It's just where did the kid come from?

Zhou Jin glances at Xiao Tong and looks at Xuewei again. But Xuewei shakes his head in a hurry. He doesn't know. I haven't seen any kids before.

"Why, is Yun Youzhuo coming to see you?" Zhou Jin stood in front of Jun Zilin, his voice was cold and quiet, with the meaning of questioning.

Isn't someone's mouth locked automatically?

How can this meeting be opened again?

But at the moment, although she is too young to do things secretly, she is too young. There was only Xiaodie around him, and the rest stayed in the capital.

Only those who depend on Zhou Jin.

The use of others, can only be managed by others.

This tone, Jun Zi Lin decided to endure, and see and say it.

At the moment, he had to answer all the questions Zhou Jin wanted to ask him.

Before she came, xiaotuanzi was here to guard Xue Li's body and asked doctor Yun to treat him.

Now Xue Lizhi shut himself in the door, and there was an old servant in the house.

When just came, Jun Zilin looked over the yard and found that there were no mountains in her memory, and there were no marble and other things.

Now I feel that things are not right.

Again, as long as you find Xue Lizhi, put him in the palm of your hand, and then ask some specific questions, the matter is over.

However, this closed door is indeed difficult to enter, but it is impossible to break through.

If you find yunyouzhuo and get to know the condition of young master Xue, it's complicated but smooth.

"So you have to let Yun Youhuo come?" Zhou Jin asked in a tone of indifference. He looked like a person who had nothing to do.

The more Jun Zi Lin looks at him, the more she understands what is unfathomable.

Although there is nothing wrong with Zhou Jin on the surface, in fact, in his heart, it is too big!

Last time, we had a fight because of yunyouzhuo. This time, if we insist on yunyouzhuo coming, how can it be better?

Unless Zhou Jin is dead, she will never be.

"Where I can heal, I don't need him." Jun Zi Lin smiles and shakes her head. If you want to have a better life in the future, be honest now.

Zhou Jin said with a cold smile, "it doesn't have to be like this. Since we need doctor Yun, let him come. If we delay the work, no one can be responsible, can we? All right, let him come! "

When did he become so generous?

Jun Zi Lin secretly shakes her head. Zhou Jin is deceiving her. Just look at her attitude.

"Finish here quickly, and then go back to the bath." Zhou Jin lazily stretched a waist son, turn Mou light ambiguously toward Jun Zi Lin to look.

I knew this guy didn't have a good heart!

Jun Zi Lin's heart is excited and she knows how to do it immediately.

"In fact, yunyouzhuo didn't offer any help!" Jun Zilin quickly shakes her head to make it right, saying that she will never use Yun you.

If it goes on like this, how can Zhou Jin give up.

At the moment Jun Zi Lin let people directly hit the door, because there is no need to wait for cloud you burning.

But without waiting for Xuewei to hit the door, there was a cry, "Miss Jun, I'm coming!"

Jun Zilin What you don't want is what you want.

Here comes yunyouhuo.

At the first stop in the hall, Yunyou sees that all the people are here, so he has to salute Zhou Jin, but he doesn't need to be called, so he salutes respectfully to the end.

"Oh, Miss Jun, about Mr. Xue's illness --"

after the ceremony, Yun Youhuo put aside the bright King of Jin and turned to Jun Zilin. They stood together and spoke a little lower about Xue Lizhi's illness.

Is it really good for two people to be so close?

Jun Zilin stood stiffly, afraid that the big vinegar jar would be angry.

As a result, Yun Youzhuo talked for a long time, and then turned to the king of Jin. He replied, "I've checked down. There are many people who use Ma Kuo Cao in Lingzhou. All the people have been recorded in the booklet and sent to the house. Please have a look at it!"

Jun Zi Lin a listen to cloud you burning words, immediately suspicious to look toward Zhou Jin, and toward cloud you burning.

Since when, cloud you burning carry oneself, work for week ember?

So now that yunyouzhuo comes here, half of it is to explain why Zhou Jin asked him to check things?

Zhou Jin narrowed her eyes slightly, and her charming eyes reflected a gloomy light, which fell on Jun Zilin, and then looked into her eyes.

By him so see, Jun Zi Lin immediately take back in cloud you burning body of line of sight, turn toward Jin king to see.

Two people big eyes stare small eyes, finally week ember complexion has no facial expression, say: "do you have private words to say, go down to say is, don't need here."

Jun Zi Lin a listen, frown, busy wave hand, said and cloud you burning have no words to say.

When she finished, Zhou Jin looked at her with a sneer.What does he mean by that?

Jun Zi Lin is upset. It's clear that he brought Yun you to him. What's the matter with him? Now he looks like he's waiting to see a good play. It's all arranged by him, and she doesn't mean to make him unhappy!

"Miss Jun."

Small regiment son follows to remind a way in the side, and pointed to the room door that breaks open, let go in to check Xue Li Zhi.

See this Jun Zi Lin this just think of, oneself still have to go in to inquire Xue Li Zhi.

No wonder Zhou Jin just looked at her with a good look.

She almost forgot about it!


Jun Zi Lin turned around and gouged out the eye Zhou Jin, hateful man.

She took xiaotuanzi into the room, and yunyouzhuo went in afterwards.

Xuewei stood outside, looking expectantly at his master. As a result, Zhou Jin didn't move, so he had to wait outside to see the result.

It's really hard for the host to come back suddenly. If it's really the day when the master doesn't come back, it's the happiest.

In that box, Jun Zilin didn't see Zhou Jin come in. At the moment, she was relieved. She grabbed Yun Youhuo with her backhand and pulled him in front of her, "Er, Jun..."

After the words did not finish, was Jun Zilin to a covered mouth, her voice with a vicious threat: "now you don't have to speak, just listen to me! Why do you work for Zhou Jin? When did it come to you? What's more, he just told you to come! "

Small regiment son comes forward, because the head is small, can only pull the dress of Jun Zi Lin, but give one eye stare past, and stopped the movement.

After waiting for a long time, Yun Youzhuo didn't speak.

Jun Lin kicked him, but she couldn't help it. But actually for Zhou Jin work, Jun Zilin always have a sense of being cheated.

But this person didn't answer her question, was he tired of living?!

"Well!" Yun Youzhuo is covered with his mouth. After hearing Jun Zilin's words clearly, he opens his mouth to answer her question, so as not to make her really angry.

But her mouth was covered by her fragrant hand, and she never let go.

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