

"There may be some implications in this case. Princess Aifei must not do anything after this case. In addition, I don't want to go to Hengzhou, but my subordinates want to go. There are some things to contact, so I don't want to disturb Wang any more. Now we do our own work. "

So after Zhou Jin said these words, in Jun Zi Lin's surprised eyes, Shi Shi ran left the hall and went to his study.

Jun Zilin What's the matter with him? He has to be so serious all of a sudden and still warn himself.

Seeing that he left, Jun Zilin didn't go. She walked around the house, speechless in her heart. Obviously, if she wanted to do it according to Zhou Jin's words, she would be in vain. But she had to save her cousin, so she had to take risks.

How to do next, Jun Zi Lin then calculates in the house.

At this time, the outside shadow suddenly flashed, Jun Zilin clearly see that person is cold Xuan.

"Come in."

After seeing him, Jun Zilin waved to him and motioned him to come in quickly, not to stop outside.

Wenzao is investigating outside the palace, and in the palace, the Lord is also guarding against her, not allowing her to act rashly.

So they'd better be distracted so that they won't be controlled by the Lord if things don't work out.

The more Jun Zi Lin thinks about it, the more she finds that she has left Zhou Jin behind. Undoubtedly, she has left a hot potato.

If he wasn't in the house, maybe she would be more free.

And lengxuan just came to report about Hutou gang.

Due to the strict investigation of Wenzao, the people in the imperial city are closely checked.

Although they are highly skilled in martial arts, some of them can't do anything under such a close search.

Relatively speaking, the tiger head Gang is no exception.

They must be more difficult to act than themselves.

Now lengxuan comes to report about the remaining evils of Hutou gang. In the imperial capital city, all the remaining evils of Hutou gang are hard to control.

If you want to find or kill, you can do it at any time.

But there is Wenzao. If someone dies, it will make a lot of noise.

From the perspective of Wen Zao's investigation efforts, this is a big stir, and it is very likely to be found in the palace.

So lengxuan told the princess about the situation here, so that she could understand the whole situation.

Jun Zi Lin is after listening to, can be regarded as understand Zhou Jin said to his heart. It seems that the consequences of rash action are very serious, at least she can't let the Jin palace be entangled in such a storm.

Although Wen Zao is selfless and has some friendship with himself, he can even ignore the death of his daughter. Jun Zilin does not dare to count on his "friendship". Those are all false.

"Keep an eye on the whereabouts of the Hutou gang. Don't worry about the others. Wait for my order."

In this case, junzilin had to endure for the time being.

But she was worried about whether her cousin could stand it.

After spending a little more time in the prime minister's residence, she felt that her cousin's pain would be more.

No, this time, she must be patient and think of a perfect way to save her cousin. She will never have to go back to the Magic Cave of the prime minister's residence.


After hearing this, lengxuan doesn't say much. He shouts and retreats.

As soon as he left, Jun Zilin went to the Neizhai pharmacy.

It doesn't work. She has to make a change.

It's just the stupidest way to keep waiting.

We have to find a perfect way.

It's better to make a batch of silver needles.

In his own pharmacy, Jun Zilin thought of this idea, and busy to work.

And with her busy, the sky also gradually dark down.

Before she knew it, the news came out that muhanbo had been released.

Yanqing knocked on the door and told her the news.

"The whole imperial city is more closely investigated than ever before!"

Jun Zilin received the news, but was not surprised.

Anyway, this will happen sooner or later, especially under the investigation of Wenzao.

But she didn't expect things to get so fast.

The purpose is to make Muming appear as soon as possible.After thinking through this, Jun Zilin is more worried.

So what will Muming do?

Jun Zi Lin frowns and can't help thinking about Mu Ming's decision.

At this time, I saw the place of Zhou Jin's study, where several bodyguards came in and out. Jun Zi Lin put down her thoughts and looked there. She found that the guards were familiar.

I only saw the bodyguards go in for a short time, but soon they all came out again.

Although I don't know what Zhou Jin said to them, these people all look grim.

They may be leaving the imperial capital for Hengzhou.

Jun Zilin thinks so.

Suddenly a burst of cold Xuan to look for him to talk low.

And cold Xuan just slightly Leng for a while, then no longer speak, turned to retreat.

"What did you say to him, princess?" Yan Qing is beside, showing a puzzled color.

Jun Zi Lin lightly shook his head, Chong Yan Qing mysterious smile, "then you will know."

In the evening, Jun Zilin, who had a big meal today, filled her stomach again.

"Aifei, do you have a good appetite?"

Zhou Jin pick eyebrows, it seems that love imperial concubine is to see him stay down, because happy will eat so much.

"Yes, I'm going to get rid of my worries. How can I be in a bad mood?" Jun Zilin smiles.

Hearing this, Zhou Jin was obviously stunned.

Aifei, what do you mean?

Does it mean that she has solved the problem about Fu yarou?

Although he thought so, Zhou Jin was still a bit lost in his heart.

Originally, he thought that it was he who stayed to make Princess Ai so happy, but it wasn't like that.

"How did Aifei solve it?" Can't help but wonder, Zhou Jin asked. He wants to see, under his own admonition, how does love imperial concubine actually do.

At this time, Yanqing wants to listen to her neck.

Who knows the princess actually mysterious smile, shook her head, did not speak.

Yan Qing was amused. It turned out that the princess, like herself, would not tell the prince.

In this way, she was in balance.

"Aifei, when can we succeed? It's not sustainable for too long to be noticed? "

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