The king of Jin is so rude!

Yao, who had been in the back house for a long time, didn't dare to go out when he saw Zhou Jin. He felt his buttocks hurt again.

"I have seen your Highness the king of Jin."

After Fu Baixiu came in, he saluted Zhou Jin and Jun Zilin, and then they all sat down.

"I don't know what the king of Jin is doing here?" After sitting down, Fu Baixiu really didn't want to stay with Zhou Jin, so he opened the door to the mountain road.

Zhou Jin and Jun Zilin just now also face-to-face joking, but when he turned to meet Fu Baixiu, it seemed that he suddenly changed his face. His face was expressionless, and his eyebrows were slightly low. "I miss her cousin, and I will accompany her to have a look."


Yao's eyelids jump, Jun Zilin comes to see Fu yarou again?!

According to Yao, Fu yarou is a member of the prime minister's family. If they are put in the general's mansion for a long time, people outside will be appointed to gossip about the master.

Fu Baixiu thought it was the same thing, and immediately sent someone to tell Fu yarou to let someone come back.

But not a day after the man came back, the king of Jin and others followed him again. Fu Baixiu only felt a headache. He couldn't figure out what was good about his daughter. He had to thank the king of Jin for coming for her again and again.

In order to prevent the repetition of the last incident, Fu Baixiu asked, "it turns out to be so. But my Lord, the little girl is not married yet. It's a great honor to be so concerned by my Lord. But this time the Lord will not live in the house again? "

The purpose of such a question was to make Zhou Jin wake up and stop making such a fuss in the prime minister's office as he did last time. He even stayed in.

But his words just fall, next to Jun Zi Lin but naturally said, "uncle, you said this is Zi Lin's mother's home. Now that Zilin and her husband are back home, you must be very happy. Fortunately, my cousin has cleaned up the room for me, so I'll stay, and there's nothing left or right. "

Fu Baixiu: "it's..." Left say right say still want to live!

Zhou Jin was stabbed by his own princess, and immediately turned back to Fu Baixiu and nodded. As if nothing had happened, he said, "the princess loves the prime minister's residence, and the prince has no reason to leave. Let's live together."

Yao Shi: "I'm not sure." Is Wang Ye a wife slave? Where are you? Where are you?!

At this point, Fu Baixiu's face was very ugly.

Can't it be that his prime minister's residence has become the backyard of the king's family in Jin Dynasty. If you want to come, you can come and go. If you want to come, you have to make trouble. If you want to leave, you don't say hello!

Taking a deep breath, Fu xiangshen said coldly, "princess, you left without saying goodbye before. I was really worried for a long time, and even sent people to look for the whole capital."

In fact, Fu Baixiu really went to find it.

He can not care about his own daughter, but Jun Zilin, he must care about, after all, the identity is in place, if there is a just in case, Fu Baixiu can not afford.

"I was relieved to learn that my mother was safe. But from the beginning to the end, the empress didn't send someone to say it back and forth. Even if I was your uncle, I couldn't take such responsibility. Please respect yourself

Fu Bai Xiu tone sonorous, obviously is no longer willing to accept Jun Zi Lin in prime minister's house.

Jun Zilin knows that she is wrong, but she lives in the prime minister's residence for Fu yarou. At the beginning, his cousin's case was at a critical juncture. Fu Baixiu ignored his own daughter and eventually led to the end of the situation.

Now Fu Baixiu, who has no strength at all, comes back to accuse himself. Junzilin can't stand humming.

Fu also refused to compromise. He threw his sleeve and hummed again!

Yao watched and cheered for the master. He would never let Jun fool live in. Never!

The two sides are in a stalemate. Jun Zilin is worried that she can't live in the prime minister's residence.

Turning her head, she just saw Zhou Jin as if nothing had happened. She had an idea. She stretched out her hand and pinched Zhou Jin. She motioned him to put pressure on Fu Baixiu with her eyes.

This kind of private matter, even if it is reported to the emperor, there is no chance of winning.

If the prime minister's office doesn't welcome you, you can't live in it. Even the Royal people can't force you.

Jun Zilin knows that she can't control Fu Xiang now, but Zhou Jin doesn't have to.

But he even pinched Zhou Jin three times, but the king of Jin was sitting upright, with a very solemn look.

This man was not moved.

Jun Zi Lin doesn't understand. Just now, Zhou Jin Mingming is very helpful to her. How can she be betrayed by Fu Xiang in the middle of the way?

Seeing that Zhou Jin didn't insist on it any more, Fu Baixiu began to smile, and his voice was very kind. He said, "king of Jin, this garden has been newly built. Would you please come and enjoy it with me?" He said and turned to look at Yao.

Yao immediately understood what he meant and turned to Jun Zilin, who called him to the back house.

It seems that this means that they can go back after a tour in the prime minister's residence. As for living here, it's impossible.

Jun Zi Lin watched Zhou Jin get up, and her heart was in a hurry.Just in this week, Jin turned his head and looked at Jun Zilin with a little deep meaning.

It means a lot of other eyes. It seems that if you just let him go, maybe you will lose your goal.


In a flash, Jun Zilin stood up, grabbed Zhou Jin's hand, and said, "my Lord, I have a word to say to you alone. How about going to the garden with my uncle after the meeting?"

"Well, as Princess Ai said, how could I refuse."

Zhou Jin followed the good and didn't have any ambiguity at all, so he followed Jun Zilin to the side yard outside the door, and they whispered.

Fu Baixiu looked at all this inexplicably. It seemed that Zhou Jin wanted to answer him just now, but now he suddenly changed his mind. Is it because he is using his old bone?

And the side courtyard, Jun Zi Lin pulls Zhou Jin in, turns round to stare at him, "Wang Ye, what did you mean just now?"

"Aifei, what do you mean by that? What did I do?" Zhou Jin casually hook lips, thumb toward Jun Zilin chin gently whirling, with doting and connivance.

Jun Zilin didn't eat him. She stepped back and looked at him seriously. "Lord, what can we do to stay in the prime minister's office?"

In the heart Jun Zi Lin is very clear, if Zhou Jin does not send his this journey.

So with her status as a princess, she could easily live here. Even if Fu Baixiu didn't like it any more, she had to agree.

But Zhou Jin's coming is different.

Because Zhou Jin also wants to live in, the king of Jin living in, is to get the God to come in, Fu Baixiu naturally need to think about it.

Zhou Jin's "bad deeds" of killing dozens of slaves in the prime minister's residence also became the reason why the Fu family despised him.

Jun Zilin thought about it and thought that if there was no Zhou Jin, it would be smooth.

But now Zhou Jin wants to rebel, this guy suddenly does not stand on his side, why?

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