Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1393: : Look jealous

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Tian Bing Tian will deal with the evil spirits of the demon world, and he can't fight in an instant.

Instead, Huasheng was safe, and Pluto was worried about Huasheng's safety before he actively opened a ghost umbrella for Huasheng.

But the distance between the two is too close, it will make people think.

First of all, Mr. Jiang said that he couldn't stand it anymore. He threw the little black in his arms and opened the car door.

"Let one let, let one let."

Jiang Liu said with a cold face, letting twice, Leng Shi pushed Pluto out of his umbrella with his body.

"A Sheng, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you can rest assured." Hua Sheng smiled softly.

Jiangliu took the black umbrella from Pluto by the way, "If I remember correctly, Pluto, right? It is a great honour for you to rescue the two of us, but you are a man after all, or far away from my wife Some are good. It’s not that I don’t trust my family, or the character of Pluto. It’s just that if this matter spreads, you will let the sentient beings of the Three Realms, what do you think of my husband and wife in the future?"

"I was offended." Pluto was stunned for a while. Although he was squeezed aside by the river, he felt that he was not wrong.

"Husband, the umbrella will be returned to others."

Hua Sheng reminded him that Jiangliu realized that the umbrella was also owned by others, and quickly lost it.

As soon as Pluto raised his hand, the umbrella disappeared, which was amazing.

Jiang Liu hugged Huasheng's shoulders tightly, "Today's Lord Pluto's salvation will not be forgotten. I will buy a few car ingots tomorrow and burn them for the adults."

Pluto: ...

"Plus a few luxury carriages, plus a dozen handsome girls, is that okay?"

Pluto: ...

"The two of you deserve to be two... true matches."

After talking, Pluto swept the Huasheng and Jiangliu couples and disappeared at a glance. He knew that Tianbingtian must have known this matter in the future.

Once Heaven Emperor knows, he will certainly not let go of the evil spirits of Devil Realm.

So whether he stayed or not was not important anymore. He had originally wanted to say a few words with Hua Sheng about the father and son of the Xie family.

But this river looks's crazy.

Lord Pluto was simply ran away, and in the end he didn't even have time to greet him.

After Pluto left, Huasheng looked at the river, "Is this satisfactory?"


"You still pretend, haha, the jealousy you just looked is really... cute, not like my high-cold husband..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't be jealous. I just think he has too strong aura of death, and fear of being close to you is bad for your health.

"I'm a body made of cotton, are you still worried?" Hua Sheng covered his mouth.

"Are you still laughing? You just scared me to death, do you know?"

Jiangliu embraced Huasheng with both hands, just a false alarm...

"Let's get in the car and say, I'm going to find the wind."

Seeing that Tian Bing Tian was entangled with the spider woman of the demon world, Hua Sheng didn't want to delay, so he got into the car with Jiang Liu and left.

After getting in the car, Jiangliu remembered another big event.



"Little Black can talk."

"Huh?" Hua Sheng didn't hear clearly at first.

"Xiaohei can talk and speak human language, which is terrible." Jiang Liu immediately began to complain.

Little black lazy nest in Huasheng's arms, too lazy to lift his eyelids.

"Xiaohei can speak people? How is it possible?" Hua Sheng froze, then looked down at Xiaohei in his arms.

"It's true, I heard that just now, how many words did you tell me?" Jiang Liu drove while driving, only regretting why he just took the phone and recorded it. Now saying this, if Xiaohei is dumb, then Can Sheng still believe?

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