Sure enough, Xiaodiao suddenly shook his wings and went inside with a cry.


When the eagle came in, he suddenly saw something fall out of his mouth and fall into the carriage.

Jun Zilin picked it up, and Xiao Diao was held in his arms like a baby butterfly. He said happily, "you've finally come back. Why can't I find you? What are you doing, Xiao Diao?"

Goo Goo

The answer to Xiaodie was Xiaodiao's long cry, as if to complain. The bird suddenly flapped its wings, flew to junzilin, landed on her head, and its mouth pecked her head.

Jun Zilin's scalp aches. She grabs Xiaodiao and gives it to Xiaodie. She warns: "you are not allowed to fly on my head if you don't have rules. Be careful to roast you!"

Goo Goo The little Eagle howled.

After a moment of warning, Xiao Diao laughs, "Xiao Diao and Xiao Diao don't have a fight! You see, Xiaodiao's eyes are full. Please, I'm afraid you won't be loved by Xiaodiao in the future. Ha ha! "

"Let it get angry. It will be fine in two days." Jun Zi Lin took a look at Xiao Diao and found that this guy's feather plumes all stood up. He was obviously very angry.

Helpless, she reached out to appease the bird. Unexpectedly, the little eagle's "cooing" voice and a threatening low roar came out of her throat. Although it was not dangerous, it obviously indicated that she was not happy.

"Well, I won't let you go in the future." Jun Zilin sighs that this bird really has a grudge. She just wants it to go back to nature and stay in the human world. Does she want to be a messenger? Xiaodiao won't like it either.

"Goo?" Small carving Chong Jun Zi Lin stretched out his head, tentatively called a.

"Well, I won't let you go again." Jun Zilin found that the little Eagle seemed to understand people's words. Maybe it was because he had been trained and raised by the bird trainer since he was a child. But unfortunately, she didn't understand the birds.

"Goo Goo Goo!" Xiao Diao said a lot.

Unfortunately, junzilin didn't know what it was saying.

It's a little familiar that Xiao Diao brought it back.

Jun Zilin looks like a sword spike.

Before luotou, they took the sword to Gongsun steward, which was the spike on the sword.

The problem is how the sword spike is carved here, and what it wants to prove when it is carved back.

No, it must be trying to summon.

Otherwise, it will not be this thing, let alone other things. What's more, Xiaodiao won't come to find himself.

Do you want to say that they are safe?

But the letter sent by zhuipeu hasn't been sent back yet. Can this sword spike prove their safety.

No matter what, wait for the news, then you will have something to look forward to.

Back in qingyaju, Xiaodiao happily flew in the air for a while, and finally landed in Xiaodie's arms. From time to time, he cooed twice, and flapped his wings. Finally, he flew to Xiaodie's shoulder, and it stopped moving.

Jun Zi Lin is busy living, suddenly heard a notice from outside, said it was Luo to see them.

New servants do not know the situation, Jun Zilin heard the news, but is very happy, Luo cast them back safely!

As soon as the sword ear is collected, Jun Zilin goes out in person. He happens to meet Luo tou and other people coming back. Not only that, there are several bodyguards following him. She takes a look and finds that Xiao Qi and Xiao Wu are all back.

"The princess, the subordinates have fulfilled their mission and completed the task assigned by the empress!" The guards fell on their knees and bowed their heads.

"No gifts." Jun Zilin is very happy. Then she asks Xiao die to prepare tea. Instead, she calls the bodyguards in and asks them to tell the story.

"When I gave the sword spike to the big bird, my subordinates had not received the letter from Zhui Po. After Da Diao left, the letter of pursuing soul was sent. I felt that Jiansui could represent my subordinates and others, so I didn't write back! " Luo tou reported the situation, and the light from the corner of his eye naturally saw the sword spike on the table.

The main reason was that on the road at that time, the big bird was very annoying. When they were quick, the bird was on their heads and kept singing.

Luo tou wanted to take the stone and drop the bird directly, but thanks to Xiao Qi who came back, he said that the princess also raised a small eagle. At that time, the bird was still a young bird and flew into the arms of the king.

Our Lord didn't know the situation and threw the bird away. The princess made a big fuss about it.

This bird is precious to the princess!

It's time for the chick to grow up. Although it's not as big as the one on our head, it should be heated.

At that time, Hou luotou heard Xiao Qi say so, but he didn't do it. Although he knew that the bird could not be the princess's bird, he didn't hurt it out of empathy. What's more, the bird didn't mean to harm people. It just cooed over their heads, as if to send a message.

A few days later, the bird came down and stopped on the table of several people.

The father-in-law of chaliao is very surprised. He is not afraid of people. Unless he is bold, he is domesticated.Loto thought to himself. He grabbed the bird and looked up and down. The bird gave him a peck. It didn't hurt.

But I saw a light and thin silk hanging on the leg of the bird, with two words delicately embroidered on it: small carving.

For a moment, all the speculation became true.

Everyone looked at it and finally decided that it was the little bird raised by the princess. Suddenly, no one dared to catch the bird any more. On the contrary, they fed the bird with water.

After drinking enough water, the little bird flapped and flew in the direction of Lingzhou city. After a while, the crowd got up and got on the horse. The little bird flew back and cooed. It seemed that they were too slow.

Luo tou calculated the day, then took down the sword spike, and tried the bird's spirituality.

Then he gave the bird the blade and let it return to Lingzhou city to report.

Who would have guessed that after picking up the blade, the bird never came back.

Along the way, the bodyguards kept talking. Some felt that the bird might have lost its way, or played in some corner. Some felt that it was tired of flying and might have found meat to eat.

Now when Luo tou saw this sword spike, he naturally thought that this little bird was really spiritual.

At this moment, the small carving flew in from the outside, fell directly on the table, and "Goo Goo" called twice.

, as like as two peas, the birds were able to look at the bird carefully, and found that the bird was exactly the same as the big bird before it, especially the thin silk with its legs closed, and the same embroidered character was carved on it.

It can be seen that this small eagle is indeed the one before.

When people saw that the bird was so spiritual, they all liked it very much. However, due to the fact that the princess was here, she did not show too much.

After that, the crowd retreated, leaving only rotou.

Xiao Diao also flew out, probably tired of playing in the house.

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