When I talked to Princess Jun about this, she replied: "not only do you want to go, but you also have to go after your soul. I'll follow your orders longer. This time, even if it's death, I want you to keep your Royal Highness the king of Jin, and don't let him get hurt at all! "

"Yes, sir."

Xiao Qi had to answer the order and then retired.

When zhuipu heard that he was going to go, he immediately felt very embarrassed. "Princess, there are still many things I haven't found out. I have some clues on hand, but I haven't checked them. If you leave rashly... "

"Nothing is more important than the safety of the king of Jin." Jun Zilin sighed, looked at zhuizu, and said sincerely, "it's true, because of xiuguifei, I complained about you in my heart. When I was in the criminal department, none of you went to see me. But now, I'm not angry anymore. Because I am husband and wife with the king of Jin, we are inseparable and inseparable from each other. "

"Chasing spirit, I want you to protect the king of Jin. Even if you die, you should protect him!"

Jun Zilin quietly looked at the man in front of her, with a determined look.

"Your Majesty, I will obey you!" Chasing soul kneels to salute, the princess has said this, he naturally can no longer resist. What's more, his life belongs to the prince. He is willing to work for the princess.

Zheng Puyi did not expect that he just said two more words. In an instant, there were only three bodyguards around his sister!

What can three people do?!

Zheng Puyi was so sorry that he shouldn't have said it.

Moreover, my sister's worry about the king of Jin is totally superfluous.

Because the other party's identity, no matter where they go, will not suffer. I can't figure it out. My sister is worried about what he does.

After dealing with Zhou Jin, Jun Zilin thinks about the second brother.

The secret between Zhou Jin and his second brother was caused by the impression of the beast's wings.

Hengzhou has clues about the beast's wings, but in Hengzhou, it is closer to the local area. Zhou Jin suspects that this matter has spread to the local area, so he asks Mr. Zheng Er to help.

Jun Zilin learned from the second brother's narration that he didn't care what the king of Jin said, and even thought it was nonsense.

But then, it turned out to be true.

After tracing down, it turned out to be extremely dangerous.

So much so that the Yamen suffered.

"Why do you suspect that it's the son of the world?" At the beginning, she didn't understand the design of Zilin's residence. Now it suddenly comes out, and is involved with Zhang Shizi, which is too mysterious.

Zheng Puyi sighed deeply and spread out his hand, "sister, I can't tell you clearly about the branches. If it's a misty thing. But it is not known whether the injury of my people today is related to the matter of beast wings. But according to my understanding of Dingguo government, it is most likely that Zhang Shizi's people participated in it. "

"Therefore, whether there is any connection between the two needs to be proved. It's not my brother's responsibility. Now we're going to find the black hand behind the Yamen servant. "

He finished, Jun Zi Lin silent for a while.

After that, she spoke again, but she frowned: "second brother, I don't know much about the winged beast case. I knew something before I came to Lingzhou, but I was concealed by Zhou Jin, and there was a fault in the middle. I'm afraid we have to think about it in the long run. "

"Sister, you don't need to deal with the affairs of the beast wings. Now let's just focus on Zhang Shizi. " Zheng Puyi waved his hand and refused to talk about the beast wings.

Actually, Zhou Pujin didn't want to know about it.

Because it involved Lingzhou, Zheng Puyi had to step in.

Now Zhou Jin left for this matter, Zheng Pu was relieved, and let him do everything to save his mind.

And sister, there is no need to intervene, let the king of Jin do it.

After hearing this, Jun Zilin didn't speak any more and kept silent.


Seeing that his younger sister did not speak, Zheng Puyi called out immediately.

"Oh, I'm thinking about something." Jun Zilin motioned to her brother not to speak. She said to herself, "now the first thing we have to do is to check the Mo family and the Lin family."

"Don't stay in the Yamen again."

"After that..."

Speaking of this, Zheng Puyi quickly added, "sister, Mr. Cao has always wanted to see you. According to elder brother, although you are a married woman, you can't make friends with him. After all, many friends, many roads. If you want to check the Lin family and the Mo family, especially the Lin family, you'd better start with Mr. Cao! "

"Zhou Jin will be jealous." Jun Zilin looks up at Zheng Puyi in distress.

She didn't want to meet other men behind Zhou Jin's back. She felt sorry for that man.

Zheng Puyi scoffed and glared at this hypocritical younger sister. He secretly despised her. Her younger sister became more and more annoying. Before Ming Ming came to Lingzhou, he didn't trust Zhou Jin, but now he is in love with each other. It's really unpleasant!"Well, for the sake of our great event, sister, I'll sacrifice once!" Jun Zi Lin a pair of awe inspiring, see Zheng Pu migration more toothache, simply turned his head to ignore her.

At dinner, Jun Zilin tidied herself up. Instead of dressing up, she just changed her plain clothes and directly entertained Mr. Cao in the Yamen.

"Miss Jun, why don't you see me all the time?"

As soon as he entered, Cao Pengyi began to complain.

Knowing that the person in front of him was Princess Jin, he just called her "Miss Jun".

He treated her as before.

Jun Zilin knew what she had done.

"I've been busy lately."

Jun Zilin four people turned over the past, re opened a topic, "Mr. Cao, how's business recently? With the Lin family? "

"Hey, just ask what you want to ask!" Cao Pengyi is not a fool.

I've tried my best to see Miss Jun for such a long time, but I just didn't see her.

Why is Miss Jun willing to see him now? It must be something.

Now that it's time to get to the point, Cao Pengyi doesn't want to make a detour with Miss Jun. It's hard to see him. He doesn't want to guess.

"That's what happened. Lin's family recently had many guests coming to visit. They were a little worried about Cao's business, so they asked more about it." Zilin just continues to smile.

Maybe it's because I've been with Zhou Jin for a long time, and I've learned those winding eyes.

If according to the former Jun Zi Lin's forthright, already like a case in general, straight to the question.

Now, even she was surprised at what she said.

"You've got the point!" Mr. Cao slapped his hands and then frowned, "this matter is also suspected by Mr. Cao. Isn't the Lin family just an old woman and a half dead child! How come all of a sudden there are so many strangers? My father sent someone to inquire, but he didn't find out the details. It's really strange! "

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