Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1171: :Blood Sea Vendetta

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The clear breeze that came out of the wind came back at night, and I will briefly talk about the collected information.

Feng Xi picked up the marker pen, made a mark on the white drawing board, and made a few summaries.

First, there are five Tugu demon, and the group attack is powerful.

Secondly, one of the soil dogs still uses poison. This is very magical. Be careful.

Third, they appeared not long ago. The timing is somewhat similar to the timing of Zhuoya's appearance, but I am not sure if Zhuoya's side is there.

Fourth, these guys would enter the city every night without hurting people for a while, but they hunted the cats all over the city. No matter what color they were, all the little black family was unlucky and hit by them.

Fifth, during the day, they will hide in an abandoned city **** temple 30 kilometers southwest of Jiangcheng, where there is a burrow, and they will hide inside.

After the wind summed up the five, she carefully considered, she leaned her chin and looked at the drawing board seriously.

She has seen the animal world, the attack power of the earth dog is actually average, but it is terrible if it is in groups.

how to say? They have the spirit of a group of cockroaches. Once they stare at their prey, they don't give up easily, and their stomachs will never fill up, and they will always find food.

Animals that look like stray dogs, with spots on their bodies, and have a bad look on their faces are really unpleasant.

The wind doesn't understand, how can such a nasty animal become a demon? This is really... impressive.

Xiaohe crouched beside the wind and stared at the drawing board, her eyes full of murderous intent.

Feng Xi pinched his fingers, "Tonight's days are pretty good, suitable for revenge, so let's start when we are in the sea, I just take two fresh breezes, Qiao Xue, you take good care of Xiaohei with several other fresh breezes at home, there are around the house Formation and spells, those demons and monsters can't come in and can't hurt you."

"Master Feng, you are all careful."

At this time, Qiao Xue was still really thinking about the wind, after all, the wind gave her a place to stay.

The wind nodded, then pulled up a red cloak and draped it over his body very handsomely.

The black cat suddenly bit the windy trouser legs and refused to let go.

"Xiaohei, you can't follow you, you are still injured."

"Meow." Xiao Hei seemed to protest.

"You don't agree nor do you. You have to stay here. You can rest assured. I will avenge you. I will bring back the body of the dog to cook soup for you."

Seeing the wind said so, eventually Xiao Hei loosened his mouth and let the wind go.

"Trust me."

Feng Xi squatted down and touched Xiao Hei's head, Xiao He's face rubbed the windy palm with relief.

Feng Xi smiled and set off with two fresh breezes.

"Boss, these local dogs are about to kill all the cats in the city recently. Tonight we guess they will be active in the northwest corner of Beicheng District, because there are only some people with cats in this piece."

"Okay, then we are waiting here, waiting for the rabbit."

The wind dangling a lollipop, carrying a treasure bag, a handsome shuttle in the middle of the night.

Outsiders can't see the breeze, but can only see her walking on the street at midnight.

Coincidentally, Qin Wanyu just finished the meal with the customer and walked back, just passing by this remote street.

Far away, he saw a woman wearing a red cloak, walking down the edge of the road with her head down.

Just as Qin Wanyu was about to cross the crossroads, suddenly, he didn't know where seven or eight cats came out.

Suddenly he made an emergency brake and stopped the car in front of the zebra crossing.

Afterwards, he saw five huge dogs, who hunted behind the cats.

One of the soil dogs stopped in front of Qin Wanyu's car, looked at him with an extremely excited look, and stared at him.

"Wow, this man looks so delicious." The female dog licked her tongue excitedly.

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