"Love princess?"

Not tired of it, Princess Jin called her wife again.

Jun Zi Lin snorted and promised, but she had to be sure that she was doomed.

Zhou Jin tasted the fishy smell outside and learned new tricks, which he wanted to use on her.

But this ancient woman, there is no room for resistance.

Even if she resists now, can she do it!

There was such a huge power gap that he refused to let her go.

By the way, if you put it on other women, even if Zhou Jin went out to spoil the woman in the brothel, he would come back and be glad to welcome him. Unfortunately, Jun Zilin can't do it.


Zhou Jin's voice is more and more fiery, Jun Zilin is pulled by him, two people face to face in an instant.

Jun Zi Lin hung his head, a pair of dead look.

But Zhou Jin didn't dislike it. He knew that Aifei must be shy. After all, for the first time, they were in the same tub.

Two people face to face, each other's eyes are shining. Jun Zi Lin holds Zhou Jin's hand and lowers her head, but she is silent.

Zhou Jin's heart fluctuated, and there was only the woman in front of her eyes.

The water drops flowed all over the place, but no one took care of them. The water temperature in the bucket was at the right temperature. On the contrary, this man appeared, and the water temperature was rising rapidly, which made people blush.

Jun Zilin heart thumping, suddenly turned his head, looked to the side, is not looking at the man in front of. Zhou Jin didn't care, knowing that she must be willing.

From the imperial capital city to this Lingzhou, they have experienced many things, and now it is time for them to have a heart to heart relationship.

Just want to do the last thing. Suddenly, there was a fierce knock at the door. For example, Cai Zhoujin's action was more urgent, "master, master!"

Wake up from the more hope, Jun Zi Lin immediately calm down.

But Zhou Jin couldn't stop, he was still open and enthusiastic.

Jun Zi Lin wants to take the opportunity to push him away, but the man's color of pain is obviously to the critical moment, can't bear.

What should we do?

"You step back!" Without waiting for Jun Zilin to come up with a solution, Zhou Jin yells at Xuewei outside the door. His voice can't be disobeyed.

Xuewei didn't listen, but still beat the door and explained: "master, please forgive me for my felony. But now, you must come out. The father-in-law sent from the palace is waiting outside. He must see you. It's a proclamation! "

Is there someone in the palace?

This time Jun Zilin completely sobered up, today this matter, of course, can not go on, then the purpose is the most important.

Obviously, Zhou Jin thought the same way. He hesitated. When Jun Zilin wanted to climb out of the tub, he grasped her white wrist tightly with his powerful big palm, and looked at her with bright eyes, vaguely imploring.

Immediately, Zhou Jin turned to the door and said, "give me half a cup of tea. You should deal with the eunuch first." The tone of his voice was solemn, and his eyes were filled with terrible arrogance.

Obviously, the king of Jin was angry when he was disturbed!


Outside the door, Xuewei reluctantly answered, and stepped back three steps to wait.

Jun Zilin see this, and look at Zhou Jin, eyes dew fear color. He won't, he shouldn't

"Princess Ai, use your hands." Zhou Jin said.

Then, with unquestionable strength, he took her little hand and acted.

Jun Zi Lin is not willing to, several times want to pull back, the result can not be successful. Indignant, she did not choose words, angry scream, "Your Highness read numerous, it is not necessary here in Catalin so wronged himself. Naturally, Zilin doesn't dare to let his highness be wronged, so today's event should not have happened! " After that, he just pulled his hand, but he pulled it back for a few minutes. Finally, he jumped straight into his arms!

The two hugged closely and seamlessly.

Jun Zilin's anger did not go down. If the man in front of her had no status, she would have kicked people to the North Pole! And let him get in the way of his own eyes!?

And Zhou Jin, it seems that he didn't expect that Aifei would say such words.

He thought that Aifei was shy, because he could not wipe his face even more after he said the thing that made him stand in his throat.

Who would have thought that she was jealous?

"Princess Ai, don't you think that this time I'm going out, I'm looking for Fang?" Zhou Jun's voice is sexy and low.

Jun Zilin clenched her teeth, "creak" to express her anger. At the same time, she also answered his question.

"Later, when you see the emperor's secret order, you will know the reason." Zhou Jin stretched out his hand and patted her on the back. Without more words, he was about to get up.

Jun Zilin's brain turned fast when she heard this.

Listen to the meaning of Zhou Jin, it seems that he misunderstood him?

If there is a misunderstanding, what will be done after the misunderstanding is removed?

Jun Zi Lin instantly thought of the consequences, Zhou Jin will have to double repay!The consequences must be serious.

Seeing Zhou Jin standing up, Jun Zilin changed her previous Unwillingness, quickly knocked him down and took the initiative to do things for him.


It's time for half a cup of tea outside. Xuewei reminds me.

That father-in-law has come all the way. I really can't delay any longer.

Master and princess, there is a long way to go. Don't worry at this moment!

"Get cold water ready!" The Zhou Jin in the house flushes snow Wei cold to drink, then came out to bathe the bucket.

Jun Zilin chase out, want to for him As a result, he pressed and shook his head: "concubine, you have this heart, I'm the king's heart. But now we don't have time. After receiving the order, let's talk about the past again! "

After receiving the order, isn't he going to have a good taste of it? There will be no bones left at that time!

Jun Zilin is flustered when she thinks about it.

At the moment, he tried to muddle through the matter, but Zhou Jin ignored her. After flushing cold water, he put on his robes and gave her a good dress, but he didn't take her. Instead, he took her in his arms and walked out.

"Hello, Zhou Jin, you put me down." Jun Zilin protested in a low voice. What does this man want to do? Where can he do it. This is to receive the imperial edict, or to show gratitude and resentment. In front of the imperial edict, does he want to commit a crime.

"Good, don't move."

Like carrying a kitten, Zhou Jin puts her in her arms and takes people out of the inner house as if nothing had happened.

Duke Su was a man around the emperor. Today, he came here specially to give an imperial edict.

By the way, I also want to see how his Royal Highness the king of Jin lived in this Lingzhou.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for the meeting, he saw a handsome man with a familiar face not far away. He was a little thinner. He held a woman in his arms and approached with awe.

"Zhou Jin received the order."

Zhou Jin put her on the ground, and they knelt down to salute.

As soon as Su Gong saw that the woman who was held by the king of Jin was no other than Jun Zilin.

At the moment, Duke Su is wilting. It doesn't matter if the king of Jin pursues this Lingzhou. Who knows now, unexpectedly still affectionately embrace her to go out, run to show!

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