Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1105: : The old me

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Hua Sheng nodded, "I'm okay, it's gone. No matter what is wrong or right, they are the ones who gave birth to me, the parents of the skin and skin, I still understand the truth, no matter how they treated me before. , I have no blame in the past. But to be honest, I may not be able to get close to them, after all, I have not experienced the years of growing up with them."

Hua Lin sighed slightly and patted Hua Sheng on the shoulder.

"I used to think that it was me who was the most miserable at home. Now it seems that the five girls are even more pitiful than me."

Hua Sheng smiled faintly, "Well, it's always necessary to suffer for a while, but no one will suffer for a lifetime."

"Yes, no one will suffer for a lifetime. For the rest of our life, our three sisters will also support each other." Hua Zhi moved and held her arms around Hualin and Huasheng.

Fifteen minutes later, Hua Sheng sat in the hospital corridor and posted a circle of friends.

In fact, she really rarely sent these feelings, but today may have seen her mother's confession, and she really relieved herself.

——If you know me before, you will forgive me now.

At first glance, this sentence still sounds ignorant. People who don’t understand certainly don’t know what it means, but Jiang Liu understands. He knows how hard Huasheng had been before, obviously so small, but he didn’t get what his parents should have. Caring, only grandma accompanies in life. So when Grandma passed away, Jiang Liu stayed with Huasheng inseparably, just because she was afraid she could not support it.

Later, many people once said that Miss Huajia's mother was weak in nature, and even a little indifferent. She didn't care about family matters, and she was never enthusiastic about her parents. It is a natural cold-blooded animal with no feelings, but Jiangliu knows that this is not the case. A Sheng is not a stone without feelings. She is such a sentimental person.

If you have the same childhood as hers, then you may not be as open-minded as she is.

Therefore, Huasheng’s indifference now can be forgiven, because in the past...she is a child forgotten by her parents and relatives, who has not even attended school and has lived on the mountain for 20 years.

Jiang Liu took out his mobile phone and wanted to comment on it below, but he was afraid of being an essay.

So he clicked on Huasheng's head and sent a private message.

"Mrs. Jiang, no matter what you used to be, what you are doing now, or what you are going to do in the future, you are my love for this life."

Hua Sheng raised his lips warmly, "Thank you Mr. Jiang."

"Well, take good care of yourself, and wait for the storm to pass, we will travel."

"it is good."

Hua Sheng only said one word, but she knew that the Heaven Tribulation was approaching, what happened in the future, she didn't know yet?

In fact, Jiang Liu didn't know what would happen. He really expressed his longing for the future, fantasizing a lot of scenes where he stayed with Hua Sheng until he became white-headed.

But what he didn't know was that this time it was really a long time.

After seeing her Mrs. Jiang, it really took a long time.

Of course, these are words.

When Xie Dongyang came to the hospital, he was still holding a warm roasted corn.

Huasheng likes to eat corn, especially fresh, but because of climate problems, Jiangcheng will only have fresh corn mature at the end of August every year.

And the duration is only seven days, it will quickly age.

Xie Dongyang drove to the surrounding farms, selected some of them, and cooked them in the oven at home, and then took it to Huasheng while it was hot.

"Miss, do you want to buy roasted corn, ten yuan a piece, not sweet and no money."

Three meters away, Xie Dongyang was wearing black rose-patterned short sleeves, holding steaming corn in both hands, smiling gently.

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