Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1559: : Tiandaqingqing

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Xie Dongyao is extremely dangerous. You have to be vigilant at all times, but I have observed that she has not yet planned to start with your mother, and will not start for the time being. I am afraid that I will brainwash my aunt and let her do something bad. Thing. I suggest that you explain to the nanny next to your aunt and keep abreast of her aunt's movements, don't let her mess up."

"I must listen to you."

"Well, you must be very careful. If something is wrong, contact me immediately."

"it is good."

"I'm leaving."

"Huasheng pushed the car door and turned to get off.

Looking at the black ponytail and slender arms, for a moment, Xie Dongyang wanted to pull her into her arms and hug it tightly.

But he did not dare, he did not dare to risk losing this friend Hua Sheng.

Can only desperately suppress, suppress, and suppress again.

Then he watched that Mo Qianying slowly disappeared in his sight.

With Beihan Bingyu, Huasheng really did not have the feeling of recurrence of cold disease before, and the whole body was in the best condition.

But she was still unreliable in her heart. Beihan Bingyu was a thing of heaven.

The eighth prince had it in his hand, why did he give it to Pluto?

What conspiracy and means are there in heaven?


"Master, the Huasheng girl is here."

Mengcha trot all the way into the hall, and reported to Hades.

Pluto has also been in a bad mood recently. I don’t know if I was sentimental because I learned that the Devil’s plate was loose.

Therefore, at this moment Pluto is drinking in the hall, drinking alone.

The jugs next to them are all black skulls and undeads, and the glasses in their hands are ghost masks.

It's a delicate but terrifying wine set.

"Let her come in." The voice is still cold, and he can't see any difference between him and Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng has changed into a lilac Luo skirt, and models come in.

It is very strange that when she is in the world, she will automatically switch to modern clothes. As long as she sees white dye or dark flames, she will automatically switch to ancient clothes.

This lilac Luo skirt, or the skirt she often wore when she was in Liuyun, was very delicate.

When Hua Sheng walked in, the twelve inferiors were very evasive.

Above the whole hall, there was only one Pluto.

"I and Beihan Bingyu have merged." Hua Sheng said so.

"That's a good thing."

Pluto poured wine alone and drank himself, and his voice was not salty or light. Even, he did not raise his head to look at Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng was standing under the main hall, at a distance of four or five meters from Pluto.

"I don't blame the wind, and I don't blame you. Thank you so much, if I don't have you, I can't get such a rare treasure."

"You are saying something with sarcasm, is this Lai Xing's guilt?"

Pluto knew that Hua Sheng was a little angry in his heart, and he used Beihan Bingyu directly for himself in combination with the wind, without her consent and no choice for her.

Hua Sheng smiled and did not answer.

Instead, he went up step by step, directly picked up the jug, the empty glass next to it, and filled himself with a glass.

Then he looked at Hades and asked in a low voice, "The eighth prince, gave you Beihan Bingyu, what condition did you promise him?"

"Nothing, just a little busy." Pluto said pretending not to care.

"Really? Helping the eighth prince to take the position of prince, this is a little busy in the eyes of Lord Pluto. It seems that my vision is narrow."

Pluto's fingers pinched the glass slightly.

"Ming Yan, your big relationship, how can I pay it back?" Hua Sheng looked at Pluto's eyes, one by one.

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