But seeing that man's body is light and agile, he is actually a practitioner. Zhou Jin was almost sure that this man must have gone to Jun Zilin. But Yun Youzhuo doesn't know martial arts.

No, love is dangerous.

Zhou Jin went forward to fight, but he just pushed the crowd forward, who expected to feel a punch behind him. He flashed to the side, but four strange men came round him.

Seeing these people, Zhou Jin was more sure that they were coming for Aifei.

At the moment, in a contest with the four men, Zhou Jin stares at the backstage not far away. He wants to take advantage of the opportunity to save AI Fei. At the same time, he scolds them secretly. Why don't they stay with Jun Zilin? Are these dark guards watching and playing.

But now it's hard for Zhou Jin to protect himself. In this crowded place, it's difficult for the dark guards to come in, not to mention chasing souls. They were sent away by Jun Zilin.

For a moment, there was chaos in the field, but the crowd was even more disorienting.

What's more, many people are eager to squeeze into the restaurant, because they know that the drunk beauty is going to dance for every table in person. How can they not miss this opportunity.

Zhou Jin solved the four strange men outside and went backstage.

Who knows, backstage, pour a large.

All of them, including yunyouhuo, were tilted to the ground and knocked unconscious.

Zhou Jin comes forward to save Yun you from burning, and asks her where Jun Zilin is. Cloud you burning then pointed to the upstairs not far away, the mouth didn't speak, then fainted again.

Looking at the top of his head, Zhou Jin saw clearly. There was a small passage from the backstage to the top, which could hold Jun Zilin's thin body.

And those who can shrink their bones will naturally get in.

Now Zhou Jin has only this way to go.

There is no way to walk because of the crowd outside. On the contrary, it is much closer to here.

Zhou Jin had no choice but to use the bone shrinking skill, and then he squeezed in.

Jun Zilin fled to the fourth floor, watching the people behind come after her, which completely broke her plan.

Ran to the fifth floor, Jun Zilin straight to the last room.

She knew it was heavily guarded.

However, with the pursuer behind, Jun Zilin is not afraid. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. She has plenty of opportunities.

And then she crashed in.

The man at the back is also following.

Then there was a "whoosh" of arrows in the room.

Jun Zilin snorted and fell down on the ground, followed by three or five people in black who rushed up like ghosts.

They entangled the pursuers behind them, but also clamped Jun Zi Lin.

"I'm a drunk beauty. Please let me in. This is my pursuer."

Jun Zi Lin covers the arrow wound on the body, on the surface is full of beg ground explanation way.

The man in black left one to hold her, and the rest was to deal with the pursuer.


The man in black picked up Jun Zilin and went to the inner room.

Jun Zi Lin's face is in pain, but her heart is smiling. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. She wanted to see what was there.

Yun Youzhuo said that every drunk beauty will disappear.

Now she wants to see how Li Bi kills people.

Pushed into the inner room, Jun Zilin can't believe that Zhen is really here.

The crazy Zhen who disappeared in the courtyard is here. She is quietly trimming her hair in the mirror.

Her hair was well combed and her face was serene in the mirror.

Jun Zilin came near and sat down beside her.

But the woman seemed not to see it at all, still combing her hair.

"Aunt Zhen?"

Jun Zilin approached her and looked at her little face in the mirror.

But see eyebrow eyes curved, her apricot eyes such as autumn water, looks very gentle, but no focus, is very scattered.

It is so, this double eye Mou is also the gentleman Zi Lin some familiar.

Before, through her messy hair, she felt that these eyes were a little familiar. Now aunt Zhen has combed her hair, and the familiarity of these eyes is more and more serious.

Where is this place? Why is aunt Zhen here.

Where is Li Bi?

Jun Zilin took the opportunity to turn the room over again, the sound of fighting outside, she needs to seize the time.

Just as she turned over to Zhen's dressing table, she suddenly grabbed her hand across the air.

Because the other hand's action is too fast, Jun Zilin can't dodge for a moment, but he catches her.

Without waiting for Jun Zilin to take action, the other party suddenly arrives, grabs her and fishes her.

On the spot, Jun Zilin is like a silk thread in the wind, caught by the other party. Nevertheless, taking advantage of this opportunity, she suddenly catches aunt Zhen. As a result, the two women fall on the visitor."Ah

A burst of short call, Jun Zilin and aunt Zhen tilt on the ground.

Aunt Zhen, as if unconscious, fell to the ground and did not get up. She kept a crooked posture.

And Jun Zilin, decisively climb up, the next moment to look back, but see behind the face of evil, full of momentum, people dare not look directly at. It's Jinzhou.

Subconsciously, Jun Zilin went to cover her face. Fortunately, her veil was still there.

As long as Zhou Jin can't recognize her, although her heart is broken at the moment, she always feels that she has been recognized by Zhou Jin. But she has not thought of a good reason to be accepted by the other party.

At this moment, Zhou Jin leaned down and pressed her big palm on Jun Zilin's soft hair, delicate temples and delicate cheeks like magic.

Finally, under the strong resistance of junzilin, he easily pulled down the veil of the other party.

The whole face was forced to be exposed to Zhou Jin's sight, and Jun Zilin suddenly closed her eyes, embarrassed in her heart.

She wanted to apologize, but now it doesn't work.

I don't think it's any use at all.

The sound of fighting outside is more and more clear. Jun Zilin suddenly reacts that this is not the time for them to make trouble. For today's plan, we have to settle the matter quickly. If we stay like this, we can't live.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at Zhou Jin, who was looking down at her. Without saying a word, Jun Zilin, like a monkey climbing a tree, rushes up to hold Zhou Jin, and can't help saying that she will kiss him.

The kiss lasted a very short time.

Jun Zi Lin suddenly left him, two people looked at each other, after Jun Zi Lin first said, "leave quickly, I first take aunt Zhen, Wang Ye in front of the road!"

She turns around and grabs aunt Zhen who is sitting on the ground. She sees that Zhou Jin is still pursing her lips and refuses to let go. Jun Zi Lin poked him, "hurry up, time is running out, what's the matter to come back!"

Zhou Jin also seems to expect that now is not a good time to speak. He nodded and then turned to go out.

Along the way, there were two groups of people fighting with each other. One was Li Bi's, the other was not recognized.

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