Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1451: : Soul Eater Scout

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Of the three realms and six paths, who has the best relationship with Bairan?

Of course, it's Pluto, so on such a critical head, Ming Yan didn't come to help, how can this be said in the past?

But why didn't Pluto come? The reason is very simple, and the underworld is also under siege.

Although the number is not as large as the white dye here, it can be quite a lot. The siege of the underworld is also a very powerful master.

The lead is an old lady, older than Meng Po, with a walking stick in her hand, dressed in a shabby cotton jacket and red turban.

When I saw anyone's mouth, it was a kind of gossip that didn't know anything, something that I couldn't understand.

Behind her, followed by a group of children, both men and women, looks the same, especially want rag dolls, yes, that is the kind of puppets children play.

But these are not puppets, they are living creatures, and those little children each hold a rattle.

Shaking around, the strange thing is that as soon as you see the soul of the underworld, you suddenly open your mouth and swallow it directly.

A child can eat innumerable souls, from when they entered the entrance of the underworld, until now, it has completely messed up the underworld.

It is said that people are ghosts, and today I finally encountered something that scares ghosts.

Pluto took the twelve ghosts and immediately closed the scene.

Take away all the souls that have not been persecuted, and then face them on both sides of Wangchuan River.

"Senior, we have no grievances and hatreds. I don't understand. Why did you suddenly strike me in the underworld?"

Seeing this old lady, Pluto tried hard for a long time, and really did not know, and did not offend it. Why is this person directly damaging the souls of his underworld?

"Oh, is Xiaomeng okay? She is also my old friend. I will come to see her."

Xiao Meng, who is in the mouth of the old lady, isn't Meng Meng herself?

In fact, Meng Po is not old at all, she is ugly. Originally, Meng Po was not ugly. She was hurt by love before she died, and she ruined her face afterwards.

Later, after getting expert advice, he would cook a pot of soup that made people forget the past, so he stayed in the underworld.

When Pluto heard it, he quickly let Meng Po come. Meng Po was extremely angry when she heard someone coming to the Underworld to make trouble, and she was very loyal to Pluto.

I have been working diligently and diligently over the years, so when I came, I also brought my own weapon, that is, a spoon, which was usually very tasteless, but it was a life-threatening weapon when necessary.

"Who doesn’t have long eyes, come to my underworld to mess up? Lord Pluto has always acted impartially and treats all souls equally, and even the Emperor is quite quiet. You demon with short eyes dare to come to the underworld and make trouble, see me Mengpo will not fight today Your soul is scattered?"

After talking, Meng Po rushed out with a spoon, but after seeing the man clearly, she was dumb for a moment.

The old lady leaned on a walking stick and moved forward a few steps. "Xiao Meng, I haven't seen you for more than ten thousand years. How are you?"

Meng Po's complexion changed instantly, looking at the old lady, ", how did you come?"


Hades frowned slightly, and did not hear Meng mentioned that she still has a master? When is this master? Is it a master in the world while living?

"Very well, I also know that I am your master. I think you are now working in the underworld with one official and one half of the post. After becoming the king of Pluto, I don't remember my master."

Meng Meng was terrified, and she immediately kneeled on her knees, "Master, Da Er doesn't dare. At any time, Tu Er dares not forget the master's kindness to Tu Er."

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