Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1091: : Red Dyed Fire

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

In a gloomy church in Jiangcheng, a stunning man holding the fence with both hands, also watching Huasheng and Nanyang's four brothers in this battle.

"Your Highness, are you going to help Miss Huasheng?"

"No, these are not her opponents."

"However, the magic suddenly flashed in the eyes of the young lady just now, will other people be surprised?"

"Whatever you know, who dares to move her in the Three Realms and Six Ways?"

"Yes, then let us wait and see."

There is a man with red crescent in the middle of his forehead. He looks at the girl in the mirror with a gentle look.

His sweetheart, lost for so many years, was finally found by him. The more those people wanted to hide, the more he had to find.

Although she doesn't know herself yet, these are not anxious.

He has the most time, and she will understand everything sooner or later.

A walk through the world is only a hundred years of flesh, and for him, a century is just a flick of a finger.

And the unique magic of her is exactly the mark he left ten thousand years ago and left on her, so that no matter how many times she was reincarnated, how many times she was taken away, how many times she died, It can be found by him, this is a token of mutual recognition.

Only they understand, so Bairan doesn't understand, Mingyan doesn't understand, only he understands.

Bai Ran got up excitedly, and hated to get a live watch.

"Oh, these guys who are dead, they also come up with some head-down techniques to make people eye-catching. My relatives, this little girl hasn’t used Jiutian Xuanhuo yet, and when Jiutian Xuanhuo came out, they bowed their heads. It will also become roasted pig head, haha."

"Stinky fox, you are so noisy." Pluto is also impatient.

In fact, at this moment, the soul after the great change has become a wild ghost, eager to try, and hope to tear the woman in front of her immediately.

Hua Sheng was still calm, and she stretched out her hands with her hands spread out.

The flames in the palm of my hand began to breed...

The color is also very bright, first cyan...

"Long Yin." White dyed little caper.

Then the flame in Huasheng's palm changed from cyan to blue.

"Sea Soul, this is the Sea Soul." This was said by several ghosts behind Hades. Last time, it was almost burnt by this Sea Soul Fire, so he knew all about death.

I thought Huasheng would use sea soul fire to deal with these Nanyang ghosts.

Unexpectedly, the spirit of her palm was still condensing quickly, and the flame changed from blue to yellow again.

"Tian Xuan Huo? Ha, this girl is really angry, it's really triple, it's magnified."

Bai Ran's appearance of gloating, she thought that Huasheng would directly know the third floor of Jiu Tian Xuan Huo, Tian Xuan Huo, to burn the enemy.

Because the third layer is already fierce, I did not expect that this is not the end.

The flame in Huasheng's hands is still changing...

From yellow to red, it is the kind of blood red, bright red and bright red.

This time, even Pluto couldn't sit still, and suddenly stood up, leaned closer to the dust edge mirror, and wanted to take a closer look.

"I'm fucking, this girl is crazy, this is the fourth level, when did she quietly practice the fourth level quietly? shouldn't be, her girl loves her husband every day Yes, how can you think of this as the fourth level?"

Not to mention that White dyed Pluto is also very surprised, he did not expect Hua Sheng to reach the fourth level in a short time. It’s too scary, right?

"Ming Yan, what do you see?"

"It should be that the magic in her body triggered the same aura eruption as the volcanic eruption, so I jumped directly to the fourth weight. I was just curious, to what extent will the power of the red dyed fire above Tianxuan be?" Hades back With both hands, he stared motionlessly at the red flame in Huasheng's hand. The flame was full of expansion, and it instantly reached more than two meters, illuminating every corner of the room.

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