Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1175: : Soul tremor

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After a while, the wind kept the tears, pretending to carelessly, "just do whatever you want."

She stood up, carrying a treasure bag, and Qin Wanyu shouted again, "Hey, what's your name? What's your name?"

Feng Xi didn't wait to speak, Qin Wanyu ridiculed, "Are you called Feng Heri Li or calm and calm? Isn't it right? You are so fierce and certainly not such a gentle name? Are you probably called Feng Juan Can Yun, or a servant of wind and dust? Ha, Fenghua Zhengmao? Do you still have a younger brother called Fengliu Suo?"

Qin Wanyu did not know which string was wrong, but actually made a joke.

But Fengxi didn't laugh, she was very sad, she paused for a long time, and then whispered, "Qin Wanyu, my name is Fengxi."

"The wind? Yes, good name. Is the wind blowing and the wind fluttering that wind? Domineering, atmospheric, good name."

Qin Wanyu also wanted to please others, but the wind had disappeared long ago, and he didn't even know how to get there?

Feng Xi logically said that Qin Wanyu's memories should be eliminated tonight, but inexplicable.

Especially the Qin Wanyu sentence, when I don’t want to forget you, the wind is really soft-hearted, and she can’t start anymore.

Even if Qin Wanyu said this to her at that time, she might not be able to get rid of it, eliminating the memory between them.

The wind slaughtered the Tu Goblin. This is not a big deal, but the Tu Goblin is from Zhuoya's side. In the traditional sense, it is not Zhuoya's men.

It is Zhuoya's associate, a woman named Zhuoman, who has a long history than Zhuoya.

They are not kinship sisters, just because the surname Zhuo is more pleasant and easy to remember.

Huasheng and Fengxi have analyzed it before. Zhuoya is definitely not a human, but neither a zombie nor a ghost.

To put it bluntly, it should be Zhuo Ya. This body is Zhuo Ya, and the soul inside should be another person, and it has been refined by the voodoo mythology of Southern Xinjiang.

So Zhuoya also contacted some evil demons, and did all the harm.

This Zhuoman is not as good as Zhuoya. She is born without a conscience. She is a child born of a leopard demon and a half-corpse man.

Originally born with a leopard's face, covered in hair, and corpse is very heavy.

It was because of her pedigree that she was taken by those witch gu masters and refined into adults. This face was taken by a girl who went hiking in the southwestern virgin forest three years ago. Take it, wait, and mutilate people.

Recently, because of the fascination with cat corpses, I only killed cats.

I came to Jiangcheng because Zhuoya was in Jiangcheng and felt convenient.

Killing the whole family of Xiaohei was indeed accidentally wounded, not Zhuoya and Huasheng’s personal grudge, but the wind didn’t matter. She had smelled Zhuoya in the Tugu demon before, so she planned to go back and find Zhuoya.

And there is another person whose soul is trembling like Feng Xi, Xie Dongyang.

Xie Dongyang was hospitalized after the last attempt to assassinate Wu Nan.

Afterwards, the wind cast a spell of forgetfulness, clearing all these people's memories, but only clearing the part of Hua Sheng. Other relationships still exist, such as Xie Dongyang and Hua Zhi, and they are still very good friends.

On that day, Xie Dongyang accompanied her sister to shop and met Zhuoya.

At that moment, that face left Xie Dongyang stunned for a long time, and it has been a state of consciousness disintegration.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Xie Dongyao felt strange.

Xie Dongyang couldn't help striding meteor up and grabbed Zhuo Ya's arm, ", we know, right?"

Zhuo Ya narrowed her eyes and stared at Xie Dongyang. She smiled. She just wanted to follow the routine, but ignored Xie Dongyang's infatuation.

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