Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1483: : The situation is bad

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Feng Xi wanted to see a frightened expression on the old lady's face, at least worried about the death of her companion. However, the wind was still too tender, the expression she wanted to see did not appear, but the old woman came lightly and calmly, "A group of people with no self-knowledge, even the lowest level of ghosts and three demons, you cannot let He was dead. At most it was injured."

"It's enough to be injured. You old group of monsters, don't be Bilian at your age. It's okay to take the initiative to bring so many people to other people's site. It's also a urinary flow of the **** we hit, this time watching you run gray. Now, see how you will mix the three realms and the six realms in the future? Dare to claim that Devil Realm is invincible in the world? The defeated men, yuck."

Fighting in the wind is not the most powerful, but the skill of cursing is definitely first-class.

With such obvious humiliation, the old lady's face was also dull, "One by one, with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, hum... Do you still laugh after seeing that mortal fell into our hands? Do you think you only need to kill the mortal?" , Will the soul appear in the underworld? Tell you... We have more than one hundred ways in the devil world, which can make people neither live nor die. There is a place in the devil world that even our devil itself fears. There is no sunshine, no life, There is only boundless darkness and loneliness... It was buried at the bottom of the demon world for hundreds of thousands of years. It is said that the following is linked to the mysterious universe black hole... Once the person can’t stand the soul inside, he will be sucked by the black hole... I don’t know where to go Where is there any soul and reincarnation? Red Master, you have to think about it, do you really not want the mortal you loved?"

"A Sheng, what does this dead old lady mean?"

The wind came later, so I was confused, Hua Sheng didn't speak, but Pluto explained, "They play the tune tiger away from the mountain, while you are away, go to the world to catch the river."

"The river is not so good, okay?" The wind said coldly.

"Three of the three demons have gone, and one of the three demons have gone. It's just ten miles away."

"What?" The downwind was audible.

Like the dead old lady in front of me and the hard-to-nose nine-headed shadow monster of the Fox family, four BOSSs appeared at once, and...all went to catch the river.

This... Feng Xi didn't dare to think down, let alone four. In fact, she wouldn't be an opponent if she played alone, she could win today because the ancestors of Feng Qingcheng were still there, and they were still from the Fox family. If the site is really changed to other situations, then she will not escape.

Jiangliu is just a mortal, and she is not as good at using secret art as she is. Isn't that...

"A Sheng, please go back to save the river. Lord Pluto and I are here to deal with this dead old lady."

"It's too late, it's too late, now if you go back, you can only watch the situation is fixed, haha."

After that, the old woman suddenly flashed, with the defeated soldier behind him, all disappeared into the underworld.

Hua Sheng was shocked...

Pluto frowned, only comforting, "Don't worry, maybe..."

"Yeah, Sheng, maybe things are not as bad as we thought." Feng Xi also dared to comfort.

"I believe in him, I believe in my Mr. Jiang, he said he will protect himself, so... it will definitely, we will face each other in the past few years after getting married, he promised me nothing to say anything, so I believe Jiang Liu ."

"Then let's go back and look at the spring breeze in ten miles." The wind is also anxious, so he disappeared into the underworld together with the three people of Huasheng Pluto, and returned to the spring breeze in ten miles.

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