Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1181: : Young Master

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Hua Sheng was awakened again by covering her chest, and she felt that she had a sickness recently and she felt palpitations.

And for unknown reasons, I often dreamed, and then woke up to find it was midnight, but my heart hurt terribly.

She got out of bed and poured herself a glass of water. At the door were two green and flamboyant girls watching the vigil.

Now she was up and down the heavenly palace, which was a thousand glory, only because of the holy imperial edict, she was named as the prince.

That day Xia Houku took trouble with his sister, attempted, and even Xia Houyan's whip was destroyed.

This story was quickly known to everyone in Kyoto, and everyone was talking about it in private. Everyone was talking about it privately. The young lady of Tianshifu returned now after five years in a coma. The old lady discussed whether to let Ms. Wu start cultivation, or to test the attributes first.

To be honest, the decree has been going on for some time, but Huasheng has never seen the crown prince, but the gifts are not confiscated.

After three weeks, His Royal Highness ordered people to give gifts to unmarried people, from the moon in the East China Sea to the moon in the rain.

Almost all of them are first-rate goodies. It didn't take long for the entire Liuyun Kingdom to know that His Royal Highness was very fond of his fiancee.

Before the wedding, he kept sending rare treasures into the Temple of Heaven. In this way, the Temple of Heaven restored his former glory once.

Hua Sheng didn't care about His Royal Highness, or what he did, and he didn't feel much about these gold and silver jewelry.

She just felt that she had returned so long without any sense of belonging.

Always sleep and wake up, sleep is getting worse and worse, not very practical.

I often wake up in the middle of the night and pick up the veil embroidery to stay through the night.

Early next morning

At breakfast, the old lady suddenly said to Hua Sheng, "Yun Luo, I and the sacrificial lord discussed for a long time and decided that we will pass on the position of the head of the Chinese family to you from today, and you will be the master of our Chinese family in the future. Take control of all costs."

"Grandma, it's impossible." Hua Sheng refused.

"Eh, don't rush to refuse, Grandma said you can control, you can control. You are now not only an invaluable princess, but also the only bloodline of my Tianshi Mansion. That day you destroyed Xiahouyan's long whip for our family A lot of faces have been fought back. The main thing is that I and the priest and I only saw that day, and it turns out that your attribute is also fire."

Hua Sheng is silent, this world is a fantasy world, people here have various occupations, but only the summoner and the master are the most noble.

That is, the Hua family and the Xia Hou family, in fact, the Hua family should be more important, because the Hua family travels abroad as a fortune teller.

Although the fortune teller has been gone for a long time, it does not mean that the summoner can occupy the first place.

In short, the Hua family has been attributed to fire for 100 years, and Huasheng’s four sisters and parents are all fire attribute innocents.

Now when she comes to her, naturally, she will not give birth to anything else. After that, when Hua Sheng Xiaolu first hand, the old lady is amazing.

Everyone knows that Xia Houku's sister is a genius and once won the top prize in the Tianshi contest.

The long whip in that hand didn't even know how many people's lives were required, but that day at Hua's house, he was still obediently obeyed by Hua Shengzhi, and the brothers and sisters left in disgrace.

The old lady believed that no matter what the granddaughter had encountered after a thousand years, the talent was excellent, and it was definitely not worse than that Xiahou Kite.

So after careful consideration, he decided to give way to Hua Sheng, who was only 15 years old.

It stands to reason that Huasheng was 15 years old and had been in a coma for five years, but now there should be twenty.

But the world is very strange. When comatose, people do not grow up, as if frozen.

Therefore, the fifth Miss Hua family is still fifteen years old five years ago.

"Yunluo, grandma is old, and the Hua family will depend on you."

After talking, the old lady took over a seal of Heavenly Master and placed it in Huasheng's hands. Huasheng felt that this moment was extremely heavy.

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