Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1645: : Late Night Terror

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiangcheng, midnight

Hua Qing woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, and felt that the neck and neck were cool. The inexplicable fear did not know where it came from.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed by the window, and she immediately sat up and warned, "Who is it?"

Without any response, Hua Qing walked past with courage and lifted the white window screen.

The window didn't know when it opened, and she confirmed that she never opened the window to sleep.

This is a high-rise building. It is very windy at night. If you open the window to sleep, you may catch a cold easily.

So she was even more afraid, and then she stepped back carefully.

Suddenly, it seemed to hit something.

Hua Qing turned back suddenly, his face pale.

"long time no see."

"Decas...Master, how are you...?"

"I heard that after you returned to your hometown, your life was very comfortable. It seems that you have forgotten your responsibilities, right?"

The man wore black leather gloves and raised Huaqing's chin gently with one finger.

Looking through the moonlight, the black bruises around the man's eye sockets, and the black blood vessels burst.

This is not a normal face at all, and even more terrifying than dead bodies.

"I'm sorry, I really need time. Please give me some time. She is really... She is too clever. I dare not act rashly. I am afraid to expose my identity. Please give me some time."

"Is this really the case? Or do you have to bear the heart of the sisters?" The man smiled sharply, and the standard English made people feel extremely serious violations.

"Really, how dare I lie to you, please trust me."

Hua Qing shivered, she was so scared.

Her children used to want to live long, live long, and live for centuries, but she knew it was too difficult for her.

Wu Nan died a few years ago, but before he died he left a huge hidden danger.

That is to say, Wu Nan has been looking for additional forces in order to deal with Hua Sheng. This person is one of the forces, but Wu Nan died before he could deal with it.

However, Wu Nan's death is not the end. These people who cooperated with Wu Nan did not value the stinking dollars.

What they want is the most powerful existence, what they want is a powerful serum to replenish their energy.

At first, Hua Qing tricked Hua Lin to go to the wilderness, but he was killed by a black cat for a long time.

Therefore, so far, Hua Qing has not made any substantial contributions to these people, which is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Huh...I hope what you said is true."

After talking, the man let go of his hand and Hua Qing almost collapsed to the ground.

The next second, the man flashed to the side of the bed, and then sat softly.

With black-gloved hands, gently touch the child's head.

"Your son is getting cute."

Hua Qing's eyes widened and her lips trembled. She couldn't describe anything in words.

"Adult, please, don't hurt my child, I am willing to do anything."

For a child like Hua Qing, there are times when she is scared for the sake of children.

The human heart is full of flesh. This child has been with Huaqing for several years. Who can bear the heart and watch the tragic death?

"You can rest assured that I will not move him easily, as long as you are obedient."

"I am obedient, I am obedient." Hua Qing couldn't help crying. She was terrified. She sometimes regretted why she didn't die.

It’s been over a hundred if you’re dead. Now, it’s really like no one, no ghost, no revenge...

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