"Aifei, your servant girl has something to report? Let her come in and reply Zhou Jin's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his thin lips raised a smile without temperature. The smile did not face Jun Zilin, but shot at Xiao die.

Xiao die felt a tingle on her scalp.

I wanted to say something in my stomach, but in front of the Lord, she didn't dare.

"Miss, I forgot to drink the soup. I'll take it." In a hurry, Xiao die goes back to the kitchen to get the soup.

Until the meal finished, I didn't see Xiao die bring the soup.

Zhou Jin didn't like it either. He took a white handkerchief to wipe his lips and then got up.

At the same time Jun Zi Lin just put down chopsticks, Zhou Jin's voice came, "love princess, go to bed."


Jun Zilin looks back and looks up at Zhou Jin in surprise. When is this? Why do you go to bed now?

"Tomorrow morning, I need to send you to the prime minister's residence. Let's sleep early." This is Zhou Jin's answer.

"I'll wash and comb before I sleep." Jun Zilin got up and went out. Zhou Jin caught her with his long arm. The voice of enchantment came, "princess, we won't wash and comb tonight. Let's go to the couch to have a rest."

In this way, being promoted by Zhou Jin, Jun Zilin had to stay with him.

Wearing a tunic and a thin quilt.

Jun Zi Lin has some helplessness to vomit a breath, this is to fall in the week ember hand not to come out.

Just at this time, Zhou Jin's long arm was suddenly built on his waist. Jun Zilin was startled and suddenly thought of her chicken blood. Trouble, butterfly hasn't sent her chicken blood yet. If Zhou Jin's interest comes, she will find out that she is not a virgin, and her good days will come to an end!

At this time, Zhou Jin long arm gently hook, originally in the innermost Jun Zi Lin, he easily hook into the arms.

"Mr. Wang, you..." Jun Zilin couldn't help struggling, especially felt the heat and hardness of Zhou Jin's body. She blushed and bit her lip to earn out.

However, Zhou Jin suddenly pulled her away from him and pressed her to death. At the same time, Jun Zilin heard the heavy breathing of the man.


Hear the voice that this suddenly changed color, Jun Zi Lin frightens a big jump.

I don't know why Zhou Jin suddenly changed.

At the same time, Zhou Jin's voice was hoarse and low to warn, "love princess, don't move again, otherwise the king may not control himself!"

Jun Zi Lin listened to this, complexion a change, just want to move the body then so birth strangle stop. But at the same time, she felt her own behind, and her body close to each other, Zhou Jin's a kind of incredibly strong and hard!

Zhou Jin, he How could he

Several at the same time, Jun Zi Lin nervously speechless.

She didn't dare to move. She didn't have chicken blood on her hand. If she offended Zhou Jin, she would die miserably.

A piece of agreement with Zhou Jin has been torn up. It is reasonable to say that now Zhou Jin does things between husband and wife to his princess, and no one will raise any objection.

Jun Zilin is very grateful to Zhou Jin's gentleman, but now she dare not give up hope that Zhou Jin can still be a gentleman.

As long as she doesn't move, she hopes to survive this difficult time.

I don't know how long after that, Jun Zilin couldn't hold on and fell asleep. But before that, she felt that Zhou Jin seemed to be relieved, so she went to sleep safely.

Hearing the sound of steady breathing, Zhou Jin put her hand on her waist. Then she stroked her forehead, raised her body, and kissed her cheek. She said softly, "I love you, I'm so sleepy."

Then he hugged the man in his arms and slowly closed his eyes.

Jun Zilin wakes up in Zhou Jin's arms, which is not too much.

Although they used to be in the same bed, even before they got married, the number of times they woke up in Zhou Jin's arms was very few.

What makes Jun Zilin ashamed is that it's not Zhou Jin holding himself, but he holding others like a pillow.

If Zhou Jin fell asleep, Jun Zilin would not be so embarrassed.

I saw this man do not know when to wake up, a pair of dark eyes are floating with a smile, warm looking at himself.


Jun Zi Lin is very embarrassed, immediately closed hands and feet, a Gulu then get up.

Zhou Jin doesn't stop her either. She just holds her chest in both hands and laughingly looks at Jun Zilin in a mess.

"Aifei, your clothes are worn down. I will help you to wear them."

Zhou Jin got up with a smile and seriously dressed Jun Zilin. His fingertips seemed to have magic power, burning clusters of small fires all the way, as if they could light people.

In this process, Jun Zilin felt her head buzzing. If it lasted for a long time, she had to faint.

Always feel Zhou Jin's fingertips every place, seem to pick her nerve.

"Come on, I should go." It's still dark outside, but it's early in the morning. Jun Zilin pushes aside Zhou Jin's hand and runs out in a hurry."Eat early before you go."

Zhou Jin a voice, directly the idea of Jun Zi Lin disillusioned.

In the kitchen, she dawdles to make breakfast. Jun Zilin and Zhou Jin have breakfast again. Although she is eager to leave, Lin's craftsmanship is really excellent. Jun Zilin is reluctant to eat two more.

Suddenly he saw Zhou Jin smiling at him, "what's the matter, Lord?"

Jun Zilin touched her face and thought there was something on her face.

But Zhou Jin took the corner of his mouth and said meaningfully, "Aifei, she's a lot plump. Well, this is the best. Come on, eat more! "

But I saw a big chicken leg put into my plate.

Jun Zilin's face burned like fire. She thought of their "intimate contact" last night, and then contacted Zhou Jin's ambiguous tone at the moment. He grew meat on his body, which was known by Zhou Jin. But it can be said in the inner room. How can he put it out.

But seeing the bodyguards waiting around, one by one with cold faces, as if they didn't hear. But those moms did not open their faces. They obviously heard. As for the little servant girls, they all blushed and understood.

Disgusting, Zhou Jin is so disgusting!

"I'm full

Jun Zilin took a quick bite, then threw down her chopsticks, stood up and left.

Zhou Jin didn't stop her this time. She watched her Princess walk out with a smile. She only felt that the princess's figure was really better and better, and she didn't put it in her arms as before. She had some meat and felt comfortable.

He rushed to the gate of the palace with Xiaodie, and the sedan chair was ready.

Jun Zilin was about to get into the sedan chair when suddenly the voice of the bodyguard came from the back of her body, "empress, the Lord wants to see you off. Please wait for a moment."

Listening to this, Jun Zilin had to stop. Seeing the sedan chair in front of her, she couldn't walk.

I really don't know what Zhou Jin wants to do. He just leaves like this. What else can he send her for.

"When will the Lord come out?" After waiting for a long time, Zhou Jin didn't come out. Jun Zilin felt that she had been fooled. When did this man dawdle.

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