"So, I'll go in first." The bodyguard nodded and soon entered the hurdle.

Jun Zilin is a little helpless. Looking back, she doubts that she is in charge of this business.

Yunyouzhuo should be inherited. After all, he is such a big man. It's just that muhambo has gone a little bit too far.

Besides, there are no other problems.

But if Mu Hanbo gives Yun Youzhuo ten more beautiful girls, Jun Zilin thinks that Yun Youzhuo will not be able to endure that night.

Good life of a benevolent doctor, so died, Jun Zi Lin is reluctant.

It happened that the guard went in to inquire, and now he ran back.

Without waiting for Jun Zilin to ask, he took the lead in reporting, "Niang Niang, my marquis will come out later. He said to ask Niang Niang to go back and wait for another day."

Listening to this, Jun Zilin understood. As soon as the bodyguard went in to see his master, he suddenly changed his face. This was listening to Mu Hanbo's words.

"All right."

Jun Zi Lin sighed helplessly, let the bodyguard go back, and then rushed to Guan Yong Hou's house.

The man fainted when he took yunyouzhuo out of Houfu.

Jun Zilin can't, put him in the general's mansion for the time being, and when Mu Hanbo looks for him, just come to him. You can't look at this good living man who is killed by Mu Hanbo.

Tell the people of the general's residence, get Yun Youzhuo into the bucket to wash, don't make any noise, come directly to the prime minister's residence for something.

In this way, Jun Zilin plans to go to Jing Zhaoyin's place. Seeing that it's not early, she has to go back to the prime minister's residence first when she thinks of the trick played by Zhou Jin last time.

Fu yarou has come back early. She looks around Baoqin yard, but she doesn't look at Zhou Jin.

Jun Zi Lin is relieved. She asks someone, but the answer is unexpected. Zhou Jin leaves.

"Where did he go?"

Jun Zi Lin was stunned, and went to the border, why not tell her.

"It's said that I went to Jiangnan. It's like I've been looking for someone. Maybe I'll be back soon."

Who is he looking for in Jiangnan?

Jun Zilin doesn't understand. She doesn't even have Xuewei. It seems that this person is very important.

"The Lord asked me to take care of you before he left, so let's have a rest together in the evening." Fu yarou said with a smile, in fact, it is bound Jun Zilin where to go at night.

This big night, Zhou Jin is not, Jun Zilin rare free one night, where can let Fu yarou to live.


Jun Zilin happily and should, to eat late, quietly to Fu yarou under some medicine, let her sleep quietly in the past. They changed their men's clothes and went to jingzhaoyin with their spirits.

This time, Liu Xing was conscientious, and he was still holding the lamp at night. He asked people to take all the accounts of the corpse and the suspect, and thoroughly investigated Qiao Yi's death.

Finally, it comes to the conclusion that this is just the result of seeking revenge in the gambling house. It's no big deal.

When junzilin arrived, Liu Xing didn't say much. He waved her to come, "Qingyun, I knew you would come. Look, it's all here. Now that you're here, you can't say that this matter has something to do with Liang Er Na's case. How do you guess? "

Liu Xing also just casually broke off, who knows that Qingyun's face is dignified, does not nod or shake his head, just check the corpse case and confession.

Before she went back to the prime minister's house, she learned from Xiao die that mother yuan was still there, but Yuan county did not live with mother yuan.

Nayuan county is not young and has married. Just because he was addicted to gambling, the girl in the prime minister's house died in his hands. After that, he never married again.

From then on, he lingered in the gambling house.

It is strange that mother yuan was not too disciplined, she just went with him.

This time Xiaodie secretly went to mother yuan's residence, but the house in Yuan county was locked all the time.

Qiao Yi and Yuan county have always been connected, but Yuan county disappeared after Qiao Yi died. What does that mean.

Jun Zilin looked at the record by the faint candle light, but saw that the name of Yuan county was listed, and what was written behind was also very simple. Yuan county went out to escort the goods but did not return.

Can such a gambler go out to escort goods?

"When did you leave?"

Jun Zilin points the name of Yuan county and looks up at Liu Xing.

"I left yesterday." The master next to him replied, knowing that Qingyun was extraordinary, but he didn't want Qingyun to interfere too much. If a major case is involved, Liang er's body must have been buried by his family.

It's obvious that Qiao Yi died today. Yuan county left yesterday, and someone testified that it had nothing to do with Qiao Yi's death.

Yuan county is a deadly knife. It's a common dagger. If you poke it at will, you will be stabbed to death.

It seems that the technique is simple, but it needs skill. After all, it can't be killed by being stabbed casually. In addition to coincidence, the person who needs to use the knife has the heart to kill and stabs the right place.This knife just stabbed Qiao Yi's liver and cut his liver into pieces.

Qiao Yi's head is seven feet. If it's a random knife, the location of the stab to the liver needs the killer to be at least seven feet higher.

This is just one possibility; another possibility is that the killer is short and stabbed from bottom to top.

The shape of the wound was not recorded on the corpse case, but the shape and size of the dagger used by the murderer.

I still remember at the gate of the gambling house, Jun Zilin saw Qiao Yi's corpse. Now I can remember it clearly. Joey's wound is inclined upward. Preliminary judgment, the murderer is less than seven feet. It's not an ordinary vendetta or murder, and it's not a dispute.

Mr. Liu's efficiency is still good. Jun Zilin quickly turns over the other party's trial records and finds that there is a suspicious person on the top. At the same time, she is also in prison.

This man's name is Wang Er. He owes money to the gambling house and has accumulated one hundred Liang.

Later, under torture, the man confessed that he had killed Qiao Yi in order to wipe out the debt of one hundred taels of silver.

The master added, "according to our adult's opinion, Wang Er is not the murderer, he was just used. Because Wang is not tall and has little strength, although he looks like a murderer, some people testify that he quarrels with Qiao Yi and even fights

Wuzuo came over and said, "Qiao Yi's fatal wound can't be achieved with Wang Er's strength. Qiao Yi had a dispute with Wang Er before. When two people meet, may Qiao Yi be unprepared? It's even so easy to be killed by Wang Er. "

Jun Zilin nodded after listening, but everyone around Liu Xing was clear headed.

When Liu Xing saw that Qingyun was in agreement with him, he immediately laughed and said, "according to my official, put Wang Er in prison first, and let the real murderer think that my official has identified Wang Er as the murderer. In this way, the murderer will relax his vigilance. I've ordered someone to spy on the lucky gambling house. I believe we'll get something soon. "

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