Fortunately, the princess is not stingy. She has her own silver.

The happy Xuewei didn't realize that the princess ordered the brocade fragrance class in person, and didn't ask why.

And junzilin, let Xuewei go to Jinxiang class with him, is a thing of the best of both worlds.

Women are not allowed to go in there, and Xuewei happens to be a man, so it's natural to welcome Xuewei.

Furthermore, Xuewei looks happy but unprepared. It seems that Zhou Jin has a secret meeting with the leader of Jinxiang class, but his subordinates don't know about it.

The master and servant went to the Jinxiang class through the fading night.

After half a walk, Xuewei asked why he wanted to go to Jinxiang class. It seemed that he could not get on the stage.

"You know, all the girls there are beautiful." Jun Zilin coldly replied.

Xuewei is stunned. Even if she is beautiful, how about it?

Can you enjoy it?

Jun Zilin can't see Xuewei's look of contempt.

She only sneered in her heart: she can't have a relationship with those beautiful women, but Zhou Jin is a man. Maybe he wants to!

Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Zhou Jin is this kind of goods, this snow guard is taught by him is not necessarily crooked.

They went to Jinxiang class all the way.

Wei Zilin's address is unknown. How could she look like she knew? It's easier than not knowing.

Finally, ask the class is a way to inquire.

The lantern at the door is red and willow green, and the moon and stars are shining overhead.

Junzilinlue stood up and smelled of fragrance. It seemed that this place was elegant. But the lanterns, the ancient books and characters on them, and the scenes of men and women wearing pink and green made her smell that it was ancient. It was far from the future civilization in her previous life.

I don't know why, suddenly there is a sense of urgency and vicissitudes of life, which shuttles through endless time and space.

"Princess, let's go." Xuewei whispered next to him.

Today, Xuewei changed his bodyguard's costume and dressed up as a noble childe. So with Jun Zi Lin came, looking like a pair of golden girl.

Jun Zilin is not big in body, only 13 or 14 years old. She is also a symbol.

And snow Wei is also young, a white robe standing in Jun Zi Lin side, two people look very match.

So the women in the troupe did not come to woo Xuewei, but gave a salute from a distance and invited them in.

As soon as she entered the room, Jun Zilin's ears burst into an uproar. With the cheers, on the stage not far away, the actors with costumes and delicate makeup were singing an unknown tune, but the words were clearly heard.

For this kind of play, Jun Zilin has always been unable to appreciate it, but if it is handled, it is different.

No matter how difficult it is, we should understand it, otherwise there will be no progress in the case.

She stood on one side, looking at the stage, but her ears were listening to the voices of quiet or colorful discussion.

People are talking about today's unjust butterfly opera. It was Xun Fang, the leader of the Jinxiang class, who came to the stage in person. It was very rare. The last magistrate invited her three times before she was admitted to the government.

Now it's really a pleasure to hear her play again.

Hearing this, Jun Zilin raised her eyebrows slightly. It seems that Xun Fang didn't follow Zhou Jin to Hengzhou?

Now Zhou Jin has not returned, but Xunfang is here. It should be.

Jun Zilin secretly thought, suddenly feel in this audience, it seems that Youdao line of sight has been following himself. It's a strong intuition.

She jerked back, glanced at the field behind her, trying to find the man.

Snow Wei is nearby low voice way, "Niang Niang, let's find a place to sit down!"

You can't stand to see a play. Besides, they paid enough gold to get in. Why should they stand.

"Did you see anyone looking this way?" Jun Zilin took the opportunity to ask him.

Xuewei shook his head. "There are four or five hundred people here. Even if someone looks at them, they can't catch them."

They sat down one after another.

Their seats are in the middle of the fourth row in the front row.

When they sat down, there was a pair of dark colored glass like pupils behind them. From the hiding, they slowly floated out of the light and looked closely at Jun Zilin again. The corner of the man's mouth showed a successful smile like catching prey, and slowly whispered: "really, we meet again!"

On the platform, three or five people take turns to change, singing in their mouths, and the water sleeves follow the ups and downs.

Jun Zilin couldn't understand the singing, so she looked for the people on the stage, looked at their gait, and then looked at the audience.

Without waiting for her to turn her head and look behind her, she suddenly heard the music stop and the actors on the stage scream.All of a sudden, the scene was chaotic.

Suddenly looking back, Jun Zilin found that she didn't know who shot an arrow to the stage, and directly shot the decoration of the hair room of the actor to the back wall, which caused a scream.

However, when people see that there is nothing else, there are people below to find the murderer.

Unexpectedly, the object nailed into the wall, suddenly "hiss", followed by countless smoke from the stage, quickly spread to the audience below.

"Hurry up and protect Xunfang!" Jun Zilin pushes Xuewei around her.

There was a blur in front of my eyes.

Xuewei reached out to catch Jun Zilin and said, "nature is protecting you first! What is Xunfang? I don't know him at all! "

Annoyed at the princess, she couldn't tell the point at all.

Xuewei rushed forward, caught her and withdrew.

Flying all the way out of the door, Xuewei breathed and said, "it's safe at last!" Then I didn't hear what the people behind me said.

Xuewei looked back suspiciously, only to see a fat old woman standing behind him, holding a wisp of green silk in front of her chest with her index finger, and looking at herself.

"Who are you?"

Xuewei was shocked and turned pale. She pushed aside the fat woman and swept around. There was no one. The princess was gone. The woman he just pulled out was not the princess at all, but the fat woman in front of him.

"Young master, do you want to take me home? I don't want to be a wife, even a concubine

"Get out of here!"

Xuewei flicks away the fat woman and turns back to the theater.

When the fat woman saw him go away, she was salivating and shy. She suddenly disappeared, showing a gloomy appearance and staring at his leaving figure.

"Where did the princess go? Just now she was beside me. How could she disappear suddenly?" Xuewei was sweating and gnashing his teeth in disgust. There was only a creaking noise in his ear.

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