Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1384: : Rare implements

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The female spider also smiled, "You seem to overestimate yourself, even if you will use the nine-day torch? What about you? You don’t forget your current identity. You were born in the world, born with a naked eye, and descended from the Protoss. With the human lineage, how much do you think you still have the blood and skills of the true god? The nine-day torch is powerful, but you are only one person after all, and I... I should be older than you, and Dao Xing must be higher than you. You said I couldn’t help It’s good to delay your time... Then I will see who is right today?"

After that, the woman had a leaf in her hand, but the leaf was not green.

Those were leaves that were black and even shimmered in silver. The woman put the leaves on her mouth and blew...

Even in the dark night with his fingers out of sight, even the crescent moon hid in the clouds.

The line of sight has also fallen to the limit that humans can hardly reach. Fortunately, Huasheng's eyes are a hundred times better than ordinary people, so he still sees everything in front of him.

The woman's voice sounded strange, and the sound made people goose bumps.

What kind of voice is that?

If you have to describe it, it should be a sound that the cat scratched desperately on the glass with claws, which was extremely harsh and uncomfortable.

Hua Sheng couldn't care about the sound, because she saw it after the sound of the leaves rang.

The sky net supported by her began to move, and she looked up carefully and guarded carefully.

But was scared by the scene in front of me, or disgusted...

The huge spider web, I don't know when it started to crawl full of spiders, tens of thousands of small and large.

And they are several times larger than ordinary spiders. They are dark all over, and only their eyes glow red.

Hua Sheng did not dare to wait and let out the huge flame of the sea soul fire directly out of her hands.

Going up towards the huge skynet, the spiders' cracklings fell instantly.

In order to avoid falling on himself, Huasheng deliberately supported himself with a golden light shield.

It's just... the fallen spider didn't seem to die completely, and started crawling on the ground without direction, looking terrifying.

And the net that burned a hole by the fire of the sea soul did not know when it was repaired, and it was intact.

It’s the same as never being destroyed...

"I said, I won't do anything to you, but you can't leave here."

The strategizing of the woman's face made Hua Sheng feel uncomfortable. She froze her face, and her eyes were like a layer of frost. Yes, she said-go, after this sound, her waist is full of seven colors The ribbon flew out instantly and moved extremely fast.

The woman smiled brighter. "You have a lot of babies. You even have a rare magical tool like Seven-Colored Satin Ling. God really treats you well..."

The seven-color ribbon bundle is the most powerful, just like the immortal lock. As long as it is aimed at the target, it will continue to entangle until the other party's bundle is strong. It is also one of Huasheng's favorite weapons. Never miss.

Seeing that the seven-color ribbon was moving towards the woman, she instantly turned into a giant spider, whose body size was at least ten meters high and tens of meters wide, especially the legs with spider spears, high and sharp, only Her head is still human, and everything else has been demonized.

"Become bigger." Hua Sheng knew that the seven-color ribbon was too small, and it certainly could not hold the monster, so he directly read the secret word to make the seven-color ribbon wirelessly longer and wider, as if it were tailor-made for the monster.

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