Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1643: : Suddenly

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Okay, let me think about A Sheng again."

The wind is in a process of entanglement, she loves Qin Wanyu without a doubt, she also wants to have a family, and she also wants to be a mother.

It's just... strength doesn't allow it.

She didn't want to repeat the same tragedy of the past. It would be unrealistic to rely on A Sheng to protect herself and her children for life. After all, people still have their own lives.

Therefore, the current situation is not that the wind does not want to get married, but it has indeed not found a suitable opportunity.

"Did you contact Feng Qingcheng recently?"

Hua Sheng suddenly thought of Feng Qingcheng. Last time he replaced Beihan Bingyu himself, thanks to her help, she hadn't thanked her yet.

"Don't mention her, mention her, my brain hurts." Feng Xi helped his forehead.

"what happened?"

"Don’t talk about me, even if my grandpa saw her in the underworld, she wouldn’t take the initiative to say hello. In fact, my ancestor Feng Qingcheng’s heart is good, but the people are very cold. I doubt that... The fox is angry?"

"Do not rule out this possibility." Hua Sheng smiled.

"Are you having trouble with her, are you uncomfortable?" The wind asked nervously, really afraid of Hua Sheng's problems because of his Hu.

"Nothing, just want to thank her in person."

"Haha, don't mention it, we are all old folks."

"Well, I have the opportunity to meet her, I will thank you in person and return to give her a gift."

"Send antiques? She shouldn't want them."

Feng Xi knows that as a big local tyrant, A Sheng is a very expensive antique, but not everyone likes it.

Feng Qingcheng is already a god, the most supreme mage of the Feng family, the existence of God, how can you like the gifts of mortals?

Hua Sheng smiled, but didn't say much. Some words still met Feng Qingcheng.

After Hua Sheng understood the feeling of the wind, he did not ask about Qin Wanyu. Instead, he chatted with her one by one.

When doing facial treatments, it may be because the beautician is better and puts a mask on his face.

The shoulder is the gentle pressure of the beautician. In this extremely relaxed state, Huasheng has entered a light sleep, yes, it is a light sleep.

Seeing Huasheng fall asleep, the wind was boring and took out his phone to brush the news and watched the gossip.

Suddenly, a sudden ringing of the mobile phone rang, and she was shocked herself, and also awakened Hua Sheng, who was sleeping lightly beside her.


"okay, I get it."

Hanging up the phone, the wind looked dignified.

"What happened?" Hua Sheng asked her sideways.

Feng Xi glanced at their beautician. "You go out first, and I will tell my friends something private about the family."

The two beauticians also left with interest, leaving only the two of them in the room.

Feng Xi immediately turned up and dressed, "A Sheng, Bai Hao let me go, there was a case where something was wrong."

"Is it serious?"

"How to say? Vampire, you know?"

Hua Sheng stunned slightly, and seemed to understand something, and she turned over and got out of bed, "I'll go with you."

"it is good."

The wind nodded, and Hua Sheng followed, and the wind was more certain. In fact, in recent years, Bai Hao did not find contact with the wind privately.

Because all friends are familiar with it, so many things that science can't explain, will let Feng Xi shoot.

Then Bai Hao normally wrote a report to the leader and handed it over. The best of both worlds, and no one interfered too much in anyone's field.

Only now... How long has Jiangcheng been peaceful? How did it start again?

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