Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1564: : Sister reunion

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng nodded, "It turns out that way."

She was in a hurry in the spring wind of ten miles, but the purple Luo skirt inside did not change, but she wore a coffee-colored coat outside and covered the skirt inside.

Otherwise, in Jiangcheng, it is always strange to wear such a retro look.

Hua Sheng said nothing, walked over and sat directly beside Hua Zhi.

"How did the second sister think of it and came back to find us?" Hua Sheng looked at Hua Qing and asked.

"Me, I lived in the south for a while, and then one day I suddenly thought of some memories from the past, but it was incomplete. I only remember Jiangcheng, and I came back suddenly. A little bit, I just remembered that I heard the third son. I've seen me before, right?"

Hua Zhi nodded, "Yeah, right in the parking lot. At that time, I thought I had admitted the wrong person. It turned out to be you."

"I didn't remember everything at that time, but now it's okay and finally reunited with everyone."

The meaning of Hua Qing is very simple, that is, when she disappeared, she lost her mind because of amnesia, and suddenly ran out.

These years have been tossing around in the South, walking through places with scattered memories.

Later, I suddenly thought that I still have a family and my family, so I came back.

At first glance, it also makes sense. In the past, this kind of thing also existed. After all, contemporary people are under great social pressure. Some people often run away from home because of the pressure. They have not been in contact with their families for several years.

There was a lot of news before, saying that Jiangcheng once had a doctorate, studied abroad, and went to a banking institution as an executive after graduation. Later, one day, he left without saying goodbye. The family could not be reached at all. After searching for many years, there was no news.

I thought this person was gone, but suddenly it was discovered a while ago that in a forested area in northwestern China, a group of migrant workers were planting trees, holding a meager salary, drinking a little water every day, and eating a few Steamed buns, the loess looks like heaven and earth.

When the family found him, he thought he was crazy and unconscious. Later, when I asked him, he was still awake, but he felt that the pressure of studying doctorate was too great. Then he graduated from the bank and was intrigued. His daily life was very depressed.

So he thought about finding a way out for himself. Although he is a tree-growing worker now, he looks yellow mud and earns a lot of money.

But my heart was solid, and my mental pressure was not so great. At that time, the parents of this person were crying and what.

This incident caused a lot of social repercussions at the time, so Hua Qing's remarks were not nonsense, but quite credible.

But these are not important. Hua Sheng smiled and asked her, "Second Sister, when you were missing, but pregnant, what about your child? Don't tell us, did you forget where your child was born?" "

Hua Qing also laughed, "How could it be? The five sisters are so humorous. Of course my children are by my side. It's just a pity... I don't remember who his father is?"

"Don't you want to go to the second brother-in-law?" Hua Lin felt sorry.

At one time, Huaqing had a family and a husband, but the child was not Liu Yuzhou, which led to the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife.

"What are you looking for? Where can I find him with a face to let him live an ordinary life?"

"Second sister, how about the child, why didn't you bring it?"

"I'm in the preschool group. He's more than three years old, younger than Corning, and also a boy."

After Hua Qing said this, Hua Zhi and Hua Sheng glanced at each other, knowing that the child was really born, but...

Hua Qing was pregnant with Wu Nan and Zhuo Ya when they were pregnant with children. I'm afraid this child...

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