"Don't hurry, get a basin of water, I'll wash my face first!"

Jun Zilin said busily.

There is no one in this common people's home. Jun Zilin has to wash her face and put on her clothes here. Then she leaves with the pursuit of soul.

In the street, I saw the gang of people passing by, and no one was chasing and shouting.

Jun Zilin was relieved.

Chasing soul is quite a chin Fu ground to nod, "did not expect ah, the empress's Yi Rong technique is so superb!"

These people's eyes are bright, see these people did not follow up, chase soul bottom of the heart to really emerge to Jun Zilin's admiration.

Two people just walked a few steps, suddenly saw a team of people running ahead, the leader is the king of Jin.

Seeing junzilin and zhuibu together, Zhou Jin squints at junzilin's brand-new dress. He reaches out to her in front of the horse and says, "princess, it's time to go!"

Jun Zilin had no objection, only said, "I'd better take a carriage. I want to record something. Also, bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone. " As she said this, she turned her head and nodded her head, indicating to him to finish what she had told him.


Zhou Jin didn't object. After taking Jun Zilin to the horse, he grabbed her waist tightly, as if afraid that she would suddenly disappear.

Jun Zilin is worried. She doesn't know how Zhou Jin will ask herself and how to pass this pass.

When I was thinking about this, I suddenly saw a man coming from the other side. Yu Shu, the official seal of the state of Ding, was wearing a moon white fine Ge cloth robe. He looked this way and said, "King Jin, it's time to leave. It's just a pity that the criminals in xibufang haven't been caught yet! "

Zhang Yu said several times and turned his head to look at Jun Zilin. His old eyes implied coldness.

By him so stare at, Jun Zi Lin feels a little strange. Slowly in the eyes, she tasted different from the usual taste, isn't it It is not Zhou Jin, but Zhang Yushu, who is wanted by the whole city?!

Aware of this, Jun Zilin secret way is not good, that hunter must have fallen into the hands of Zhang Yu number.

Otherwise, the other party will not get the portrait.

Originally, the portrait should have fallen into Zhou Jin's hands, but now it is used by Zhang Yushu. Jun Zilin is very afraid. If the hunter is bribed by Zhang Yushu, then he will not find the hunter when he goes back! Even fall into the trap of the opponent!

At the moment, Jun Zilin was a little anxious and couldn't sit on the horse.

Zhou Jin's big palm gently pinched her waist, bent over her ear and whispered softly, "little guy, don't move. If you move again, you will fall down, you know?"

"But..." Jun Zi Lin is not comforted by his words, but more anxious.

Zhou Jin simply put her whole person into his arms, lips in her ear whispered, "you know, the more at this time, the more calm, love, I'm behind you, feel it?"

His words are as low and charming as before. Jun Zilin's back is leaning against his solid chest hall. Through the thin cloth, she feels his solid and hard muscles. I don't know why, maybe it's just this body, maybe it's the feelings with Zhou Jin these days and her inner belief, junzilin is strangely quiet.

But when she thought of chasing soul again, she was still uneasy, but relaxed a lot.

On the way back, the king of Jin used the best carriage in xibufang. The horse was spacious, and the jade curtain rang with the wind.

The four treasures of the study are ready and put on the small table. As the carriage moved, there was no shaking in it. Zhou Jin sat opposite her, holding the pot with her slender fingertips, and made tea for her in person, looking leisurely.

"You're back? What about the fake hunter? " Jun Zi Lin asked again.

"I'll let you know then. Let's write, princess." Different from junzilin, Zhou Jin is quite calm. His appearance is elegant and steady. In addition, the light from outside comes in through the half open curtain. His every move seems to be enjoying this beautiful life.

This man, even if the sky breaks, he will not show the color of panic.

Jun Zi Lin said from the bottom of her heart, but then her mind printed out the appearance of his panic. If you think about it, it's because of yourself that he is.

Now she couldn't bear to urge again, so she began to write.

This time, he left the imperial capital without permission, which is bound to be passed on by the emperor.

Jun Zilin relies on this record in her hand, hoping to block her for a while. She only needs to protect herself. As for Zhou Jin, she knows that as long as she doesn't involve him, it's lucky. This man will always protect himself.

I don't know how long it took for my writing hands to get tired. Jun Zilin put down her pen, turned her wrist, and then turned her head and neck. She felt thirsty. He handed a cup of tea in front of him. When I look down, I see a slender hand holding a white jade teacup. Although I don't look up at the owner of the teacup, the beautiful color of the teacup and the hand, which are reflected in the eyes, have made people feel boundless.

Mug took the cup, Jun Zi Lin product, the temperature is just right, then Yang neck drink.

Again the cup back, Jun Zilin again bow down to write, try to reduce the word less sentence, consider after writing.In this way, he felt the carriage stopped and the man opposite lifted the curtain.

Then the carriage rose again, and Zhou Jin's voice rang out in his ear, "the hunter has caught him. He and the fake Li Jun have taken him to the imperial capital. I'm relieved. Well, there's nothing wrong with chasing souls. Go on writing! "

Jun Zi Lin raised her head and pursed her lips.

After a while, he finished writing the three large pages of rice paper, and then handed them to the man opposite, "you can have a look and trim them a little. When the emperor asks, I'll follow the above description."

Just now she thought that although she was the princess of Jin, the emperor might disdain to read her own book.

So she made preparations and asked Zhou Jin to be a teacher. After all, the man often dealt with the emperor and knew the emperor's temperament.

When he got the paper, Zhou Jin showed his first smile since he got on the bus. He seemed to be joking. He raised his eyes and looked at the opposite princess. "This case is your hard work. Are you willing to let me see it now? Is there a price to pay? "

Is this man trying to do himself a favor?

Listen to a bright eyes.

Don't let the benefits come to you in vain.

At that moment, she quickly searched for her own needs. Just as she was about to speak, Zhou Jin took a token and put it on the table, "here, here you are. Don't lose it again. "

The token is the king of Jin's personal belongings. Seeing this token is like seeing the king of Jin.

Jun Zilin had used this token when she acted as Qingyun. But when I met Zhou Jin on the street, the token was touched by the man.

Now he gives the token to himself again. Junzilin feels that he has lost a lot.

Originally, this token was given to myself. Steal it from myself and give it to myself. Zhou Jin has done a good job in this business Damn man!

Heart injustice, Jun Zi Lin but dare not pick out clearly said.

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