As soon as she shakes her sleeve, Jun Zilin returns to the studio. She has to pack up.

Gold and silver may not be needed, but she has to take with her the things that she wants to settle down.

Back to the ends of the earth, she could live on autopsy.

Without Zhou Jin, her life could not be more comfortable and happy than being sullen here!

Suddenly hearing the word "He Li" spit out from her mouth, Zhou Jin was stunned on the spot.

Even two people in the most difficult time, she never said and away. When she hurt her leg, she didn't even lose her temper with him because of this. She just kept silent and complained, but still didn't say anything about peace and separation.

What's the matter with her today.

Where can Zhou Jin let her leave, he strode to the studio.

Xuewei stopped him and told the story of the little eagle to the king as quickly as possible.

"Is the bird just out of its shell a carving, or is it raised by Aifei?" Zhou Jin sank his face, his eyes were cold, and he stared at Xuewei.

"Master, it's none of my business. Before I can explain these things to you, I can't wait to be born. It's also the eagle's fault. When it was bad, it just came out at this time. It caused the trouble. " Xuewei shouts injustice.

But Zhou Jin didn't listen to him. He told the left and right, "take Xuewei down and lead the twenty army staff."


Xuewei almost fainted. The executioners are all practitioners. The ten army staff can't stand up. The twenty army staff, he has to die.

No, he has to ask the princess.

"Master, can my subordinates persuade the princess to come down and get stuck again?" Xuewei begged bitterly.

Zhou Jin patronize implicated blame others, listen to Xuewei said, just suddenly understand now to stop the princess is the most important thing.

Although she had a little strength, she could control it with a little finger. But if we are so tough, we can have a good future.

He didn't want to be separated from her or abandoned her.

It was for her to get married.

Now I left the imperial city and came to Lingzhou because of her.

If she goes away, what's the point of running away by herself.

It's just that her evil fire is really puzzling. It's just that she lost the little carving. He doesn't know. If he knows, how dare he throw her things?

Because of this, she would say he Li, which is too serious.

Also, they had more serious things before, and she didn't say he Li.

Zhou Jin waved and let Xuewei hurry in, lest Aifei run away.

Xuewei, who was granted amnesty, ran into the door and took it with him.

Zhou Jin was waiting outside, worried.

This matter spread all over the yard in an instant, and all the guards received the news. However, everyone didn't dare to wait beside the Lord. They all went to the outer courtyard to wait on him, and then they stood there with their ears open. If the Lord gave orders, one of them would run to the front to serve him.

As for who it is, we have to guess who will lose.

Anyway, Xuewei's 20 army sticks have been recorded on the top of his head. Maybe the next 40 will be killed.

And if you play light, you have to be punished heavily.

Xuewei was in the room. After a good talk, she persuaded the princess.

Although very angry, but Jun Zilin is willing to stay. Because Xuewei exchanges the information in his hand with her. Moreover, if she really left, Xuewei would be beaten with a stick. After getting along for so long, everyone felt that there was no need to see blood.

In addition, Jun Zilin, who has made a fire, feels that she has made some mistakes. She wants to leave, but how can she get out of her mouth? How can Zhou Jin give up?

There is no court in this world. The Royal people always have a reason. Zhou Jin is the son of the emperor. He doesn't want to let people go. Is it the royal land in the whole world? He can't go by himself.

Jun Zilin knows the truth.

"Write a document about all the things I asked you to investigate before. I want to see the content. I'll decide whether to leave at that time. You can step down." Jun Zi Lin raises chin and points to Xue Wei Dao kneeling on the ground.

Xuewei was relieved. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "thank you for your kindness. I'm leaving."

The door of the studio is wide open, and Zhou Jin is waiting outside. He only sees Xuewei come out and nods to him, saying that the princess is not going.

"Write down the staff first, and you'll go back." Zhou Jin said coldly, his face gloomy to the extreme.

Xuewei thought for a while, but he didn't want to say anything.

"Say whatever you want."

Seeing the permission of the Lord, Xuewei said hurriedly, "master, the lady is angry now. If you lose your temper again, I'm afraid it will end badly. You know the lady's temper is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. She has the strongest temperament. It's just easy to fold, not to bend"Well."

Zhou Jin nodded, took a deep breath, and suppressed the frenzy of his chest.

He is to ask Jun Zilin, why so angry.

He Li, these two words can be said casually.

Do you know how hard it is for him to maintain the feeling between them?

He had asked his father never to give him a marriage, as long as Jun Zilin a lifetime. Although the father did not agree, but he has been working hard.

Even in those days when he went to Hengzhou, he was fighting for it.

Work for his father, get his favor, take the opportunity to achieve his goal.

But she, net know to give him angry.

Why can't she give a little in their emotional world? Even half of him.

Staring at the room in front of him, Zhou Jin's anger gradually turned to condensation and finally went out. He sighed and turned away.

Jun Zilin came out of the studio after a long time. She was not afraid of Zhou Jin, but was thinking about the future.

Now it's shameful to be with Zhou Jin. In the future, she will have a hard time.

After all, the house is his, although the expenses are paid by himself.

Moreover, Zhou Jin has power, she is just a weak woman, no power, nothing.

"Don't tell the second brother about what happened today." Jun Zilin never forgets to tell Xiao die. She didn't want to disturb her mother-in-law's family to the extent that things didn't get out of hand.

The second elder brother seems to have made up with Zhou Jin.

If he knew this, he would break the appearance of harmony, which would affect the Zheng family, not just the relationship between her and Zhou Jin.

"All slaves know."

Xiao die nodded. She knew which was more important. She took a look at the small carving and sighed in her heart. It was not the right time for the small carving to appear. It should not appear in front of my uncle. Otherwise, the young lady would not be angry, and there would be no such quarrel today.

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