Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1461: : Original

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"If you can't even agree to this, I will really doubt your purpose of looking for me... Qiao Xue, I am an adult, not a child." Qin Wanyu's face also cooled down a little.

At this moment, a sharp laugh sounded behind him, "Haha, how? I said that Qin Wanyu is not so cheat, Qiao Xue, what are you waiting for, using the method I told you, first pierce him with a nail Left chest, when he can't move, we will just drag it away."

Qin Wanyu suddenly turned around and saw a seemingly black shadow, looking at Qiao Xue, he sneered. "Sure enough you are premeditated."

Qiao Xue also became a person at this time. "It's light, but you and I all know that there is something from him in the wind family. We can't get close at all... Otherwise, I don't need me to lie to him, so much trouble. of."

"Stupid, what did Master Ya say? Didn't I tell you what you gave me? You don't need to be close to Qin Wanyu. You can still get him to move. You're a lot of nonsense now but you're too slow to start. Is it that? ...You still have a lasting love for him? Haha, right, if you really have the lasting love, you won’t let him deceive him to sacrifice... After all, the food for the sacrifice, but never reincarnated, Treating my former lover in such a vicious manner, and still saying that he is a man he loves, Qiao Xue, you are also a master. This kind of thing can't even be done by me as a goblin."

Qin Wanyu is not stupid. He listened to those black shadows and analyzed from words. First, Qiao Xue followed a man named Master Ya, Ya? How sensitive is this word, who else?

I'm afraid it's the Zhuo Ya, the woman who is so immortal that Hua Hua and Jiang Liu both have their heads hurt.

Zhuo Ya Zhuo Man appeared in Jiangcheng repeatedly, Hua Sheng and Feng Xi have said that she must have a purpose.

At first, everyone really thought that Zhuoya wanted to be with Jiang Liu only to engage in such a big battle.

Later, I gradually realized that it was not true that Zhuoya liked rivers, but...I haven't reached the point of death of that kind of love.

Therefore, the years when Huasheng disappeared and the rivers lost their memories.

Zhuoya has not moved the river, and everyone thought it was afraid of the wind. After all, the wind kept it.

But what they don’t know is that Zhuo Ya is not afraid of the wind, but...

In short, these long-lost Wu Gu masters suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng, which was not a good sign.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the two sisters, how many innocent people have been killed, all of them are all kinds of demons and ghosts.

What else did Qin Wanyu hear, sacrifice? Qiao Xue, this woman came to deceive him to sacrifice?

"You are so good and ruthless, let me take a look at it, sacrifice, you can think of it, you can also do it... all say that the grace of dripping water is reported, I think you are good, I don’t ask you to repay Me, but you have come to revenge. I finally know why you have no chance of reincarnation in these years. The wind is right. You are doing too much bad things, damaging too much Yinde, and don’t reward yourself. So how could you still be reborn?"

Qiao Xue knew that Qin Wanyu had seen through everything, and it would be impossible to continue to cheat, only to be revealed.

"Do you love you? Yes, I have loved it before, but what about that? In those years when I died, you still have the same lights and vigorous nights and nights? Where else is there any love in this world? Qin Wanyu, Now that you know it, I’m not talking nonsense anymore, sensible, follow me on my own, I don’t want to use Soul-killing nails on you.

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