Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1319: : Make it happen like this

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Qin Wanyu couldn't believe it, and Feng Xi was so determined.

"Is this what you said? Are you kidding me?"

The wind looked coldly at Qin Wanyu's eyes, "Am I in a mood to joke with you? Do you think my heart is a big radish? The two of you treat me so badly, do I still have to have a hippie smile? I don't know our Fengjia Is there a temper for women?"

"Then it's Xiao Xue wrong, can't you just die with a stick?"

"Why, do you feel bad?"

Qin Wanyu couldn't be more angry when he looked at the windy words.

Otherwise, if you are both angry, you really don’t want to talk too much.

At this time, there was a Qiao Xue next to it, adding oil and vinegar there.

"Brother Wanyu, Master Windy, please don't quarrel. It's all bad for Xiaoxue. If you don't have Xiaoxue, you won't go to this step. Woo, Xiaoxue will come without any of you."

Immediately, I saw Qiao Xue's eyes slamming into the windy peach sword.

The wind narrowed his eyes, knowing that the woman didn't want to die at all.

Sure enough, Qin Wanyu directly took the Taomu sword, and broke it into two pieces in one breath, throwing it on the ground.

"Okay, okay, Qin Wanyu, you dare to break my peach sword."

"The treasure your grandfather left you is for you to kill evil spirits and eliminate evil spirits for the people. It is not for you to fight for the wind and jealous demon."

"I'm a demon?" The grievances of the wind, almost cry Qin Wanyu.

"It's windy, enough, really... I've spoiled you for being used to you over the past few years. I don't say anything about how you behave as a demon. Every time you quarrel, no matter who is right or wrong, it is my apology that ends. Your temper As soon as you come up, you can say anything that hurts. Hua Zhi gets married, you go to be a bridesmaid, and Xie Dongyang goes to be a best man. This is nothing. You always say that I am careful and can't consider it for you But what about you? Do you really care about me? If you care, you will refuse to tell Hua Zhi not to be this bride for your face. But have you thought about it, then how uncomfortable should I be? I certainly know Xie Dongyang and You are nothing, but I also know that you will never consider it for me. Xiao Xue is my first girlfriend, now I have no other ideas, but you can’t destroy her soul with the peach wood sword. She didn’t do anything harm The matter of humans, Lord Pluto has not come to catch, but you have to die, the wind, do you think you are not excessive?"

"Speaking of it, it doesn't mean that your predecessor is distressed, Qin Wanyu, you are really passionate... eating in the pot and thinking about the pot."

The key point that Feng Xi heard was never really expressed by Qin Wanyu.

He smiled coldly, "Since you think so, then it does not matter."

"Brother Wanyu, don't want to fall over for me and Master Feng...I don't want...Xiao Xue doesn't want that..."

Qiao Xue chose to pretend to be kind at this time and persuaded Qin Wanyu.

But the wind has become a shrew in the eyes of Qin Wanyu, ignorant and arrogant.

"Qin Wanyu, what do you mean, you want to break up, don't you?" Feng Xi is also angry and has nothing to say. He can only use this to save himself a little face.

"It's up to you, I can do it."

After finishing, Qin Wanyu glanced at Qiao Xue, "You come with me, this Fengjia can't hold you anymore, you will be suppressed by the Fengjia heads here, but Xiaoxue you can rest assured, as long as there is I am here and I will not let anyone move you."

Of course, these words are also irritating, and they are deliberately told to the wind.

After listening to the wind, I just felt like my body would explode.

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