Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1353: : See you again

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"Er, Mom is for your own good. You are now returning a woman who is not a ghost or a ghost. My dad and I don’t care, but you are worried. You can’t be confused. Mom is your son, you. Be considerate of Mom’s heart."

Jiang Mu also cried, and the atmosphere in the house was awkward.

In the end, Hua Sheng dragged the sleeves of the river, "You sit down first, Mr. Jiang. Since Mom wants to judge the Taoist, I agree."

"Asheng..." Jiang Liu frowned, how to bear the betrayal of her beloved woman.

"I'm okay, really." Hua Sheng's voice was very low. She didn't want to make Jiangliu's relationship with her mother too stiff because of her.

The Hua family is now a broken family, and she has no parental care.

But she didn't want the man she loved to become like herself, to renounce love, that is, after all, the one who gave birth to him.

Jiang Liu's heart hurts. He held Huasheng's hand tightly and refused to let it go, but his heart had already turned over.

Jiang Mu was not like this before. After all, she was also a wealthy man, and she was knowledgeable and understanding.

At first, Huasheng was very friendly, but later, after so many things happened, Jiang Mu always felt that this daughter-in-law was uneasy, and the troubled chickens and dogs in the family were troubled. The son almost died several times because of this.

So subconsciously, there will be resistance to Huasheng.

Today, Jiang's mother is almost sixty years, which happens to be the time of women's menopause, which means menopause.

The menopausal women are really unreasonable, even their own biological ones are not pleasing to the eyes, let alone foreign.

Therefore, Huasheng does not resent the attitude of her mother-in-law, but only feels that the river flow will be embarrassed in the middle, so she is willing to give way.

A family dinner is not as peaceful as the royal atmosphere.

Huasheng didn't eat much from beginning to end. After eating, Jiangliu took Huasheng back for ten years and didn't stay long.

Father Jiang also felt that his wife was a bit overdone and reproached, "You too, the sons are all in their thirties, and you don't care anymore. What are you doing now? If your son is happy, you have to be embarrassed. What's the use of Sheng child?"

"Why am I embarrassed, I am good for our family, A Sheng or the wind, it is not something that ordinary people like us can cope with, I don’t ask our family to marry a fairy, but I don’t want to There will be no more disasters in our family. Before she appeared, how good our Jiang see what it looks like now?"

Jiang Mu cried while she was talking, but the Jiang family was nothing.

Only compared with the past, it is indeed not as good as the atmosphere before, she now envy the Wang family, envy to marry Hua Zhi.

I even thought about why Jiangli did not like Hua Zhi?

But she also knew that these words could not be said, and if she had said, her son would have to get angry again, and the relationship between mother and son would become more deadlocked.

Hua Sheng doesn't mind what mother-in-law is looking for to identify her aggressiveness, but she never expected that the person her mother-in-law found was an old acquaintance. This person is not someone else, it is Ling Jiuzhou's only pulse The offspring of some strange skills-Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was not surprised to see Hua Sheng. After all, he knew who the Jiang's daughter-in-law was before.

"Meet us again," Ling Xiao smiled.

Jiang Liu looked at him alertly, and then asked his mother with a cold face, "This is what you said is the Taoist master of Daoxing? Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

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