Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1370: : If ever

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"Yuan Shao..."

Yu Ping quickly withdrew his hand. After all, it is not as good as before, but now he is married.

Even if I dislike Yuan Shao and my ex-boyfriend, I still have to take into account the feelings of my husband.

At this moment, suddenly a voice came...


Yu Ping got up quickly, looking at Jing Sa behind him in a panic. He was wearing a light blue suit and still holding a champagne glass in his hand.

Presumably all came from the banquet, and this situation was really embarrassing to be seen by Jing Sa.

Especially Yuan Shao just took her hand and said those words so loudly.

This can't stand any other man, Yu Ping is a little afraid of being misunderstood, although Jing Sa has never been violent to her since he fell in love.

But...after all...just now...

"You're here." Yu Ping walked a little awkwardly and looked at Jing Sa and smiled.

Please stretch out your hand and pull Jing Sa's hand.

In fact, she was very panicked, afraid that she would be rejected, and she would have no face or face before Yuan Shao.

However, Jing Sa naturally stretched out his hand and took the hand that Yu Ping handed over, "There is nothing wrong with the company over there today. I am afraid that you will get drunk at the party. It happened that I came with Jiang Liu. Presumably he is also worried. Huasheng, how are you, are you drunk?"

"Why, I just drank coffee." Jing Ping's tone was so gentle, Yu Ping was more at ease.

"Who is this……."

Jing Sa looked at Yuan Shao on the side and seemed to expect Yu Ping to introduce it.

Yuan Shao was not so rude, so he got up and introduced himself, "Hello, I am Yu Ping's friend from the same school. My name is Yuan Shao."

"Oh, I heard Xiaoping mention it a few times and said that you are abroad, and you have a very capable senior."

Look, Emotional Intelligence is high, Jing Sa is not jealous, no nose is not a nose face is not a face.

On the contrary, it was generous and praised Yuan Shao. In this way, Yuan Shao was naturally not good at tit-for-tat.

"Thank you for the compliment." Yuan Shao nodded politely.

"Xiaoping's list is very small. I don't think there will be too many friends in school for this kind of personality, so the people who can be liked by her are presumably excellent. At first sight, it turned out that the University of Nationalities is also a crouching tiger. Hidden dragon. I I regret it all. Why didn’t I go to school here, what kind of a science boy?"

Jing Sa ridiculed himself and eased the embarrassment between the three.

Yu Ping smiled softly and looked at Jing Sa's eyes with emotion.

However, such a scene can only be more worrying in Yuan Shao's eyes.

Originally thinking that Yu Pingruo still had a hint of thinking about herself, or the life was not satisfactory, the two of them still hope to start again.

But now it seems unlikely.

This man named Jing Sa is very personable and well-educated, and his IQ and EQ are not generally high.

Yu Ping looked at his eyes with admiration, where would he put everything down now?

Yuan Shao teased and laughed at himself, it seemed that everything was delusional.

"I still have something to do. Don't disturb me. I have a chance to get together." Yuan Shao didn't want to stay and continue to watch people sprinkle dog food, so he made an excuse to leave.

Jing Sa was not difficult, and nodded, "Okay, I have a chance to meet again."

After Yuan Shao left, Yu Ping and Jing worried posted on Jing Sa's chest.

"Aren't you angry just now, sorry, husband...I don't know how he suddenly did..."

She explained to Jing Sa a little pretentiously, and felt that she was too cowardly, so she should refuse directly. How could she not say it? Will Jing Sa misunderstand Yuan Shao in his heart?

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