I thought it was common Croton, but the patient's symptoms were not like this at all.

I didn't expect that the princess would have an autopsy, even making poison

"It's all right. The pain passed for a while." Jun Zi Lin Shan a smile, did not expect that he will be self defeating.

However, it can be seen from this that the people of the Li family are on guard.

"Next, what shall we do?" Cloud you burned to put a heart then ask a way.

"Why don't you go and have a look in the evening."

Jun Zilin turned her eyes, but her tone was a little helpless. "It's not a good way, but if we hit the wall every time we do something, it will prove that the water in Li's house is not so deep. There's more reason to look him up! "

"It can only be so." Cloud you burning light sigh, don't forget to charge, "you can be careful, don't rule out this Li Fu is a master."

Jun Zi Lin nods, but can chase soul to come, let him go to check this Li Fu's situation.

Self knowledge is the Kung Fu of triangle cat, Jun Zilin does not demand.

It was getting dark, and when Li Fu was about to close down, a man burst in.

The man, dressed in all kinds of clothes, went all the way to the hall.

Jun Zilin and others don't know about it, but soon the servant leads them to the guest garden and enters.

"Ah, it's hard for you two to find a small one!" When he entered the door, he clasped his fist and saluted politely. He was so excited that he seemed to see today's emperor.

Seeing that the visitor was Zhang Ling when she entered xibufang, Jun Zilin's thin lips began to smile and asked, "it's an old friend. What's the matter?"

Li Fu, the housekeeper of Li's house, came with Zhang Ling personally. He was so scared that he thought that the two strange guests in the house had committed a serious crime that he was attracted. Who would have guessed that the constable's face was not right. He didn't look like a criminal. He seemed to have come to confess!

Zhang Ling wanted to stop talking. Looking back at Li Fu, he waved them away. "You go down first. I have something to say to them. Hurry up and step back!"

Li Fu and others did not dare to neglect him, and each one reluctantly retreated.

Rao is so, Zhang Ling is still not at ease, he turned back and closed the door.

After that, he quickly came to junzilin. Then he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed, made up a gift, and said in a low voice, "I've seen your Royal Highness the king of Jin..."

Jun Zi Lin sees his this pair of furtive appearance, the heart is simply speechless.

See him worship, Jun Zi Lin just pretend to ask, "you come here, what's the matter?"

The xibufang is not big. It's not difficult for Zhang Ling to find out their whereabouts.

Can this take advantage of the night and come, is the case that Zhang Ling hand went wrong?

Jun Zilin can only do so.

But what she didn't expect was that things were more serious than she thought --

"here comes the fake!"

As soon as Zhang Ling came, he burst into a rage.

"What fake?" Jun Zilin is puzzled.

"It's a fake Zhang Ling was shaking and shouting. Seeing junzilin frowning, he was afraid that she would not understand, so he said, "Lord, you don't know, someone here is pretending to be you!"

Zhang Lingya's face was grim in a low voice, and he was grinding his teeth with common hatred. The white of his eyes in the dark was particularly terrible, flashing cold white Lingguang.


Jun Zi Lin doesn't know why. She's still weird in her heart. Can Zhou Jin also impersonate her?

Is it the other side's purpose?

But she has a token, so she can impersonate it. But what does the other party carry to prove that he is Zhou Jin?

"Yes, yes!"

Zhang Ling's eyes were shining, and he said firmly, "he must be a fake! But it's really evil that we adults should go to the inn to see him! Wang Ye, do we want to expose the liar now? "

Cloud you burning beside hear this words, busy toward Jun Zi Lin see.

"Ha ha, Constable Zhang, don't be alarmed. Let me go and have a look and make a decision." Jun Zilin suddenly became old and held Zhang Ling's shoulder, and ordered him to be a little impatient, "have you ever told others about my king's work in xibufang? For example, your family

"No, no!" Zhang Ling shook her head and raised her hand to swear her loyalty to King Jin.

Jun Zilin felt relieved and decided to continue to exert her deterrence. She stood in the same place and walked around. Finally, she said, "Constable Zhang, you should continue to observe. The fake king of Jin will be handed over to me. You go back first. If you have any news, I'll send someone to pass it to you."

"Well "My subordinates are leaving?" Zhang Ling blinked and looked at Jun Zilin questioningly.

"Step back, and don't tell anyone about today." Jun Zi Lin looks like a random wave of his hand, motioning him to step down.

The door opened and closed, Zhang Ling quickly left the guest garden.

"It seems that we must seize the time. This xibufang is not peaceful to look at! ""Before that, we have to pay a visit to the fake king of Jin." Jun Zi Lin Ning eyes smile, mouth outlines a touch of cold.

She also worried that the water was too muddy to catch fish.

I didn't expect that someone would send it to my door automatically. I'd like to see who the fake king of Jin was.

"If others dare to pretend, it means that they must pretend to be very similar. If you go to visit, what should you do if you can't get out?" Cloud you burning not from ground worry way.

"What's more, isn't the official of xibufang a fool? He can recognize the fake king of Jin as true? Is this the official of the imperial court? "

Jun Zilin is silent, just waiting for time to pass.

At the time of Hai, Jun Zilin turned over and got up. Yun Youzhuo heard the movement and didn't sleep any more. He wanted to follow her.

"I'm just going to visit at night. If you go, it becomes a visit." Jun Zi Lin does not take him, only refuses.

"But in case you have something..." Yun Youhuo is a little uneasy.

Jun Zilin knew what he meant, so he said, "although Li Fu is a little tricky, it's not enough to kill people. Especially when Zhang Ling was here, he didn't dare to touch us. So you stay here. It's safe. "

Not wait for cloud you burning against, Jun Zi Lin quietly opened the door, turned out of the yard, disappeared in the dark.

All the way out of the house, to the avenue.

Jun Zi Lin secretly regrets not asking Zhang Ling which Inn it is.

She went to the biggest Inn in xibufang and hid in the dark. Jun Zilin looked at the auspicious Inn and found that there were all kinds of chariots and horses, and there were lots of guards. It was as if it was run by an official.

But at the carriage, you can see clearly from a distance that it was the carriage of the official Yamen.

Think of what Zhang Ling said earlier, Jun Zilin is different. Is it that the fake really lives in this inn, and the officials of the Yamen actually come to visit him in person.

Jun Zilin ponders how to enter the inn.

Anyway, she had to see what happened.

Rao to the back wall, Jun Zilin saw a lot of guest room windows on the first floor, and some were half open.

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