Mother Liu screamed with fright. She didn't dare to stay any longer. She turned around and asked the old lady to come!

"What should I do, miss?"

Xiaodie knows that miss has been studying these drugs in the studio. Although she doesn't know it will be so, Miss must have a solution.

"Take him out, put him on the couch, and I'll give the needle again."

Jun Zi Lin frowned, did not expect Lin Haojun to have such a big rejection of his medicine.

It seems that she has to find another way.

After the needle went down, old lady Lin was held up and rushed to the door, but she never came in, just stood outside the door.

Liu's mother rushed out and told the story in detail, and said that she didn't know if the young master could wake up.

Old lady Lin took the crutches by the hand and then followed them tightly. She even shook her body and clenched her teeth. Then she could barely hold back her inner fear.

Xuewei and others shook their heads in their eyes. Lin Haojun is a dying man. I can't understand why the princess wants to pick up this hot potato.

If you can cure people, it's a good thing to say; if you can't cure them, you'll be killed. Don't these rascals blame the princess for their mistakes?

Therefore, it is better not to cure.

"Butterfly woke up and said," I didn't hear from you

Xuewei saw that the sweat on old lady Lin's forehead was dripping down, but she refused to enter the house all the time. She just reached out and patted mother Liu's hand outside. Mother Liu seemed to know what she was going to say. She nodded, followed her and said something.

Not much time, the princess came out.

Xuewei saw that her thin clothes on her forehead were soaked.

She sweats more than old lady Lin.

Just want to come forward, Xuewei was Jun Zilin waved to stop, went to old lady Lin, said, "old lady, little childe wake up, you go in to see him."

Then she walked out.

"Miss Jun!"

Old lady Lin looked at Jun Zilin with an extremely gloomy face. She grabbed her hand and asked, "Miss Jun, is my grandson hopeless?"

"It's a step-by-step cure. He has been ill for ten years and can't be cured overnight. If it can be cured, it's not a human being, it's an immortal. Before that, the old lady gave him good health and recuperation. I left the medicine for the young man. It will take effect slowly. "

Jun Zilin wiped the sweat on her face. The old lady ordered someone to wait on her, but she refused, "no, I'll go back to have a rest first, and then I'll order someone to give it to the young master."

She walked out, and immediately a carriage came out to meet her. After Xiaodie packed her toolbox, she trotted all the way to the carriage, and soon several people left the Lin house.

"Old lady, go and see the young master!" Mother Liu was relieved, as if she had been through a catastrophe.


Old lady Lin nodded, but her heart was very heavy. She always felt that her grandson was more and more hopeless.

Although Miss Jun said that she needed long-term treatment, she did not say that she would be cured.

Can't her grandson really return to normal?

"Old lady, in your opinion, is Miss Jun her -"

"she is sincere and has done her best." Lin old lady to Liu mother's this kind of suspicion, so return a way.

Depending on the experts around Miss Jun, this woman is by no means an ordinary person. If you have evil intentions, you will never treat Juner as painstakingly as now.

But Han Baiyu didn't find it, and neither did Agkistrodon halys. This has always been a lump in Mrs. Lin's heart.

No matter what, as long as you find these two things, Miss Jun can take medicine. Maybe her grandson still has hope.

But what kind of person is Miss Jun? Those experts are not like people in the Jianghu. Are they from the imperial court?

Jun Zilin came out by carriage, got off at Lin's house, walked out of the house and walked in the street.

The car was a little stuffy, and she was sweating all over again. Thinking that Lin Haojun could hardly wake up just now, she couldn't help feeling that she was still too big to treat him and completely rid him of the poison in his body.

Butterfly, with snowman in the back. Jun Zilin looks at the girl. She has been following her since she came to the world.

"Dier, is it wrong for me to treat Lin Haojun?"

"Miss has just forced out so many toxins in Lin Haojun's body. This is to save him. How could it be wrong?" Xiaodie is very uneasy, but miss is just like her. Will there be worse results. So she must cheer up the young lady!

Jun Zi Lin gently smile, sharp apricot eyes shot out a kind of penetrating light, see the little butterfly can't help but hang his head.

"Let's go and hang out in the street."

Jun Zi Lin vomited a tone, just now too nervous, she is the first time to feel a human life fall in her hands, by her control. It's a shivering feeling that can't be restrained.The air on the street is fresh and there is wind blowing from time to time.

The crowd in this street is cold, and there are only one or two busy streets in Lingzhou city. There are few people in other places.

Go to the end of the street, a body of sweat are blown away by the wind.

Jun Zi Lin turned her head and saw that the carriage was still following, listening to Hou's call.

Just as he wanted to go back, he heard a group of people coming in front of him.

Four of them came running all the way with a huge cage.

Jun Zi Lin also said that they ran what strength, who knows in which actually flew a huge bird.

This bird "wow" a dive, sound shock cloud, facing the giant cage, transverse collision!

With a bang, the huge cage carried by four people was suddenly unstable, and was almost hit on the ground by the huge bird.

Jun Zilin looked carefully and found that the bird was like an eagle, but it was not an eagle. It was a big eagle.

Several people immediately stop the pace, Xuewei with people gallop, directly protect in front of Jun Zilin, prevent the big eagle to make trouble.

During this period, Da Diao had knocked the cage to the ground, and his huge body raised a strong force and rushed to the cage.

"Does it seem that the eagle's cub is in the cage?" Jun Zilin murmured.

"I didn't see it!" Little butterfly craned her neck and saw that there were eagles, larks and some unknown birds in the cage, but there was no Eagle cub, even an adult eagle.

Unless this bird has a mutation, it can't produce larks any more.

A few people looked left and right. Xuewei squinted and said, "is it a cub who hasn't broken its shell?" After saying that, he looked at the man in a gray brown robe behind the four. The man was trying to get back into the shop and escape through its back door.

But the big eagle was only entangled in the bird cage, and from time to time it made a "whoa whoa whoa" shriek. Two powerful pairs of birds were stunned and put out a gust of strong wind, which turned the four caged bird hunters to the ground.

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