At this time, the body was junzilin embrace, Wei Rongrong consciousness, some uncomfortable smile.

What a shy little girl!

Jun Zilin holds Wei Rongrong firmly with a smile, and gently presses her shoulder in tenderness, indicating that she should not move lightly next.

"Since you don't feel well, I'll treat you with acupuncture by my princess."

With these words, Jun Zilin took three steps and did two. As soon as he said it, he brushed in his hand. With a cold and bright silver needle, three of them stabbed into Ning's three acupoints, namely, the middle, temple and Qingming.

"Ah, ah Ning screamed.

The banquet was arranged in two rows.

At the moment, Ning's scream immediately affected the ladies and ladies in the opposite and adjacent banquet.

The people who were close to him stood up and wanted to see Ning's pig like howling. Was it the princess of Jin who killed him?

Ning's servant was so surprised that he went to ask the imperial doctor.

The rest of the servants tried to pull Jun Zilin and save her wife.

The doctor came quickly and yelled at the women who were in a group on the spot, "don't let go of the Marquis and his wife, be presumptuous, let go!"

Under the cry of the doctors, several guards rushed up and directly separated the two women.

"Who are you, so bold that you dare to give a needle to your wife..." The white bearded doctor around the head shook his arm and pointed at the woman with her back to her.

There is an ancient jade hairpin in the bun, which is as thin as cicada wings. It is decorated with a pair of thin wings, just like the wings of a butterfly. As the owner of the hairpin twists his slender white neck, the wings tremble slightly. The golden light on the hairpin shines in the sun, vaguely revealing a word: ember!

Zhang Jingyan looked at the rare jade hairpin with the word "ember" strangely. When the owner of the jade hairpin slowly looked back. His long white beard suddenly trembled, and then he almost bit off his tongue: Princess Jin?!

How could it be her?

"Oh, Hello, it's killing Benfu. Princess Jin is going to murder her. Come and help me Ning Shi a get free, immediately pull a voice to accuse Jun Zi Lin.

Zhang Jingyan suddenly turned back, walked forward for a salute, and then said, "princess, how can you apply the needle without permission? In case you cure the Marquis and his wife, what can you do?"

In contrast to the previous cross eyebrow roar, the person who applied the needle was the princess of Jin, and Zhang Jingyan and others were much more gentle, but there was still a strong suspicion and distrust in their tone.

"Why, I can't give the needle?" Jun Zi Lin looks light, completely without the color of panic and uneasiness. On the contrary, she stood there, graceful and graceful. Because of her beautiful appearance, it was like a beautiful scenery, which made people can't help but look at her more.

Without waiting for Zhang Jingyan to speak, Yuan Yuci's tone was lukewarm and indifferent. She seemed to be right about things and not about people. She said, "the princess has a noble status. Even a finger is valuable. Excuse me, madam. Although it's an honor for the Marquis and his wife, there are limits. Since she is not good at needling, why do she have to do it by herself? If you hurt someone, isn't it that you don't pay attention to prosperity? "

She said that the mountain road was eighteen bends. At the end, she directly sent the prosperous marquis to the top of the storm, pointing to Jun Zilin. She underestimated the prosperous Marquis, arrogant and reckless, and didn't know the size.

Although it's Jun Zilin, it's really "reasonable" for Jun Zilin to do so in terms of the power of the king of Jin. Therefore, under a certain hint, he even threw Zhou Jin on the burning fire.


"The king of Jin is more dignified. It's reasonable to look down on the prosperous marquis."

The people all around echoed, and Fu Ling Cui at the next table saw this situation, his face covered by gauze was cold. Although I am confident that I can deal with Jun Zilin, now it seems that Yuan Yuci is more suitable.

In particular, this means of starting a fire without any trace is really amazing!

At present, Fu Ling Cui lifted the veil and drank a cup of fruit wine. It's time to celebrate!

Wei Rongrong couldn't see it any more. She went around to Jun Zilin and began to talk.

"Naturally, today, madam Hou was seriously ill, and my concubine gave her the needle, but she didn't appreciate it. Instead, she screamed. How can I swallow this breath? Dr. Zhang, do you think so? " Jun Zi Lin a hold Wei Rong Rong, when first blunt mouth said, and toward Zhang Jingyan a glance.

Zhang Jingyan frowned and said, "the medical skill of the princess of Jin is yet to be verified. It's really too much fun to give her a needle so casually. She doesn't take human life seriously..."

"Is it the life of the king of Jin or the stepwife of the prosperous Marquis?"

Jun Zilin doesn't wait for Zhang Jingyan to say it. She interrupts him first and dares to question him!

"What is it?"

Zhang Jingyan was shocked. Her old eyes were full of complexity. She looked at Jun Zilin and didn't understand what she meant?

"Ha ha, the princess of Jin was so afraid that she didn't even dare to say what she really meant. I'm really disappointed in Yuci!" Yuan Yuci took the opportunity to cut in. She saw that Jun Zilin had just deliberately changed the topic, and directly put the problem around Ning's illness. So she wanted to stimulate Jun Zilin again, and wanted to turn the topic back.Unfortunately, Jun Zilin completely ignored her, only a cold, voice suddenly raised three degrees, solemnly announced a fact: "I do not know you remember the king of Jin walking on both legs inconvenience? But now the king of Jin has strong legs, and his steps are like the wind. You have eyes. Can you see that? "

There was no one to talk around, obviously by default.

Jun Zilin smiles, turns her head and looks at the lady of Ding Guogong not far away. Her eyes are shining. She opens her lips and says, "today, the lady of Ding Guogong is also here. At that time, both the lady and the Lord of Ding Guogong can see clearly. It is my concubine who has given the needle herself that has cured the legs that the Lord of Jin can't walk." Speaking of this, she pauses slightly and stares at Ning Shi, who is not convinced. "It's an honor for those who receive the needle to get the needle from my concubine. Dr. Zhang, do you think so? "

Zhang Jingyan I didn't expect that the princess would be talking about this in such a big circle!

Four under quiet, immediately women with about whispering, some still hold the eyes of disbelief toward Jun Zi Lin look. Some went to ask the wife of Ding Guogong.

Lu Shi raised his face and looked at Jun Zi Lin silently. They looked at each other. Immediately, she pursed her lips and nodded to those who inquired.

There is no need for her to upset Jun Zilin on such an occasion.

Lu's heart is clear, he still owes Jun Zilin a favor, even her things are still in Jun Zilin's hands.

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