Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1262: : Gains and losses

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Maybe continue to find Jiangliu's next life, and then continue to accompany him."

"But don't forget, after a hundred years, the moon will wake up, when the time comes..."

Pluto's words didn't go on. One hundred years later, if the moon is awakened, the day and the earth will change again.

Because this time, the sudden attack by Hua Sheng was successful, making the moon cut unprepared.

Betrayed by the loved one, and what is the mood of stabbing the knife?

Chopping the moon is not a good boy or a girl. With his temper, if he wakes up, it will probably destroy the world and come to revenge this century.

"Who knows what happened a hundred years later? I don't like to worry about people, I just want to cherish the moment."

Hua Sheng did not think so much. After awakening the moon, it would be a hundred years later.

At the moment, she just wants to stay with the river well and cherish the remaining decades.

Pluto nodded, quite appreciating Hua Sheng's mentality, but he also gave an idea.

"Huasheng, this seat actually has an idea that can fulfill your physical dream. If you want to give Jiangliu a son and a daughter, you must have a physical body. Otherwise, in the form of soul, you may be difficult to complete in this life. This wish."

Hua Sheng was a little surprised, but Pluto thought of this step. To be honest, she was a little moved.

"Ming Yan you say."

Pluto picked up a scroll and threw it in Huasheng's hand.

"Find a mortal woman who was born on the same day and the same month as you, and you can be attached to her. Because she was born on the same day and the same month, she will not consume her yang life, nor your Yin virtue. , Through the physical body of the mortal woman, just continue to be with the river. But the trouble is that if you want to live under her identity, you may not be called Hua Sheng. You may also be forced to contact the mortal Women's friends and relatives... You must be mentally prepared for this."

Hua Sheng felt very magical. She picked up the scroll and looked closely.

It reads: Mortal woman, name: Bi Huan, female, 26 years old, Yancheng. Family members: parents, younger brothers. Identity: Buyer of a company. Marital status: Unmarried single status. Bachelor's degree. Personality: Introvert does not like to talk. During college, because of the first love failure, he suffered from mild depression, and then took medicine to improve.

Pluto continued, "I searched the world, only found the woman's body similar to yours, although the appearance is a little more general, but the body is healthy, the family members are simple. The lightness is also good, don't worry about this, you might as well go back to Hejiang Talk about it, I think if you want to have a baby, you must have a physical body."

"I know."

Hua Sheng only spoke two words, then looked at the scroll carefully before raising his head.

"Ming Yan, your idea is great. I will go back and discuss with Jiang Liu. If it is feasible, I will ask you..."

"give it to me."

This spell of combining human and soul is one that only Pluto can do, and it can be done seamlessly, so Hua Sheng knows that Pluto must have a way.

"Then I'll go back first, you... take a good rest."

"it is good."

"Ming Yan, you have a good rest, you must..." Hua Sheng asked again, only to feel that the thirty strokes that the Pluto had on him was really heartbreaking.

After returning, Jiang Liu was already at home, and he was also uneasy at work. He just wanted to go home and see Asheng quickly.

Ten miles of spring breezes are still being sorted out, and it will take two days at the earliest to move in.

So when Jiangliu came back and couldn't see Huasheng, he was in a hurry.

As soon as I was ready to go out to find the wind, I saw Hua Sheng appeared in the room in a flash.

The next second, Jiang Liu hugged her.

"Frightened me, thought you were gone again."

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