When she arrived at the cottage, mother Meng went first, but found a clean place.

But Jun Zilin didn't like it. Instead, she found a pit full of excrement.

She squatted down like this. Seeing her squatting down, Mammy Meng thought of the scene that Jun fool was kicked into the excrement pit by his palace maid a few years ago almost at the same time.

And today Why can't she take advantage of this good opportunity.

"Lady, you are right to do so!"

At that moment, Mammy Meng took a wooden stick to lift, pat and pick up Jun Zilin's arms, legs, face and neck.

Without waiting for her next move, Jun Zilin suddenly stood up, pushed the door open, and called the maidservants to her. In the command tone, "you watch here, let mother Meng demonstrate here, all watch!"

All the other maidservants were shocked. After all, Jun Zilin had always been kind and friendly before she entered the palace. She was just like a bully.

The maidservants couldn't get used to it.

Jun Zi Lin see this is not angry, then their own out of the stinking excrement pit, personally put his hand to the closed door don't, make it always open.

Then she looked at mammy Meng and said, "Mammy, now you can demonstrate it?"

Mammy Meng was a little reluctant. After all, there was a clean and fragrant pit beside her. But you fool would come here to face the stinking place.

There are maidservants outside watching her demonstrate.

Originally this kind of reason gentleman fool to do can, she just from the side to help, who knows this gentleman fool is really not stupid.

Mammy Meng thought about it, and immediately showed an easy-going smile and said to Jun Zilin, "princess, you see, after the demonstration, you can come back to do it?"


Jun Zilin immediately showed a cautious expression, serious place, as if in the face of scientific proposition, "just this princess do posture is wrong. But if mother Meng did it again, I would not make the same mistake. So we don't have to smell here any more! "

The two maidservants outside frowned slightly, but they didn't say anything. Just looking at mammy Meng one by one.

Seeing their eyes, Mammy Meng immediately frowned and glared angrily!

The two maidservants didn't dare to look any more, so they had to look away. At the same time, they endured the thin and long stink, hoping that the ceremony would end soon.

Mammy Meng is still in a stalemate.

Jun Zilin showed a look of great concern and went to help her, "mother Meng can't squat down, so I'll help you in person..."

"No. Niang Niang, it's better for the maidservant to come by himself! " Mother Meng clenched her teeth and squatted down, trying to make her movements standard.

At this time, I want to find someone to block my nose and mouth, so that I don't smell the stink of the excrement pit.

But mammy Meng can't, she still has to follow the explanation, so as not to make you confused.

Jun Zi Lin see Meng mammy squat so decent, preached for a while, will get up for Jun Zi Lin squat in the past.

However, Jun Zilin suddenly turned to mother Meng and asked, "when mother just squatted in the pit, where should she put her hand? What's more, should the face fall or be serious? "

Mammy Meng's heart was full of air and smelled the stink of the excrement pit. She had already tried her best to do it, but the fool didn't understand, "it's like this..."

At that moment, Mammy Meng taught her twice. She thought to herself that she would let Jun fool squat in the pit, and she would take a slender stick to correct her posture from afar, and let her smell the stink of the excrement pit first!

And Jun Zi Lin see Meng mammy squat in front of the excrement pit, the limbs have been stiff.

She glanced at the excrement in the excrement pit and lightly hooked her lips. It seemed that the fire was enough.

Meng Zi's maidservant's eyes went up to the front of her, and the maidservant's eyes were not waiting for her.

Mammy Meng demonstrated it two or three times. She had already felt numb in her hands, sore in her legs, and dizzy. She felt that she was not only smelly, but also smelly in her nose. When Jun Zilin came to help her, she was not half polite. Instead, she took Jun Zilin by the arm and stood up straight.

Jun Zilin said with a smile, "it's hard work. What's wrong with mammy? "

When she spoke to herself, mother Meng had to answer as long as she was half rational.

"Thank you, madam. I feel ok..."

Mammy Meng just finished saying a word, suddenly her face changed.

The two maidservants in the distance screamed and saw the abnormal color of mammy Meng, which was even more abnormal. The two maidservants were so scared that they couldn't take care of the princess. They rushed out of the latrine and yelled, "help, somebody, mother Meng is crazy!"

This autumn palace is full of servants.

After hearing the sound, he came to the rescue immediately. There are many eyes staring at the princess of Jin to learn etiquette, because she came the first day ago, and the empress of the second came to explain it.Now, as soon as the two maidservants screamed, other maidservants immediately came up to ask each other, and the eunuch in charge also came, for fear that the princess of Jin might have an accident.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"But what happened to the princess?"

"Say it

The two maidservants covered their mouths, and their faces looked like they wanted to die. They could not speak, but pointed to the direction of the toilet, almost scared to cry.

"Go and have a look!"

Immediately, the eunuch manager and the maidservants rushed to the toilet.

But when he arrived at the scene, sun Gonggong, the most trusted eunuch around the empress, vomited out before he could get near.

"Ah, Mammy Meng, how could she..."


The timid palace maid behind had covered her lips and vomited violently.

Sun Gonggong opens his face and looks for the princess of Jin who is so scared that he can't care about anything else. It's the key to protect the princess first.

"Lady, please come with me."

Quickly, sun Gonggong ordered people to hold Jun Zilin and leave the toilet. In the latrine, mother Meng is still eating happily

Queen Zhang soon heard about it and came in a hurry.

When hearing what sun Gonggong told her truthfully, empress Zhang's face changed, even though she had lived for decades. But she had never heard of such a thing before. How could she eat shit?

"I'm still in a daze. I'll take someone to get mammy Meng out and wash her. I'll ask the doctor to come and have a look. It must be crazy."

Meng Zi Lin said, "is mother Zhang's voice beside her? Is this man really the mother who teaches Zilin? "


I do not know why in the face of Jun Zi Lin that there is no strength, very timid eyes. Instead, Queen Zhang was speechless, embarrassed and embarrassed.

Sun Gonggong hurriedly took orders and left.

Seeing that it was late, empress Zhang asked Jun Zilin to have lunch.

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