Although Zhou Jin doesn't reject the ordinary couple's life, he is not an ordinary man, and his burden is different from that of ordinary people.

For Zhou Jin, their arrival in Lingzhou was just a small episode in the endless journey of life.

Privately, Zhou Jin didn't want her woman to fall in love with this kind of life, which would mean that she would never want to return to the life of princes and nobles.

In this way, Zhou Jin will lose her forever and completely.

This is the reason why he didn't trust his wife to come alone.

Her rejection will make him lose her forever.

Therefore, if you need any rare herbs, you can order the people below to collect them.

If not, buy it at a high price.

If you want to plant herbs, you can plant them here.

All the things don't need to be done by Aifei himself. What he wants is to cultivate Aifei's noble way of life, which is enough to match his habits.

"You want me to plant herbs here?"

Zhou Jin thought about his mind, then heard the princess asked, he saw her eyes gently looking at himself, the apricot eyes implied colorful brilliance, so beautiful that he could not help but want to come forward and hold her little face.

"Plant whatever you want. The land has the final say. " With a light cough, Zhou Jin restrained his mood.

"When I was in King Jin's residence, there was Yi Ju, where I kept all my autopsy tools..." Jun Zilin said again.

Zhou Jin was so frustrated by her jumping thinking that he agreed to all her requests.

Call Xuewei over and let him listen. He will do whatever the princess says.

"Can't your highness do it for me?"


Zhou Jin looked up and touched Jun Zilin's beautiful sight. He didn't understand for a moment. What did she mean?

"Shall we clean up together?"

Jun Zi Lin inhaled, and her voice was lower. Her two little hands on her legs were unconsciously twisted.

At the beginning, Zhou Jin didn't understand her words, but seeing her in such a state of panic, he didn't know why he always faced the world with a cold and hard attitude. King Jin's heart suddenly softened.

If he is right, is this an invitation from Aifei?

This is her initiative.

For the first time since they embroidered the story that the princess lost her son, she took the initiative.


Zhou Jin said in a mellow voice. He stretched out his big hand and landed it on her two overlapping hands. He wrapped it up easily. Then he ordered people to transport the princess's things from the boat into the house. He wanted to clean them up himself.

"Yes, sir."

Xuewei Shouquan, turn back to walk out, eyebrows pick high, eyes puzzled. I don't know what new tricks are playing between the host and the princess.

Especially the princess, there are so many kinds of things. They are very strange and varied.

The master really needs to clean up, but it will take some effort.

Xuewei took people to pack up the things from the boat and then brought them to the house.

At this time, another group of people had already brought the mulberry tree to us.

There are so many mountains and forests in Lingzhou that it is difficult for his Royal Highness the king of Jin to get one or two mulberry trees.

Several men immediately dug a hole in the soil of songwo, and then planted the mulberry trees.

Now the mulberry leaves are dense, green and luxuriant, and the trunk is straight and strong.

Three trees were planted, and then the men poured water on them and retreated to one side.

"Before the mulberry leaves fall, its leaves are as fertile as if they were fresh; when the dove leaves fall, there is no mulberry to eat." Zhou Jin murmured and stood with his hands down. Looking at the three mulberry trees in front of him, he said, "I didn't expect that my heart at this moment was connected with that of the ancients. Aifei, do you feel the same way? "

Jun Zilin What does this poem mean? Let's get the meaning and then talk about the feeling.


Zhou Jin didn't receive the answer from AI Fei, so he looked back in doubt.

"Well, here comes the luggage. Let's go and have a look." Jun Zilin smiles dryly and pushes her wheelchair to the door of the house on the spot.

"Love princess!"

Zhou Jin abandoned the mulberry tree and chased the wheelchair.

"What do you think, princess Zhou Jin asked straight after him, but he didn't get half an answer from Jun Zilin.

What does Aifei think? Is her idea different from mine?

Zhou Jin pursed her lips in distress, and her face lost its expression. Looking back at the three mulberry trees, he ordered people to take another one and plant four directly.

"These three plants are very good. If you plant another one, there will be no fertile soil." Jun Zi Lin hears his order, then suggests a way.

Zhou Jin calm face, resolute way, "three is what number, to four, in pairs is good!" No wonder Princess Ai refused to tell half a word about the poem. She never thought of being a couple with him for a long time!Jun Zilin What is he thinking about? It's just a few mulberry trees. If he grows mulberry trees in the future, he will be able to satisfy his craving. What's the relationship with pairing?

Fortunately, the luggage came, Jun Zilin let people move down, he went to check.

It was inconvenient for her to sit in the wheelchair, so she turned to look at Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin is looked at by her two eyes, the heart is hot, then gather together to come over, but Jun Zi Lin but point to the front of that pink small work box, say, "please your highness help me to take it!"

Zhou Jin I thought Princess Ai would give me a kiss, but I didn't expect to take the box.

Although very disappointed in the heart, the king of Jin is showing boredom, because love princess said before, to a piece of packing. So, then clean up!

Let's move all the servants.

The king of Jin came out in person and bent over to take the exquisite box and put it in junzilin's arms. "What else does the princess need?"

"And the brocade box, the one with the blue pattern."

"Here you are."

When Zhou Jin saw that she wanted it, he gave it to her one by one.

Jun Zilin holds the brocade box full of orchid patterns, and then opens the toolbox. Zhou Jin looks inside, but he has everything. There are all kinds of medicine powder and bottles, and some miscellaneous things. There are also some Batou which are the size of a palm on display.

Zhou is not used to this.

On the contrary, she didn't open the brocade box with orchid pattern, but it was a bit strange, "what's in the brocade box, princess?"

"Oh, you don't know?"

Jun Zilin is carefully checking the things in her toolbox to see if there is anything missing.

Listen to Zhou Jin ask the brocade box.

She pushed the tool box aside, put her hands around the brocade box, raised her face, and frowned at Zhou Jin with some vigilance.

"What's the matter? Is there a gold medal in it?" Zhou Jin laughs. It's the first time that I saw her so small. If it's not the gold medal of the emperor, it's nothing.

Jun Zi Lin shakes her head and lowers her eyes again. Her voice is low and says, "it's all silver."

"Well?" Zhou Jin is different next, full face doubts ground looking at the little woman in front of, she holds silver ticket so tightly to do what.

Jun Zilin raised her face and saw that Zhou Jin didn't care at all. She suddenly clenched her teeth and said, "Mr. Wang, these silver tickets are mine. You are not allowed to move half of them. No!"

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