At that time, empress Zhang had left surrounded by maidservants.

Jun Zilin shakes off asking Lu and is going to chase her.

Can this ask dew unexpectedly have two sons, a set of catching hands directly block Jun Zi Lin Ge.

"Get out of here!"

Jun Zilin is very angry. If she just doubts, now she is determined.

Ask Lu to stop her, Wen Nu Guan's death and ask Lu must be related!

Suddenly a pain on the body, Jun Zi Lin was surprised, saw ask Lu in the hand of three poison needle came over, is pierced in her chest and abdomen place.

"Damn it."

Jun Zilin grits her teeth and kicks Wenlu's stomach, kicking her directly under the table.

At this time, the queen and the people have gone far away. In the room where she once lived, Jun Zilin shakes her eyes and almost faints.

Wenzao's voice came from his ear, "come on, hold Princess Jin!"

Jun Zilin was helped out of the hut. When she opened her eyes and was a little sober, she found herself in a remote palace. Wen Zao was standing at the door of the palace. She was fed bitter medicine in her mouth.

In an instant, she reacted and stood up, but still fainted.

She was stabbed with three short and thin silver needles, which hurt even more at the moment.

She reached out and stroked, and found that through the clothes, the skin there had swollen up.

Wenzao's men are waiting for her from a distance. Seeing her movements, they are just ready to help her. Maybe because of the difference between men and women, they dare not get too close.

You have to pull that needle out!

Jun Zilin said in secret. At the same time, she could not help biting her teeth. Unexpectedly, the people around Wei Wanyan had such a high level of martial arts skills. He was very powerful and poisonous.

Light cough sound, Jun Zi Lin smell from the throat of the overflow of bloody taste.

I don't know whether it's because of the injury that leads to the penetrating mind or something.

Jun Zilin suddenly thought of the cup of tea served by wennuguan.

After that, Wei Wanyan thought the tea was hot and let the female officials drink it.

Jun Zilin calculated the time of the attack of arsenic. From the time wennuguan drank it, to the time when she went into the kitchen to continue to secrete tea, plus the time wasted in meeting Wenlu, it was almost exactly the time of the attack of arsenic.

If we continue to investigate this matter, we will find out.


Jun Zilin coughs with her lips covered. She feels numb in her throat. Something similar to saliva flows from her lips.


Wen Zao's men screamed.

The man Wen, who was standing at the door, heard the voice and hurriedly turned back. But he saw that Jun Zilin's fingers were full of blood.

Wenzao takes the brocade blue kerchief from the cuff.

Jun Zi Lin holds the handkerchief, can't stop of vomit out a mouthful, this just feel throat happy some.

"You have been poisoned. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible!" Wenzao said with a tight eyebrow.

Jun Zilin grabs him with her backhand, raises her small face, stares at him and asks, "Wenzao, why, why?"

Her own daughter, even if she was just a little concubine, died so inexplicably. Wenzao, as a minister of the Ministry of punishment, why should he turn a blind eye like this? Why?

Wen Zao stares at the weak but tough girl in front of her. You read that this woman broke the name of being stupid at the beginning, confronted Zhang Shizi in the imperial study, and won the brilliant eyes of the civil and military ministers in the whole imperial study.

At that time, Wen Zao liked this girl. If Zhang Shizi didn't marry her, he would ask to be my son's daughter-in-law.

Like this woman, she is clear and smart. She has a bright eye and can't let go.

But he thought it was too simple, although the king of Jin married this woman by mistake.

But in private, Wen Zao didn't know that this girl was taken in by the king of Jin, because she was married by mistake.

At that time, Wenzao only felt sorry.

It is a pity of his life that he can't be a writer.

And now this delicate and delicate woman, like a flower, seems to burst out all the momentum, questioning him why.

In his heart, Wenzao only felt the passing of bitterness and bitterness, and finally he sighed.

"The princess of Jin, and good health detoxification."

Wen Zao finally spat out such a sentence, slowly took her hand from her body, turned around and said, "take the princess back."

It has been said that she should take Jun Zilin to the criminal department. She can't stay in the Qiqiu palace any longer.


Jun Zilin shakes off her subordinates on both sides and cries out Wenzao's name, but says, "even a common girl is a member of the literary family. Now that wennuguan is dead, I don't know why you are so perfunctory, but what you get from selling your daughter is not necessarily rich. Anyway, I'm going to Jinwu palace to see xiufei. It's not too much! "

"Are you going to Jinwu palace?"

Wenzao slightly surprised to look back to Jun Zilin, her mouth stained with blood, still insist.That stubborn state, makes people feel puzzled, "you have been poisoned, if not treated earlier..." Take Jun Zilin back to the Ministry of punishment, one is out of the posture of protection. Wenzao doesn't want to see junzilin die of poisoning. Secondly, it is to obey the holy orders.

"Ha ha."

Jun Zilin sneered, stretched out her tongue and licked her lips: "Mr. Wen, I know my own body. How dare those who dare to poison me die in this inner palace. On the contrary, it's you. If you take me out of the palace, but suddenly I'm poisoned, how can you explain to the king of Jin? For the sake of your prosperity, you'd better consider sending me to Jinwu Palace first! "

Wenzao's face was embarrassed. After thinking about it, he finally nodded, "go to Jinwu palace. But you can't stay there long... "

"You don't need to remind me!"

Supported by two bodyguards, junzilin goes to Jinwu palace.

Along the way, she thought for a long time, and now the empress did not appear, which was obviously taboo. In this Qiqiu palace, Wei Wanyan dared to ask Lu to give him a poisonous needle. Her arrogance has stopped her.

Jun Zilin quickly analyzes the reason why the queen is so silent in this matter.

It must be because xiufei lost her body and lost her child in Qiqiu palace. Empress Zhang was reprimanded by the emperor and did not dare to do more.

What's more, the queen is weak.

However, the death of Wen nuguan and Wen Zao's silence are very revealing. Even if wennuguan is just a common woman, it's Wenzao's father who should be involved in the matter. But as if nothing had happened to him, coupled with the attitude of the queen, the two men must have colluded.

But why did they give in to Wei Wanyan?

If we go further, we can find out the death of wennuguan. Both Wenlu and Wei Wanyan are found. Why don't they check?

At this time, Ding Guogong and others in the imperial study came in a hurry.

Hearing that the child in xiufei's womb had been lost, Yu Shu, the official seal of Dingguo, as a mother, came very quickly. As soon as I entered the door, I fell on my knees and burst out crying.

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