Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1653: : Splash some dirty water

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"A Sheng, that kid..."

When the wind is over, I don't know what to do, and I never think that there is no big boss in the church.

Some are only Hua Qing and children appearing, but Hua Sheng is allowed to choose among them.

Hua Sheng was silent, Hua Qing was real, and the children were real. They were not illusory. They were real people, and they had no evil spirits.

The wind is indeed controlled, the critical moment.

"You'd better not change your mind, you may miss the best time to save people." The evil voice came.

Subconsciously, Huasheng went directly to pick up the wind, quickly left the place, and then put his left arm around the waist of the wind, and began to inject spiritual power.

At this time, a muffled noise burst into flames.

There was a wailing sound in the firelight, which was very heartbreaking.

Coincidentally, this time the door was knocked open from outside and a group of people rushed in.

The leader was actually Wang Junxian, Bai Hao, and many others. After everyone came in, hurry up and rescue.

"Why are you here?" Feng Xi looked at Wang Junxian, Bai Hao and others with some surprise.

"Huaqing sent a message to Xiaozhi before the accident and felt that he might be in danger. Let's take a look."

Maybe it was a large number of people, or maybe that person had other purposes. The evil power in the darkness disappeared so mysteriously.

Hua Sheng raised his head and looked around.

"A Sheng, is he still there?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "He's gone."

The bashing chest beats, "Fuck, play hide-and-seek with me, I'm so angry."

Feng Xi thinks very simply, he wants to pull out the people hiding in the dark together with Hua Sheng, but it is a pity that he is busy.

"Are you all right?" Wang Junxian was familiar with Huasheng, and naturally worried about them.

But I was relieved when I saw that both were safe and traumatized.

Instead, Bai Hao frowned slightly. "The second sister and the child were both burned. I have sent the ambulance to the emergency department. How could this happen?"

Hua Sheng always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

The wind was fast, and I didn’t think too much. I just said, “We seem to have been fooled by someone. We come here in vain, but those people caught Hua Qing to threaten Ascension. It’s strange. Qing is not very affectionate, I don’t know what to think about."

"Five sisters, what's going on?" Bai Hao was a little ignorant and asked Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng must be honest, and just said what happened.

No one said anything, nodded, and left the scene.

On the way back, Hua Sheng said nothing...

"A Sheng, what's the matter with you? Looking at the thoughts."

"Nothing, think about something."

"Don't worry, vampires are nothing bad, you see, we two tore four hands in three minutes, didn't we?"

Feng Xi felt that the thing was mysterious, not as terrible as the legend, didn't it still turn into ashes in minutes?

Hua Sheng shook his head, "Those are not the focus, I just think that things are strange today."

"Where is strange?"

"It's okay, maybe I'm more concerned, forget it."

After Huasheng returned ten miles to the spring breeze, and did not eat anything, he went upstairs to take a bath and rested, shutting himself in the room.

But the rest of the Chinese family went to the hospital at this moment.

After all, Hua Qing came back and was also a family member of the Chinese.

In the emergency room of the hospital, Huasheng's face was wrapped in white gauze, and his arms were tightly wrapped.

"Sister, what about my son? How is my son?" Hua Qing said tearfully.

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