Think of just two elder brother said new old people, Jun Zilin heart a while not very comfortable.

"Just now, who is the name of the man you want to reveal?" Zhou Jin gently stroked the white porcelain medicine bowl and turned his head to cover the delicate face of the woman on the couch.

Jun Zi Lin moved uneasily, and answered in a low voice, "nothing, just say it."

"Who was the man who did those things to you on the couch before? Can any man do it?"

As soon as Zhou Jin put the bowl down, her tone became serious, but her big palm had already covered her lips, and she was dancing gently, as if she dared to nod her head, and then she would teach her well.

Jun Zilin had learned Zhou Jin's Revenge means before. Now he touched her body and instinctively shook her head. How dare she say "yes".

"Whose name should you answer when someone asks later?" Zhou Jin asked again. At this time, his fingertips had moved into her lips and touched her snow-white teeth. He saw her back down and slightly opened her lips to answer. At the same time, he had reached out to hook her smart tongue and heard her answer "you" vaguely.

The king of Jin was very satisfied with his bright and beautiful face, dyed with a few strands of desire.

Just turn Mou to see to the person on the couch, Jiao Chuan is tiny, complexion is pale.

The man sighed gently, took back his hand and stopped those ripples.

"Here, take the medicine."

Zhou Jin helped her up and gave her the medicine bowl.

But she was also good. Maybe she was afraid that he would do the same thing again. She immediately held the medicine bowl and gulped it in her throat.

Who knows is to swallow a few, then "vomit" a, some can't help but slant the head to just swallow the medicine to vomit out, the acid water in the stomach with out together.

Jun Zilin's face was wrinkled with bitterness.

Zhou Jinwan didn't expect this. He grabbed the medicine bowl and threw it aside. He picked her up and said, "why, don't you like it? Did you drink too much? How are you doing? Love the princess

"Nothing." Jun Zi Lin vomited a breath, "is to drink too fast, I drink slowly." She reached for the bowl.

"Forget it, I'll help you." Zhou Jin took a bowl by himself, swallowed a mouthful of the medicine juice, and fed it to Jun Zilin's lips. The bitter medicine juice came and flowed between each other's lips and teeth.

Until all the juice was fed, Zhou Jin ordered, "take some preserves, and some soft cakes."

After that, Zhou Jin looked down at the soft panting woman in her arms and said with a sweet smile, "princess, I'll feed you faster."

Jun Zi Lin blushed, for a moment can not resist him, can only be silent.

Xiao die came and brought all the cakes and preserves she needed.

"Eat the unsweetened first, and the preserves last." Zhou Jin said.

She has not been able to eat, this time wake up, but can no longer empty stomach.


Jun Zilin did not disobey him. She nodded and went to get some pastries with light taste and no sweet taste. She ate two pieces of them. Xiao die got some warm water, so she drank some.

I feel a little tired. I don't even have the heart to eat preserves.

She's half closed and sleepy.

Zhou Jin didn't dare to disturb her any more. He took her in his arms and patted her gently. "Dear, I'll sleep for a while. When we wake up again, we'll be in Lingzhou."


Jun Zilin answered softly and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that she was fast asleep, Zhou Jin put the man down, covered the quilt and came out.

Seeing that yunyouzhuo was still fiddling with herbs in the outer room, Zhou Jin twisted his eyebrows and called people over, "doctor Yun, what's the relationship between you and Aifei?"

When Zheng Puyi lost his temper just now, the number of times that AI Fei looked at herself was much less than that of Yun Youzhuo!

Before, when she was in the palace of the king of Jin, Aifei left yunyouzhuo, and the two were still in the same room.

At that time, Zhou Jin didn't care about a little cloud, but now he can't.

At this time, Zhou Jin had already realized that Aifei had planned to leave with him. What would Aifei do after he left. If she is tired of herself, she is tired of these crises. And yunyouzhuo, this man will be a different flavor.

Zhou Jin thinks that concubine AI is likely to choose yunyouzhuo. No wonder she just wanted to say yunyouzhuo's name.

Love princess is really hateful.

How could Yun Youzhuo have come to Lingzhou? Really

Want to think Jun Zi Lin now injury still need cloud you burn, Zhou Jin temporarily press this gas to go.

When he got ashore, he would kill yunyouzhuo well.

That box cloud you Zhuo explained with painstaking care, the result week ember a also didn't listen to go in, a wave hand let him back.

When it was dark, the ship arrived at Lingzhou.

Then they went down one after another and got the boat.

Zheng Puyi was the magistrate here. He went straight to the magistrate's Yamen.

Zhou Jin looked down at the sleeping man in his arms. He shook his head and said, "go to the inn. There's no hot water in Yamen. There's no hot food to wait on. Aifei is tired all the way. ""Your Highness, did I say that I would let my sister sleep with me at night?" Zheng Puyi did not let him.

Zhou Jin naturally didn't move, and said faintly, "concubine AI is my wife. Although she is your sister, there are differences between men and women. If you don't mind, you can come to the Inn and stay next door to us. "

As he said this, he went straight ahead, and all the guards he had brought had found a suitable inn. Zhou Jin wrapped his cloak around the person in his arms, fearing that she would be affected by the cold wind, so he quickly went to the inn.

The bodyguards on both sides looked at Zheng Puyi questioningly, "let's go to the inn together!"

Worried that his younger sister would be bullied again, Zheng Puyi turned around and went to the inn.

The wing room was arranged in the middle of the third floor. Zhou Jin's breath was not disordered. When he entered the room, Zheng Puyi and others clambered up to the third floor. For a moment, they regretted that they could not stay in the quiet Yamen and ran to the noisy inn.

His room was next to Zhou Jin '.

But even so, the king of Jin was not rich enough to pay for their house.

Zheng Puyi was so angry that he repaired a letter to his mother and told her what was important on the way. He wanted to get some support from his mother. Should his sister continue to live together.

It's only a few days since the atmosphere of peace and separation. In a twinkling of an eye, I saw my brother-in-law and sister cuddling up to each other. It's really frustrating. It makes them seem like bad guys.

The most important thing is that my sister, who is about to leave, is still with Zhou Jin What did she think of doing that!

Jun Zi Lin wakes up in the evening and sees the strange bed beside her. She knows that she is leaving from the boat, maybe in the inn.

She got up to look for something to eat, and her mouth was full of bitter medicine.

Immediately feel the couch outside the head of sleep with a long body.

She pushed him and found that he was fast asleep. She propped up her legs and wanted to go out over her.

Results Zhou Jin body together, Jun Zi Lin can't help but slip on him.

"Where is Aifei going?"

Jun Zilin covered her stomach and frowned, "I'm a little hungry. I'll call for something to eat."

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