Han Gujin only knew about it yesterday.

He wanted to leave, but the gate of the imperial capital didn't let him go. Inside and outside, they are all old men, and they won't let him leave. Even if it's disguised, it will be recognized quickly.

Han Gujin ponders that the fourth Prince often goes to the Jin palace outside the city. If he can Even if you hide under the fourth Prince's carriage, you can get out of the city.

This depends on the little brother in front of us. As long as she agrees, everything will be easy.

Jun Zilin was silent. She took a sip of tea and stood up to pace the room.

The courtyard is exquisite and the furnishings in the house are OK. The tables and chairs are made of mahogany, 80% new. The bed in the inner room is also carved and hollowed out. And although the dresser is empty, it's obvious that it took a lot of effort.

As for Han Gujin, his apprentice, Jun Zilin's mouse skeleton scared him to a limp. She knew that this man's character was nothing but a soft footed shrimp.

At this point, Jun Zilin's eyes touched a layer of dust on the dressing table not far away. But there are other colors. When she stepped forward, she swab it with a snow-white handkerchief and saw a mass of spots like rouge on it.

quickly compared the first mock exam of the rouge in yesterday's riches and family, but there was no two.

Outside, Han Gujin was waiting for her reply. Unexpectedly, he saw her coming quickly. He got up and asked, "little brother, did you promise me..."

"Han Gujin! Did you buy the rouge here? Together with the rouge of the rich cloth shop, it's also from you? Say it

Suddenly touched her harsh eyebrows, Han Gujin immediately softened down, sat aside and said angrily, "why do you all ask the same question? Miss Zheng's death has nothing to do with me. Let me say it several times! "

This words a, Jun Zi Lin fiercely one excite spirit, step forward a to catch his collar up a roll, "still have who say?"? Say it

"Old man!"

Han Gujin didn't dodge. Zhengdaguang said, "Miss Zheng came to the cloth shop and died. I didn't do it. When she died, I was still happy with my concubine... "


Jun Zilin slapped him in the past and finally blocked his obscene mouth.

Han Gujin was slapped and jumped up in anger. He was slender and rushed up to Jun Zilin. He put his hands on her neck and said, "boy! It's been a long time since I tolerated your being so presumptuous. Don't think I'm a bully. If you beat me today, you'll have to taste the consequences! "

His big hand is very fierce, pinching Jun Zilin's neck. Jun Zilin snorts, her breath is blocked, and her eyes turn white.

She tried her best to hold on, her hand moved, and the corner of her mouth sneered and said, "if you are not afraid of death You can use more strength! "

Han Gujin didn't know why, but he felt the sharp edge of his chest approaching him. With Jun Zilin's ferocious smile, he was so scared that he let her go.


After being let go, Jun Zilin coughs several times, and the scalpel in her hand has been dyed with a bright color. She glanced at the opposite Han Gujin and said coldly, "young master Han, it seems that you are not honest. In this case, follow me to Mr. Liu. As for going out of the imperial capital, you'd better clear your own suspicion first! "

Now she understood why han didn't let Han Gujin go out of the city. This is a self-cleaning way to avoid his suspicion.

Once out of the city, it's like running away. On the contrary, it deepens suspicion.

However, the case was not solved for a day, and all the people were suspected. Han Gujin was weak and reckless, and his temperament was erratic. If it wasn't for the scalpel just now, Jun Zilin didn't think she was strangled by him.

That box eat soft afraid of hard Han Gujin Chong Jun Zilin knelt down, full of beg for mercy.

"What's the matter with the manager of Fugui cloth shop?" Jun Zilin asked.

"This..." Han Gujin's voice of begging for mercy suddenly stopped. He stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

Jun Zilin frowned and walked away.

Han Gujin knew that she was going to report to the government. He came over and hugged her on the spot. "Little brother, I said, I can't say all of them! I'll tell you all the truth I didn't tell the old man! You are my rebirth parents, aren't you? "

Jun Zilin could not help shaking her head when she saw his wimpy appearance, so she listened to him and said, "the manager of the cloth shop is blocking me from taking money. When I was in a hurry, I gave him a fat beating and locked him up! Don't worry. He's not dead. I didn't break the law! "

Han Gujin took it for granted. There were a few strands of ferocious color on his handsome face. It seemed that he was really cruel when he couldn't get the silver.

"Take money to gamble?" Jun Zilin saw him as a gambler, as if he was willing to lose his fortune.

"No. My little sweetheart wants a bigger and more expensive hairpin to decorate her face, but the old man doesn't give me any silver. She will blame me again. Naturally, we should give the old man some strength first. He's losing his face Han Gujin's face is full of color.

It's for beauty!Jun Zilin helped her forehead and asked, "where's your sweetheart?"

Who knows this question, Han Gujin shriveled his mouth and was about to burst into tears on the spot, pointing to the empty yard, "sweetheart rolled up the blanket and ran away, Wuwuwuwu!"

It's really weak and incompetent.

Jun Zilin sighed and asked about Miss Zheng.

"When I went back that day, I happened to run into Miss Zheng in the side room. She's just beautiful So he started, hehe Who would have thought that she would commit suicide when she went back to the government. Is that my fault? I don't want to kill anyone. I'm not willing to give up if I'm too late to protect the beautiful girl

"How?" Jun Zilin thinks that in the garden of the prime minister's mansion, Han Gujin also acts on himself, but that degree is just a touch of the face. For Jun Zilin of modern people, the degree of such molestation is low, but in ancient times, it was beyond the great ceremony, and it was a terrible thing.

"I just put the new rouge on her face. Unexpectedly, she was not happy and walked away. I didn't even touch her face. It's a pity that she's so beautiful."

After listening to Han Gujin, Jun Zilin nods.

The rouge found at the foot of the table is what was left at the beginning.

If things are really like what Han Gujin said, then Zheng Shangshu's government has some reasons to prevent the government from investigating the cause of Miss Zheng's death. In particular, Miss Zheng was molested by Han Gujin before she died, and this kind of thing will also be dug up.

Zheng Shangshu didn't want his daughter's reputation to be tainted, so he pressed her hard.

"Little brother, you see, I have said all you need to know. Now it's time to help me?" Han Gujin has no face and no skin to come up, smile that call a flattery, see Jun Zilin don't speak, he also came forward, "is it not still angry for just now, OK, I apologize to you, big deal with a tooth for a tooth, you hit me a few times?" Then he took Jun Zilin's hand and hit him.

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