Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1511: : False

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Lin Mengmeng only felt her heart beating faster. She used to look at Xie Dongyang from afar, and she felt that the man was bad and there was a ruff on her body.

But that tycoon that women really can't resist, especially Lin Mengmeng, a good girl without any negative news.

But it was really in front of Xie Dongyang that I felt that this man actually had a very dangerous breath. That was not something she could control.

Xie Dongyang hooked his hand and Lin Mengmeng obediently stepped up.

"My ambition is not as simple as dominating the group. What I want is... to step the entire Jiangcheng underfoot."

Xie Dongyang spoke word by word, deliberately speaking slowly.

Lin Mengmeng didn't feel much when he heard it, and smiled and flattered, "President Xie is a business wizard himself. It's not difficult to put Jiangcheng in the bag. I think it will be realized soon."

"Oh? I'm so optimistic about me?"

"Of course, I have always seen men's vision accurately."

"Since you talk like this, why not go to my house for a coffee?"

With such a straightforward invitation, Lin Meng suddenly moved his heart.

In fact, according to the routine, she was going to refuse at this time, and she wanted to refuse to welcome her.

Without waiting for Lin Mengmeng to speak, Xie Dongyang said again, "You better think about it and answer. I am very strange and have a strong self-esteem. Generally, if someone pretends to me and refuses me the first time, there is no second This is my second chance, what do you say, Miss Lin?"

What I want to be seen through is not good.

Lin Mengmeng smiled, concealing his inner confusion, "General Xie invited so actively, I naturally refused to refuse, I must go to your house to taste the taste of coffee? I have always heard, Xie's coffee is very good, Very few people may drink."

"Well, you will know in a moment."

After talking, Xie Dongyang hit the throttle, and the sports car took off directly on the road at night.

Drunken driving is not a big deal, but Dongyang Xie has always been distracted and very upset.

Because he suddenly thought of it in his mind, a long time ago, after a drunk he wanted to drive, Ashen reprimanded him.

A Sheng said very seriously at that time, "You can drink and drive without regard to your life, but why do you not care about the lives of others? Do you know how much merit you will lose if you do this?"

At that time, Xie Dongyang was full of love for Hua Sheng, and she said right what she said.

It’s just that the hippie smiled and passed, but now...

In this lonely city, in the middle of the lonely night, no one will ever face down and scold him for drunk driving.

"Having something?"

"I'm drunk, are you afraid? Are you afraid of a car accident?" Xie Dongyang slowed down the car and slowly turned into the community.

"No, I think it's pretty cool. You weren't really drunk, just a little bit faster, but... I like it. I'm willing to be your little fan. That's the feeling of speed and passion. "

Xie Dongyang smiled and did not answer the phone, nor would he comment on Lin Mengmeng's answer.

The two got out of the car together, and Xie Dongyang naturally put his hand on Lin Mengmeng's shoulder and hugged her into the villa.

Outside, in a black van at the gate, some men were sneaking on something.

Xie Family Villa

By the time Xie Dongyang came out of the shower, Lin Mengmeng had changed his pajamas.

She was wearing Xie Dongyang's pajamas, a loose, white shirt, but it looked extremely tempting.

Hua Zhi has also used Wang Junxian for such routines, and has tried many times.

"Tomorrow you walk out of my house and you will get what you want."

"Then Xie, what are we going to do now?" Lin Mengmeng's fingers were on the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with endless ambiguity.

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