Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1324: : Xie family changed

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After Hua Zhi finished, Hua Sheng and Hua Lin were both stunned.

"Sister Sister, where did you hear this, maybe it was fooled by someone..." Hua Sheng was stunned.

I still thought to myself, what gadget will have such a powerful function that it can be reproduced?

Hua Lin was also shocked, "But what the third sister said is cloning technology? Cloning people? Cloning people also need to extract the original body's genetic cells. Now the five sisters are not in the body. This is impossible to do."

"No, I still don't know about cloning? You hear me say it is all right."

Hua Zhi looked at each of them with a look of ignorance, but was even more smug.

"Wind, have you heard of Pisces Yupei?"

"Oh?" Feng Xi picked up the delicate eyebrows, and then he was interested.

Hua Lin and Hua Sheng, who are familiar with history, also instantly understood what Hua Zhi said and knew who the jade was.

"This is a myth. That thing has always been a legend, but there is no record of the official history. Are you not sure whether it is true or false?" Hua Lin first said that she taught history, and she knows every section of history and culture, Looking back and forth for five thousand years, there is only one mythical Pisces jade pendant, which is on Wang Mang.

Which Wang Mang?

It was the famous Wang Mang of the Western Han Dynasty who was also the founder of the new dynasty in the late Western Han Dynasty.

Legend has it that he was actually a traverser, a modern man who traversed the past, and the man who traversed the past was also a scientist in the 1980s.

But these are rumors and no one can confirm it.

What attracted Hua Zhi was the piece of Pisces jade, which is said to have a magical mirroring function and can replicate exactly the same thing.

If there is such a thing and it is found, then... Is Huasheng's body just around the corner?

"Let me talk about it, regardless of whether it is true or false, Pisces is no longer the first. Maybe it is no longer in this world. Since I have said that, the person who has passed through, may have already taken back to the Western Han Dynasty. We are looking for it in this era. No. Second, even if it is found, the Pisces jade pendant has a copy function, but I am now a soul. I think that even if it is really copied to me, it will copy the soul instead of the body. Third... The third sister's wedding is imminent. The most important thing is to talk about other things in the future. Is this the end of the topic? Okay?" Hua Sheng finished the word and scanned the three women.

Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, the wind is silent.

They have always known that A Sheng is the most sensible, and will not let them worry about themselves and involve themselves in danger.

So it really can't be mentioned anymore.

"Forget it, don't **** you, I'll try my bridesmaid dress."

When the wind came, she was about to leave. At this moment, Hua Zhi's cell phone rang, and her face suddenly changed after she answered the phone.

"What did you say? Do you say it again?"

Hua Zhijing's mobile phone fell to the ground, and the wind didn't take a few steps, looking back at Hua Zhi curiously.

"What's wrong? Three sisters?" Hua Sheng also froze.

Hua Lin did not speak, but also waited for Hua Zhi's following.

It is certainly not a trivial matter to make her lose her way.

"Xie's family has an accident. Xie Dongyang's father, brother... all died."

When Hua Zhi said these words, she only felt goose bumps all over her body.

Hua Sheng was shocked when he heard it.

"This... is too miserable... two dead at once?" The wind was also stunned, something unexpected.

"Who called you? Isn't this a prank?" Hua Lin was a bit suspicious of the news.

"It was Xie Dongyang himself." Hua Zhi was a little shocked.

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